This is a way to replicate what was one of the hardest things I have ever done in Barony. Good luck.
Classes and races to use
Sexton : You get a bunch of utility spells including the sleep spell which will make getting past enemies far easier. You can throw away any of your weapons, no need for violence here!
Punisher (DLC) : You start off with a ring of conflict which lets enemies deal with each other, it’s not ethical but it gets the job done.
Other classes to consider.
Joker : Ring of levitation can get you out of some bad situations and the confuse spell can be a temporary stall but the class suffers from the confuse spell having a high mana cost compared to sleeps incredibly low cost.
Ninja : You get some stealth and the potions of paralysis can be helpful but the lack of magic usage hits hard.
You can honestly use any race but I used skeleton for not needing any food as it can be pretty hard to get any early game. Only one you can’t do is vampire. Sorry but murdering people for their blood isn’t the most peaceful act.
Items to look out for
Ring of conflict : You start with this as the punisher but if you find it lying around then that’s an easy way to deal with enemies.
Ring of warning : No more being surprised by a troll behind a corner. Given the fact that you will have extremely low health compared to a normal run this will be extremely useful.
Spell book of sleep : Cheap spell that will immediately neutralise an opponent.
In terms of items that’s about it. I’ll add to this list if I think of anything later
As a general I would say try to loot everything. You can’t gain xp that easily so get as much as you need. Only avoid areas if there are a large number of enemies that you can’t get past easily.
Stealth is a necessity due to charging around will attract a lot of unwanted attention. Stick to the shadows, watch where enemies are looking that kind of thing. If you are detected find an object you can run around and that should let you change directions safely. Avoid getting cornered at all costs. Because you can’t fight back, getting cornered by a rat will lead to a slow but certain death.
Try to gain xp in anyway you can other than murder. You might have to sit in a corner farming swimming levels or spamming spells into the wall but believe me it’s worth it. A good place to do this is right before the baron given that a pool of water and a safe zone is present. Just be a bit patient.
Gnomish mines : Don’t unless you are playing punisher in which case you *might* be able to get a pickaxe. Not recommended though.
Minetown : If you have some gold (and a polymorph potions if you are playing anything other than a human because humans suck in this game) then feel free to go on a shopping/selling spree.
Jungle temple (forget the exact name) : Take the orb and get the hidden gold. One is just off from the boulder room and that opens up one right next to the exit. You can also get some strength potions for later.
Haunted castle : If you are playing skeleton or have levitation feel free to loot the inner castle but if not you can loot the outer section as well as getting your hands on some potions of levitation hidden in a room that you can access by going through a trapdoor in one of the towers.
Sobakon : Only accessible if you got a pickaxe and only useful if you got those strength potions from before. The gauntlets give you some magic resistance which can be really helpful in the ruins.
Minotaur’s maze : Yeah really not that useful. The red orb isn’t going to be that useful but if you want it go ahead.
Mystic library : Hope you got those levitation potions because that blue orb is going to be very useful in the Baron fight and that’s not even talking about all the magical books and scrolls you can get here.
Underworld / Hell : Why would you do this. It’s probably possible but not at all needed. You gain nothing from going here.
You made it this far so what now? The baron needs to die but you can’t kill him, let’s see what you can do.
The orbs will help you so much. Given you are in classic mode there’s no point saving them for the merchant in hamlet. The only one that doesn’t really matter is the red orb so don’t worry if you missed it.
During the actual fight make sure to pick up a few torches so you aren’t entirely blind in the second half of the fight. The minions might detect you but they aren’t that hard to avoid. If you managed to get an invisibility cloak then you can do this without consequence.
Now how do we deal damage? Well, the Baron’s minions have a really short temper so if you get the Baron to hit them even once they will immediately start blasting the Baron with whatever spells or fists they have. Managed to get an imp to deal over half his health once. Once the Baron dies to his own minions (there’s actually an achievement for this) that’s it. You have won! Congrats!
Additional notes
2) First time making a guide so I’m sorry if it’s poorly set out
3) I don’t think there’s anyway to kill an enemy without actually killing them. When I did this I counted any kills that gave me xp (and added to the final kill count) as a kill so stuff like using traps was legal. Other than traps and making other enemies kill each other I don’t think there’s anyway to deal damage peacefully. If there is please do say.
Thanks for reading this far and if you do decide to do this good luck!
And that wraps up our share on Barony: HOW TO BEAT CLASSIC MODE AS A COMPLETE PACIFIST. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Toaster of the Toaster Land, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!