Welcome to Redwood National Park! This guide is here to help you navigate the newly updated 5.0 version of the park. While some changes have been made to the graphics and layout, all the locations and trails remain the same. Whether you’re new to Bigfoot or just need some assistance, this guide is perfect for you. Let’s dive in and explore the park together!
This is the map of Redwood, if you want to take a quick peak, copy and paste, or use the map to help you with your Adventures, you may do that here!

The Green Safe Code Locations (M4CL)
If you go East and go into the Fire Watch Tower, you will have a safe carrying an M4CL, and you need a code to get into that safe, well here are the code locations for you! I’ll still post photos of where the Code will spawn in that location and tell you where to find it.

Fire Watch Tower Code Location (M4CL)
When you walk into the Fire Watch Tower, in front of the door and at the corner of the carpet, you will see the Code Laying flat on the ground.

John Adams Tree Code Location (M4CL)
When you approach the John Adams Tree, just look at the Table and your code should be on the corner of it.

Marble Fork Cave Code Location (M4CL)
As you enter the Marble Fork Cave you will realize not only that the entrance is very long, but the Cave is MASSIVE! But don’t worry, I have you covered! Once you walk across the first bridge towards the other island, walk towards 2 wooden benches on the left and your code should be on the Bench towards the left.

Elam Campground Code Location (M4CL)
Once you approach the Elam Campground, check in the Gray, Tan sort of tent and your code should be on the blue container in the back right corner of the tent on the container on the right.

The Black Safe Code Locations (AVM)
If you head your way south through the Redwoods, you will approach Tall Trees Grove Village, but where do you think you’re going? There’s a Safe in Camp House 1, and a Code hidden in the Village somewhere. “Where do you find it?” you ask, I respond saying “Scroll Down”

Camp House 2 Code Location (AVM)
Wonder into Camp House 2, and look at the floor to the right of the bed, you will find your code there. It’s not there? KEEP LOOKING!

Blue Generator Code Location (AVM)
If you’re looking around outside on the Southern bit of the Village and you come across a Blue Generator up against a Big, Brown Car, don’t ignore it. The Code can spawn on top of the Blue Generator, it’s pretty easy to spot!

Camp House 5 Code Location (AVM)
When you walk into Camp House 5, there’s a chair in it. Walk towards the Chair and the code will spawn on it to the left of the book on the chair.

Targets Code Location (AVM)
Leave the Village through the Massive Tree Log, and run towards the Target Range. Go to the Second Target (When going Left to Right) and the code should be on the top right corner of it being held to the Target with an Arrow.

Red Safe Code Locations (Dynamite)
Have you ever dreamed of Blowing up a Mythical Creature? Well come on over to the Cedar Grove Lodge for some Dynamite! Oh crap I forgot you’re going to need a code. well I’ll help!

Cedar Grove Lodge Code Location (Dynamite)
After being disappointed you needed a code for the Dynamite, that code might be in front of you! Check the Table Outside the Cedar Grove Lodge, and around the center of the table, you might spot your code!

Lost Man Campground Code Location (Dynamite)
Once you enter the Lost Man Campground, enter into the Green Tent and check on top of the Red and Black Suitcase. Your code will be there.

Old Hunting Tower 4 Code Location (Dynamite)
Go up Old Hunting Tower 4 once you approach, on top the table in the Hunting Tower, there should be a code. Pretty Easy am I right?

Dead Bodies
As it said in the Article before you entered the Map, “The Bodies of 4 People were found, a Middle-Aged Woman, and 3 College Students.” To complete the investigation for Bigfoot, you must find all 4 Missing People, but I’m going to help you now.

John Coleman
Once you approach the Grant Grove Village, walk around the Eastern, Southern, and Western bits of the pond South of the Village. John will be around the Pond, he just doesn’t spawn in the actual Village. (Here’s what his body looks like so you’ll know it once you see it, and follow the Red Line for his Body)
John Coleman on the Western Side of the Lake

Ruby Bray
Unlike the other dead tourists, she’s the only Middle-Aged of the 4, but she also only spawns in one place! Doesn’t that make things 10 times easier? Anyway, her body spawns on the hill west of Gray Falls. You’re going to have to go around the hill to get up there, but she is up there. Her Body location has a piece of meat next to it, and a trap! However, be careful. Bigfoot is known to set traps up there…

Peter Mills and Monica Chambers
You might be wondering why I put Peter and Monica together, well it’s because they both have the same spawn locations! But their bodies don’t always spawn in the same location. Wonder around and find this not so lovely anymore couple!
(Peter Mills at Shelter 1)
(Monica Chambers at Shelter 2)

Mystic Stones in Redwood Park
The Mystic Stones is a very interesting and very old monument. It can be found in every Park in Bigfoot, but why? If you’re playing Multiplayer, and you’re fellow hunter gets killed, you can collect 4 totems and revive your friend at The Mystic Stones by carrying him/her to the center of it, and placing the totems on the flashing green flat skulls on the 4 rocks. Pretty Cool eh?
What Totems look like just so you know 🙂

Bigfoot’s Cave in Redwood Park
Are you curious to where you see yourself getting eaten by Bigfoot when you die as a Hunter? Well that location is The Crystal Cave! The Crystal Cave is a Cave that you can find under The Radio Tower, and it’s filled with dead people, not even joking. Go and visit it yourself in the game, when you walk in there you will hear normal cave noises, but you will see bones EVERYWHERE! It’s terrifying, but hey! You might’ve gotten something out of the One Blue Container in there? (No Secret, just a joke.)

Creepy Phone in Redwood Park
Head on over to the Cedar Grove Lodge, there will be a Cell Phone on the Bed. “But why can I inspect it?” you say, I won’t spoil it for you…

My Opinions
I honestly think that this is one of the greatest horror/hunting games that’s ever came out. This was my first guide I’ve ever posted, and I can’t wait to do more on the other maps! Stay toned because we’re going to do a very Cold Guide next! Thank you for reading my Guide! Have a good one!
And that wraps up our share on BIGFOOT: Redwood Park 5.0 Bigfoot Guide (Safe Codes, Dead Bodies, etc). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Willxpry, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!