Welcome to the ultimate guide for Borderlands GOTY DLC4 Claptrap Robolution item achievements! Are you tired of spending hours grinding for those 4 elusive rare drops? Look no further, as I have gathered my observations and farming strategy to help you achieve 100% completion. This guide will provide pure observations and speculation on the rarity of all the different items. Please note, if you are seeking exact drop rates and statistics, this may not be the guide for you. Let’s dive in and conquer those achievements!
For the uninitiatied…
Collected 5 3D Glasses
Collected 15 claptrap bobbleheads
Found 25 claptrap oil cans
Collected 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag, and 15 pizzas
The Items
I feel like I’ve seen these so many times I can’t count them out anymore. In the game, unfortunately. You need 3 of these to get What a Party! so you shouldn’t even need to pick them up as you farm since its easy enough to get them in a story playthrough.
They’re bright pink so they’re very hard to miss. Upon closer inspection, they’re lacy and adorned with hearts that have vault symbols inside of them. I’m surprised Randy never tried merchandising these.
I’ve often seen two of these within like 3 ingame meters of each other, they’re so common you will most likely get the 5 you need for It’s So Realistic! during your first playthrough provided you go out of your way for the side missions like I did.
If you feel like you’re starting to see a pattern, thats because you probably are. Only 5 of these are required for What a Party! and feel only a little rarer than panties and 3D glasses. You’ll find these three more than the others despite needing them the least as you get more of the items. If that is intentional, well played Gearbox.
25 are required for The Lubricator achievement and felt a little more common than the Bobble-traps, but since you need more oil cans than bobbles it still felt like I was looking for them longer than bobbles. They’re very big so you’ll see them as soon as they’re dropped and wont have to worry about missing them even if you’re going fast.
These ones can be missed in the heat of story-mode battles and faster paced farming, especially in shadows. I’ve never seen one stand upright sadly but I don’t care to see any more of them for as long as I keep playing Borderlands. You need 15 of them for the Bobble-Trap achievement.
F-cking pizza dude. Relative to the others, this one actually feels rare. Only 15 are required to finally complete What a Party! yet I’ve spent what felt like an hour after completing The Lubricator trying to find 4 more pizzas to at long last be done with this set of achievements. Even after finishing the achievements I had to go back to find a pizza again for screenshots after being inspired to make this guide. This doesn’t seem so bad but infuriatingly enough, the pizzas seem to be big fans of landing face-down, so readers, please take a moment to admire this closeup of a Borderlands pizza face-up. It took me 30 minutes to just get this screenshot, so give it a good long look.
That’s all of the items. I don’t have the know-how nor do I care enough to look at the game’s files to determine the exact drop rates of each item or if they’re even different at all. If anyone does know the drop rates and can verify it, I’ll update this section of the guide.
How to farm the items
There isn’t a good way to get these achievements fast without resorting to cheating so if you’re committed you’re gonna be spending Solo-Underdome amounts of time on this endeavor (That’s up to 8 hours). I recommend listening to music, a podcast, video essay, Maya footjob asmr, whatever helps you get into the groove of farming these Claptraps. Have some water nearby and take breaks if you’re getting excruciatingly bored. Just take it easy and it’ll all be over soon.
Any character can do the farm, but Lilith works the best due to her better mobility. It’s best to be at level 69 and the most important skills to max out are Hard to Get, Intuition, and Blackout. Additionally take Phoenix to “extend” mag size and Hit & Run to travel farther in Phasewalk.
For weapons, I’d recommend a 2-mag high damage revolver, like a Dahl Anaconda, or a high mag size, fast firing sniper like the Dahl Penetrator. For the revolver I like to have a masher since it feels better to me but its up to preference. The Penetrator or any sniper is less preferable due to using nearly half your ammo pool for every run but the Penetrator is fun since you can do this:
It’s quite enjoyable.
We go to Playthrough 1 for underleveled Claptraps which allows for convenient one-shots. This shouldn’t have a significant effect on drop rate if any. Travel to Tartarus Station and walk or phasewalk up the hill, ignore Tannis’ remark, and head straight for the Hyperion Dump.
Once you’re in, stock up on ammo on your right if you need to then follow the route shown in the image below. You should only need to phasewalk once on your way to the farming area.
There are 5 spots where claptraps spawn, run around and kill all of them until they no longer spawn. Sort through all of the drops, picking up rare drops and ammo as you go. You should be able to find plenty of them, but more often than not they aren’t going to be the ones you need, speaking from experience.
Once you’ve looked through all the drops, you can either save quit and do it again, which I’d recommend if you aren’t playing Lilith, or you can follow this map to the south eastern corner of the map to farm a smaller group of claptraps (shown in the short video linked under step 1).
Then kill them, see if there’s any drops.
At this point you should save and quit to the main menu to start repeating steps 2 and 3 until you get all of the achievements. Using this method it took me like 4 hours of on and off farming to get all the items after both playthroughs of the DLC have been done. It might take you more or less time depending on your luck and how many of the more uncommon drops you’ve already got just by playing through the story.
Additional thoughts on the process and other guides
These achievements f-cking suck and would’ve been way less of a hassle if, say, What a Party! was 1 panty, 3 clap fish, and 5 pizzas as an example. I normally take ‘Collect x amount of thing’ achievements for granted because with most games its a reasonably attainable number for items that might actually serve a purpose in some way but with Borderlands these stupid things have unreasonably low attainability for the unreasonably high amount of them you need, and even when you get them they do literally nothing, they’re not tied to a quest, they don’t increase any kind of stat, its just nothing. I liked playing the unreasonably long Underdome challenges since I’m actually playing the game unlike brainless over-leveled mobbing for 15 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bobble heads. The only enjoyment I’ve gotten out of grinding for these achievements was making this guide after the fact so that others may find them quicker and get it out of the way allowing for the rest of the achievement hunt to return to a regular pace.
I also wanted to remark on other guides found here about these 4 achievements or general achievement guides. I dislike diminishing the work of other users when it comes to Steam Community guides in particular because past all of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ meme guides and stuff that doesn’t work they’re for the most part made by people who just want to help others.
That being said, I feel these 4 achievements haven’t had a proper guide about them as 100% completion barely elaborate on them and just say “do tannis’ collection missions lol” and it always just feels more like its tacked on than it is a solution (I still blame Gearbox for this one since again, if the drop rate was higher or the item count was low then doing Tannis’ missions would be a good way to direct achievement hunters). There was another one that tells you to idle the MINAC boss for 5 hours while hiding between some rocks and then come back to hella claptrap drops. MINAC is generally a hard pass for me but I gave it a shot, and the rocks just didn’t work, either the suicide claptraps blew me up or MINAC’s eye laser or rear turret could shoot me so I didn’t feel it was worth it. And thus it was in my hands to find my own method.
All this stupid stuff I’m saying is my reasoning for making this guide so that’s why its needlessly passionate and verbose for a guide about farming pizzas and underwear.
Lame and gay rant over, onto the closer.
Leave a comment because I genuinely would like feedback as an infrequent guide maker. I know my formatting could use some work in some places but I also think the UI is just slightly outdated IMO.
With everything out of the way, happy hunting and have a great day
And that wraps up our share on Borderlands GOTY: DLC4 Claptrap Roboloution Item Achievements. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Sheggs2, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!