This guide details a primarily offensive mystic build that takes advantage of Life Tap’s health drain based on max HP and Restora’s healing based on Magic Power. Essentially, this is how to easily have infinite mana and spam skills that cost mana.
Build Summary
- Very High DPS Potential
- High Range Rivaling Bows
- Potentially funner gameplay due to constant skill usage.
- Low Health/Defense
- Not applicable for early game and new characters.
- Requires two skill slots to be used for Healing and Life Tap.
- Offensive play requires good vigilance and skilled dodging/parrying, especially solo, in order to avoid deaths due to very strong or unexpected attacks.
Before Level 16
The Strategy and Attribute Points
Essentially, you want to invest most points into Mind and relatively few in Vitality. The exact balance will vary from player to player depending on their skill and preferences. For example, if you’re too worried about getting one shot you can increase your health tremendously if you’re ok with using Restora twice to recover from Life Tap. However, I personally prefer to maximize damage and chose to have less health so I can keep casting spells longer and maintain a high DPS as I’m comfortable with parrying and maintaining good spacing between enemies. Less health can also be more preferable once you have better gear as you’ll be taking less damage and have less of a chance of dying from taking too much damage too quickly.
My personal level 24 Mystic build using this strategy has only ~100 health but extremely high Magic Power (~180 base w/ magical gear), not only increasing damage but also Restora’s healing. This is definitely a very low amount of health since maxed out Restora can easily recover 60-70+ HP in a single go with enough Magic Power but its still viable as it’s quick and reliable to recover from a single hit. Below is how my attribute points are spent.
Required Skills
You can’t keep using skills if you’re constantly running out of mana, but luckily Life Tap exists! For this build you only need the first rank but the health cost reduction of additional ranks is a nice choice for any extra skill points you might have. Just don’t use it if you don’t have enough health! Using Life Tap without enough health will just do nothing but still trigger the 20s cooldown which will suck and possibly get you killed.
Life Tap is really useful but man I’d really like that health back! Although it has a fast recharge time, its recommended to have this maxed out so you only need a single cast to return to full health. Higher ranks and healing also lets you have additional health to work with to avoid getting one shot while still maintaining the quick Life Tap -> Restora mana refill.
Recommended Mystic Skills
The main damage dealer for offensive Mystic play. The first few ranks of fluxbolt aren’t super amazing but as you approach Rank 4 (which is when it caps at 4 hits in one cast) the damage improves significantly and can outclass even damage dealt by heavy weapons (My current build can reach 250+ damage in a single cast!). It also is very reliable due to it’s very long range, quick casting time, and extremely short cooldown time. It even has slight AOE damage if enemies are close enough together but don’t rely on this. Even without Life Tap, this is a must have for any Mystic player. The main downside of fluxbolt is as it gets stronger, it’s mana cost significantly increases and can quickly empty all your mana when used frequently, but we have Life Tap so who cares?
A simple but important skill that significantly increases passive mana generation. Although Life Tap may seem to make this less important, constantly using skills can easily drain all your mana before Life Tap’s 20s cooldown ends or you might not have enough health to immediately use Life Tap so it’s important to still be able to defend yourself or recover with skills in case you can’t use it.
Good offensive and defensive skill. Has decent damage and fairly quick recharge time with a low cost compared to Fluxbolt, makes a good secondary attack. Can also be used defensively to push enemies away from yourself or friends to maintain distance from them. Do note it’s AOE radius is somewhat small though so you need to get uncomfortably close to enemies to effectively use it offensively. Can swap out with Cross depending on player preference.
Good offensive skill. Has high range and very large AOE radius with just ok damage. Also applies a Magic Defense debuff on enemies which can be quite useful. Like Nova, this can make a good secondary attack skill but it’s higher cost, potentially slow cast time, and weaker damage makes me prefer it less than Nova as an offensive skill. Again, can be swapped with Nova depending on preference.
Very useful passive skill. Can be used to maintain distance from enemies or quickly close a gap for an attack. It’s low mana cost isn’t typically a concern but relying too much on it could potentially get you stuck in an enemy horde.
Probably the best support skill among the three classes. Extra Magic Power, Magic Defense, and Mana are extremely useful in general for any Mystic build. It’s also not very hard to maintain since it lasts for 2 minutes for some reason and only has an 8s cooldown, I have a feeling this will get nerfed at some point in the future. Despite it’s power, I personally think it could be replaced in this build if you’d like since the absurd amounts of damage and Magic Power you can get with this build makes the benefits of Imbue a lot less significant.
Good support skill. Does alright damage but it’s longer cooldown does not make it ideal as a damage dealer. However, it’s stun can be very beneficial for teamplay to allow everyone to safely attack an enemy as a group or help a player that doesn’t have range. Since I play solo I don’t use this skill.
Decent defense skill. Can be extremely helpful if you REALLY want to max out your Magic Power while not getting one shot or you tend to take damage quickly but it can leave you vulnerable if it breaks early or the 10s span where it can’t be on causes you to get killed. I personally don’t recommend this since if you need extra health you can offset the reduced Magic Power with an additional offensive or recovery skill that replaces Prism.
Obviously this doesn’t cover other scroll skills you can learn but I haven’t used them much and don’t really have good opinions on them for this guide. If you really like them though, feel free to use them! I can see someone replacing an offensive skill with Divine, for example.
For weapons, I highly recommend using a scepter and a shield since not only does the shield provide additional protection for this low health build but you now have TWO items to enchant and improve stats! I’ve found that having a magical shield and scepter tends to have a higher increase in Magic Power than only a Magical bell, but I haven’t confirmed this by getting a Magical Colossus Tone since enchanting it is ludicrously expensive for the current content cap of Atlyss. Regardless of what weapon you chose though you can still get very large amounts of Magic Power and demolish enemies even without any weapon/shield equipped. This build originally started as a no weapons skills only challenge before I unexpectedly discovered how powerful this build actually is. Again use what you prefer. Also probably don’t play the game without weapons even as a challenge, unarmed damage doesn’t scale at all even with high Attack Power and fights just get stupid long and tedious.
My current build uses Jestercast Memory as a helmet, Sagecaller Cape, Magilord Overalls and Boots, Jadetrout Ring, Aqua/Flamepetal Staff, and the Rustwise Shield with everything enchanted with Magical. All this gear can be found in the Crescent Grove but can be difficult to enchant or obtain so again any armor you can get a hold of will work.
Congrats! You’re Too Strong!
And that wraps up our share on ATLYSS: Life Tap Mystic Build Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by catcraze777, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!