Finally some achievements in AC franchiese, just start a new game to collecte those achievements.
Main Game – Story Missions
Complete DNA Sequence 1:
Memory 1 – The Hangman
Memory 2 – A Narrow Escape
Memory 3 – A Journal of Some Kind
Memory 4 – A Hard Ride
Memory 5 – The Wounded Eagle
Istanbul and Constantinople
Complete DNA Sequence 2:
Memory 1 – A Warm Welcome
Memory 2 – Upgrade and Explore
Memory 3 – The Hookblade
Memory 4 – The View From Galata
Memory 5 – Advanced Tactics
Memory 6 – On the Defense
Memory 7 – On the Attack
Seal the Deal
Complete DNA Sequence 3:
Memory 01 – The Prisoner
Memory 02 – The Sentinel, Part 1
Memory 03 – Guild Contracts
Memory 04 – Bomb Crafting
Memory 05 – A Familiar Face
Memory 06 – The Yerebatan Cistern
Memory 07 – Quid Pro Quo
Memory 08 – The Mentor’s Keeper
Memory 09 – Curse of the Romani
Memory 10 – The Sentinel, Part 2
The Prince
Complete DNA Sequence 4:
Memory 1 – The Prince’s Banquet
Memory 2 – An Uneasy Meeting
Memory 3 – The Fourth Part of the World
Memory 4 – Signs and Symbols, Part I
Memory 5 – Galata Tower
Memory 6 – Mentor’s Wake
The Plot Thickens
Complete DNA Sequence 5:
Memory 1 – The Janissaries
Memory 2 – The Arsenal Gates
Memory 3 – Arsenal Infiltration
Memory 4 – Portrait of a Lady
Memory 5 – Signs and Symbols, Part II
Memory 6 – The Forum of the Ox
Memory 7 – A New Regime
Successes and Failures
Complete DNA Sequence 6:
Memory 1 – Into the Shadows
Memory 2 – Honor, Lost and Won
Memory 3 – Bearer of Mixed Tidings
Memory 4 – A Little Errand
Memory 5 – Signs and Symbols, Part III
Memory 6 – The Maiden’s Tower
Memory 7 – The Mentor’s Return
Memory 8 – Setting Sail
Old Boss, New Boss
Complete DNA Sequence 7:
Memory 1 – The Hidden City
Memory 2 – The Spy Who Shunned Me
Memory 3 – The Renegade
Memory 4 – Decommissioned
Memory 5 – Last of the Palaiologi
Memory 6 – Escape
Memory 7 – Passing the Torch
Complete DNA Sequence 8:
Memory 1 – Discovery
Memory 2 – The Exchange
Memory 3 – End of the Road
Complete DNA Sequence 9:
Memory 1 – Homecoming
Memory 2 – Lost Legacy
Memory 3 – The Message
The Early Years
Complete Desmond Sequence 1:
Collect 5 animus data fragments to unlock this mission
The Reluctant Assassin
Complete Desmond Sequence 2:
Collect 10 animus data fragments to unlock this mission
Escape To New York
Complete Desmond Sequence 3:
Collect 15 animus data fragments to unlock this mission
The Rotten Apple
Complete Desmond Sequence 4:
Collect 20 animus data fragments to unlock this mission
Are You Desmond Miles?
Complete Desmond Sequence 5:
Collect 30 animus data fragments to unlock this mission
Fond Memories
Achieve 100% Synchronization in all Sequences:
Sequence 1: A Sort of Homecoming
Sequence 2: The Crossroads of the World
Sequence 3: Lost and Found
Sequence 4: The Uncivil War
Sequence 5: Heir to the Empire
Sequence 6: Fortune’s Disfavor
Sequence 7: Underworld
Sequence 8: Discovery
Sequence 9: Revelations
Main Game – Side Missions
Complete the Hagia Sofia challenge level:
Collect 10 of Ishak Pasha’s pages to unlock this mission
Complete all Bomb Missions
1- Piri Reis: Datura
2- Piri Reis: Thunder
3- Piri Reis: Smoke Screen
4- Piri Reis: Caltrops
5- Piri Reis: Smoke Decoy
6- Piri Reis: Cherry
7- Piri Reis: Sticky Situations
8- Piri Reis: Tripwire
A Friend Indeed
Complete all Faction Creed Challenges from a single faction:
- Assassins Guild:
.Call Assassins during a fight
.Call Assassins on a target
.REWARD: Assassins will be more effective when sent on missions
.Use Arrow Storm
.Call your Assassins during a story mission
.REWARD: Assassin signal recharges at an increased speed
.Recruit Assassins
.Train recruits to the rank of Master Assassin
.Successfully perform a Den Defense
.REWARD: Unlocks the Assassin Faction Weapon
- Mercenaries Guild
.Use Mercenaries on guard
.Destroy a scaffold by throwing someone into it
.Kill an enemy using a thrown weapon
.REWARD: Cost of hiring Mercenaries decrease
.Disarm and kill a guard with his own weapon
.Kill a Byzantine Almogavar
.Perform a Hook and Throw
.REWARD: Unlocks Mercenary Faction ability
.Perform a Double Assassination
.Kill 5 Guards in under 10 seconds in melee
.Perform a combo kill streak of at least 5 kills
.Kill an Ottoman Janissary
.REWARD: Unlocks Mercenary Faction Weapon
- Romanies Guild
.Use Romanies on guards
.Evade using stealth (crowd/hiding spots)
.Kill guards using a crossbow without being detected
.REWARD: Cost of hiring Romanies decreases
.Use Tactical Bombs to escape guards
.Kill a Stalker without getting stabbed
.Kill guards using poison
.REWARD: Unlocks Romani Faction ability
.Kill guards using bombs without being spotted
.Assassinate a guard from behind
.Assassinate a guard from a blend spot
.Kill 3 enemies dazed by a single smoke before it dissipates
.REWARD: Unlocks Romani Faction Weapon
- Thieves Guild
.Use Thieves on guards
.Sprint uninterrupted for 300 meters
.Perform a Hook and Run
.REWARD: Cost of hiring the Thief Faction decreases
.Perform a Leap of Faith
.Climb a total distance of 1 km
.Steal money with a Counter Steal
.REWARD: Unlocks the Thief Faction ability
.Perform a dive of at least 30 meters
.Kill a guard using throwing knives
.Perform an air assassination on guards from a beam
.Perform a zipline assassination
.REWARD: Unlocks the Thief Faction Weapon
Main Game – Collectables
Collect all animus data fragments:
This website will help you find them all and other collectibles
Collect all available books:
They are a total of 25 Books, you need to renovate all bookstores:
- Book Shops in Constantinople (14 books)
The Odyssey: 171
Aeneid: 206
Mu’allaqat: 284
Geography: 411
History of the Kings of Britain: 450
Heimskringla: 1,840
The Book of Prophecies: 2,737
The Golden Ass: 3,050
Parallel Lives: 7,723
Metamorphoses: 7,918
Opus Majus: 8,309
The Secret History of the Mongols: 21,017
Anabasis Alexandri: 23,460
Record of the Grand Historian: 37,830
- Going back to Constantinople Book Shops after visiting Cappadocia (4 books)
Digenes Akritas: 59,800
Cronica: 84,123
Tirant Lo Blanch: 86,250
Bibliotheca: 107,525
Note: It has been reported that this trophy won’t pop even after buying the last book. Therefore, all you need to do is quit the game and come back where it should pop afterwards
Main Game – Other
Control all cities (except Rhodes) simultaneously in the Mediterranian Defense game:
Send the best assassin’s from headquarters or dovecote on a mission to capture 12 cities
Iron Curtain
Perform a perfect den defense without using the cannon:
You can achieve it in Sequence 2 – Memory 6
Spider Assassin
Climb Hagia Sofia, from the ground to the pinnacle, in under 25 seconds:
The Hagia Sofia is in the east part of the City
Tax Evasion
Get your money back from a Templar tax collector:
Location near Hagia Eirene Mentor
Have seven trainees reach the rank of Master Assassin:
Recruit, train and promote 7 assassins up to the rank 15 (Master Assassin)
Lightning Strikes
Kill 5 guards in 5 seconds using only your hidden blades:
Craft a smoke bomb with a large AOE range it will help you
Assassinate 50 guards with the hidden blade
Parachute onto a zipline
Fast Fingers
Loot 50 dead guards with thief looting:
You need to unlock the thief faction ability (Thief Loot) by doing this:
.Climb a total distance of 1 km
.Perform a leap of faith 40 time
.Steal 250 € with a counter steal
Mosh Pit
Have 10 guards poisoned at the same time:
Build 3x a datura bomb, and use your poison blade
Mouse Trap
Kill 5 guards with a scaffold after they have been stunned by caltrops
Craft Maniac
Craft 30 bombs:
Note that the trophy popped while I was adding the bombs through the quick inventory selection
My Protégé
Have one trainee reach the rank of master assassin:
The best way of leveling up a trained assassin is through the mediterranean defense by sending them to missions to reclaim cities
Almost Flying
Parachute directly from the top of the Galata Tower to the golden horn:
Buy at least 1 parachute and climb the galata tower until you get to the top, face the sea then jump towards it and avoid any obstacles in front of you to reach the sea
Silent But Deadly
Kill three guards simultaneously with only throwing knives:
Load Sequence 1 – Memory 5 and kill the first 3 weak guards at the same time
I can see you
Kill 5 guards while under the cover of a smoke screen bomb:
Build a smoke bomb and kill 5 guards by arrow storm
Monster’s Dance
Have a guard incapacitate 3 civilians while he’s poisoned:
Use your poison blade to poison a guard, then throw money to attract civilians
Find and beat up Duccio:
He can be found in Sequence 6 – Memory 1 or during the Piri Resi mission that has to do with the cherry bomb, don’t kill him just use your fist
DLC – The Lost Archive – Story Mission
Take the induction leap of faith:
Unmissable in Memory 2
Jump they say
Reach the Animus memo:
Unmissable in Memory 3
Enter the Animus
Enter the animus simulation:
Unmissable in Memory 4
Meet your maker
Finish memory five:
Unmissable in Memory 5
The Loop
Experience the loop:
Unmissable in Memory 7
DLC – The Lost Archive – Other
Find all decipher fragments:
Breaking the Loop
Break the loop, escape the cycle:
Collect all the required decipher fragments (Find all Pieces Achievement) and go back to Memory 5 of The Lost Archive you will find a new bridge in the end
Save yourself
Land on a block after falling more than 25 meters
Impress Warren Vidic
Complete the Animus testing sequence without failing
This is trophy is unlocked in Memory 4
Cross Styx without dying
Make it across the river Styx without failing:
This is trophy is unlocked in Memory 7
The End
If only we had this earlier and only fans will play it again to have those achievements, enjoy.
And that wraps up our share on Assassin’s Creed Revelations: Assassin’s Creed Revelations Achievements (EN). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by DjamKO94, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!