Welcome to our guide for completing all achievements in the Black Ops 6 story campaign. We will provide a detailed description of how to obtain each achievement, including the secret Dark Ops achievements. Follow our tips and tricks to become a master of the game and unlock all achievements!
Briefly about the achievements
- Imaginative Killer
- Thorough Investigator
- Dark Ops
The first 2 chapters have 6 achievements each, the tasks of which are known to everyone, but Dark Ops will not open until it automatically fulfills an unknown condition.
The direct achievements of the story campaign are located separately in the “Achievements” section and will be visible on Steam.
Imaginative Killer
- Kill 3 enemies with an RC-XD in Bishop Takes Rook
This is the first mission of the campaign, and the player is immediately shown how the mechanics of the Backpack work, in which the player can keep a lot of tactical and lethal equipment.
The main thing is not to forget that the player indicates the direction of movement of the RC-XD with the mouse.
- Kill an assassination target with a Throwing Knife in Blood Feud
The only such target will be Omar Seghir.
You will definitely notice him by his bald head and the corresponding inscription.
Don’t forget to pick up a throwing knife at the market.
- Defend the vault with only Pistols in High Rolles
Choose the easiest difficulty and select only pistols before collecting weapons.
- Kill 10 enemies with a Dragon’s Breath shotgun in a single play through of Ground Control
At some point in the mission, you will be attacked by the Pantheon, led by an Elite enemy with a shotgun.
Kill him, pick up his weapon, and use it to kill the next 10 enemies.
Ammo boxes can be found nearby.
- Get a Kill with 12 deifferent Weapon in Checkmate
It’s quite simple – change weapons after killing an enemy.
Don’t worry, the progression will also work in other Checkmate missions like Detonation and Black Sea.
- Perform 5 Finishing Moves on Elite Soldiers
Don’t forget that in order to finish off such an enemy, you need to completely break down its armor.
Thorough Investigator
- Discover all 4 audio logs in Hunting Season
All these audio recordings are in the enemy encampments, namely, in the chests guarding the elite units of the Pantheon
- Acquire the Senator’s Retinal Scan three different ways in Most Wanted
Simply select any of the available methods and then scroll through the rest.
- Answer every phone in Emergence
You will find phones right on the way.
But don’t forget about the first one, which is immediately to the left after you leave the first department.
- Use Sev’s keen eye ability on all 3 desk guards in Under the Radar
You need to talk to 3 people and give the correct answers.
- Something about a code 11A…
- I don’t know, it’s just what Sgt. WHITMAN told me.
- He wants you to run CLUTTER SIMULATION again…
- They’re from BELARUS…
- Their upgrade is scheduled for TOMORROW,..
- … the GCX-78.
- You left for your GIRLS I assume…
- I just bumped into Cpt. BETZER…
The wire cutters are located in the central building where the sleeping guard sits, in a small room.
After you damage the warheads, go back to the operator and talk to him again.
- Complete every available dialogue tree in every visit to The Rook
There may be a bug with progress visualization – check if the calling card is available in the customization settings.
- Open every safe in the campaign
There are 9 safes in the game:
- In the second half of the mission, enter the building on the left side through the ventilation.
- Everything is located in a white cube immediately to the right after entering the building
- In the camp in the southwest, in the central building with special enemies.
- Immediately after entering the palace, in the building on the left.
- In the red department, in its branch.
- When you play as Sev and go down to the hall, it will be on the left
- It will be next to the place where the Pantheon will attack you with a smoke screen
- In the house under the radar
Okay, but for that you need to complete a whole quest:
First, go down to the basement to the boiler room to turn on the power in the secret part of the house:
- Turn off the water supply completely
- Turn off the fuel supply halfway
- After the beep, turn on the water supply completely
After a longer beep, return to the piano on the first floor.
Shine the ultraviolet flashlight on the walls, starting with the one where the piano is located, and you will see the sequence number, the corresponding note, and a right arrow.
The code is the same for everyone: Ми-Ре-Си-До-Ре (God, it’s funny to look at Westerners for whom Cyrillic is so difficult) or E-D-B-C-D if you have a little understanding of music.
Or 5-4-2-3-4 for PC.
Go further into the open door downstairs and go through the usual mini-games with the code and finding the text code (it’s always BUNKER OPEN ROOM HOLDING).
Continue through the newly opened door and play another mini-game with opening the lock. Inside will be a key that can be used to open the other doors on this level.
Inside, there will be a transmitter, which will turn on a voice that will say something. Please note that there are many variations of the monologue, so there is no single answer for everyone.
Your task is to catch the keywords and, using an ultraviolet flashlight, find the numbers on the objects that are these keywords. This can be from a TV to a broom.
The code for the safe will be in the appropriate sequence.
Dark Ops
- Sneak through the black site intel center without being detected in Most Wanted
I can recommend going to the far right. The marshal will tell you what awaits you next.
At the first threat of disclosure, quickly restore from your last save.
- Destroy all SCUD missiles without using C4 in Hunting Season
A grenade launcher is perfect for this.
- Stach 5 bodies in lockers in Under the Radar
The first body can be hidden in a locker nearby.
- Complete the time trial in a single run in Separation Anxiety
Ignore the crate with the weapon and run to the second one with the hook.
Steam achievements
- story (for completing a certain mission)
- specific (for completing a task on a specific mission)
- non-specific (for completing a task that can be completed in several missions)
- Complete Bishop Takes Rook in Campaign on any difficulty
- Complete Blood Feud in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Blood Feud, reach the Guild meeting without ever breaking stealth
- Complete Most Wanted in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Most Wanted, perform 5 takedowns on guards in the gala without being spotted
- Complete Hunting Season and The Cradle in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Hunting Season, complete every POI on the Tac Map
- Complete Emergence in Campaign on any difficulty
- Complete High Rollers in Campaign on any difficulty
- Complete Ground Control in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Ground Control, crush 25 enemies while driving the tank
- Complete Under the Radar in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Under the Radar, have the SAM target itself and the helicopter
- Complete Separation Anxiety in Campaign on any difficulty
- Complete Checkmate in Campaign on any difficulty
- In Checkmate, destroy the APC using an RC-XD
Hints for certain achievements:
- In Under the Radar, have the SAM target itself and the helicopter
- First, you need to kill the air defense operator, then use the additional function of hacking the system – thus, by completing the same mini-game, you will complete both points of the task – air defense and helicopter
- In Checkmate, destroy the APC using an RC-XD
- In order to seriously damage an APC, it is necessary to shoot at it twice with a grenade launcher. After that, launch the RC-XD and blow it up close to the vehicle. If you don’t get the achievement despite the final explosion, which is a bug, you may need to restart the mission.
- Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
- Complete the Campaign on Veteran difficulty
- Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
- Purchase all Safehouse and Player Upgrades in Campaign
- Get 2 Kills with a single remote controlled Throwing Knife from at least 50 meters away in Campaign
- Get 5 Headshot Kills during a single use of the Adrenaline Stim in Campaign
- Perform 10 takedowns in Campaign
- Get 5 or more Kills with a single Scorestreak in Campaign
Hints for certain achievement:
Seek & Destroy is best performed in the Checkmate mission, as there will be plenty of similar items and finally enough distance to complete this task.
Other Black Ops 6 guides
And that wraps up our share on Call of Duty®: All achievements of the Black Ops 6 story campaign. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by FIRUIN, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!