This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help. I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!
Achievement Breakdown: (38)
Story Related: (10)
Secondary Objectives: (10)
Character: (2)
Collectibles: (2)
Slay: (8)
Miscellaneous: (6)
Achievements for the Lost Archive DLC will be listed in the Sequence it is covered in*.
If you care about story continuity, I recommend beating through Assassin’s Creed 1, 2, & Brotherhood as Assassin’s Creed – Revelations is the fourth installment in the first arc of the series. Unfortunately, none of those games have had Steam Achievements added to them to date… we need to get mad at Ubisoft some more so they add them in. Though very unlikely…
To earn 100% in Revelations, we only need to complete a single full playthrough along with beating the Lost Archives DLC. Our longest running Achievement will be the Fond Memories Achievement for completing all Optional Objectives on all Memories. Fortunately, we are able to replay all Memories & can retry all Optional Objectives if you miss any in the first pass.
For the Sage Achievement, we need to collect all 28 Books in the game. Some will come through the story, but others will have to be purchased from Book Shops. The later Books for sale are very expensive will require us to save up lots of Akçe. Early on in the game, we will want to monopolize all available buildings for sale so that we can begin earning passive income as we play. This will helps us by even more buildings, but also get new Weapons, Armor, & Item Pouches.
For 100%, we also need to purchase the Lost Archive DLC for the final 10 Achievements of the game. This DLC… is a very strange addition to an Assassin’s Creed game as it has quite different gameplay than we are used to. With the Multiplayer removed from the game, there are no Multiplayer Achievements we need to worry about; do not buy the Ancestors Character Pack DLC is it is a literal waste of money. It should be removed from the store…
As a final note, for full disclosure, I absolutely based the name for my Achievement Guide chapter breaks “Sequences” after Assassin’s Creed… which now that I am covering an Assassin’s Creed game may make things potentially confusing. When a Sequence is referenced in the guide, it will be referring to the in-game Sequences, & not my guide chapters.
For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.
Before You Play!: Firstly, as you probably suspect, you will have to make a Ubisoft Connect Account before you are able to play this game (or any Ubisoft game). As well, you will also be asked to use the CD Key given to you (you will be shown it when you first boot up the game) copy & paste it somewhere on your PC or write it down, as they actually make us enter the codes in to activate our game!
Like most 3rd Party Launchers… Ubisoft Connect sucks & just adds another level of complication to trying to play their games. To play Revelations on Steam, you need to simultaneously be playing it through Ubisoft Connect; it will do this automatically when you play the game through your Steam Library…
If you have purchased The Lost Archive DLC on Steam, you will have to manually add the CD Key for it through your Ubisoft Connect account. Click your profile icon, then select Key Activation, input the CD Key & it will be linked to your account. I recommend doing this as soon as you have purchased the DLC so you do not misplace the CD Key as that is entirely different problem…
Desmond Sequences & Lost Archive DLC Broken: As well, there is still more we have to do. When Multiplayer was removed from this game, Ubisoft also somehow gutted the files needed to play the Lost Archives DLC as well as accessing Desmond’s Sequences which have Achievements attached to them. To fix this, we have to do a bit of technical work to re-install the gutted files. Fortunately, Vitharr has a very easy to follow guide that will walk us through the steps.
If their guide helped you fix the error, please consider Rating their guide & leaving them a Steam Award!
Guide contains major spoilers*.
Sequence 1: Requiescat In Pace
2. Locations: Animus Island, Masyaf
3. Achievements: 1/48
After the traumatic conclusion of Assassin’s Creed – Brotherhood, we will awaken as Desmond with our mind fractured. Trapped inside the core files of the Animus software. The core is a safe hub world, where Desmond will stay alive, & from here we are able to enter back into the Animus… back into Ezio…
Sequence #1 – Memory #1: Witness Ezio’s synapsis… the identical trailer that came out in 2012 in fact, but unfortunately without the cool soundtrack song by Woodkid…
This is a purely story Memory, & we will earn 100% Synchronization just by witnessing it.
Sequence #1 – Memory #2: The next Memory will begin as soon as we take control of Ezio at the end of Memory #1.
Optional Objective – Kill A Byzantine Templar With A Counter Kill: Complete the brief parkour tutorial, & we will collect our Hidden Blades along with an Assassin Yataghan Sword. We will then shortly encounter 4 Templar Militia; pay attention to the next tutorial information prompts.
With these Templars, perform a Counter kill on one to achieve Full Synchronization for this Memory.
Looting: The current currency used by the Ottoman Empire is called Akçe. For a few Achievements, & just for buying better equipment, we will need a LOT of Akçe. Always loot dead Guards & be on the lookout for Chests we can pillage as we play through the game…
Sequence #1 – Memory #2: Navigate down into the Masyaf undercroft, & we will complete Memory #2. If you managed to perform a Counter kill on a Guard, we will also have earned 100% Synchronization on the Memory; for the Fond Memories Achievement we need to earn 100% Synchronization on every single Memory in the game. For the most part, a Memory will only have one Optional Objective to complete while some will not have any at all, & you simply have to complete it for Full Synchronization.
If you should fail an Optional Objective, you are able to replay all Memories in the DNA tab of the Pause Menu.
Sequence #1 – Memory #3: Navigate to the Memory Start for Memory #3, & we will have to eliminate some Templars first. Speak with the poor laborer forced to excavate the Masyaf vault, & the Memory will begin.
Optional Objective – Do Not Fail A Single Tail: Initially, being detected will not matter. Escape the outer courtyard of Masyaf & use a Parachute to reach the village below. For this Optional Objective, we need to succeed in tailing the very first group of Templars we encounter marked by an orange icon. Kill no one, & remain a safe distance away from the marked group.
Tail the Templars, & they will lead us to the lower level of Masyaf village near the front gates where we can find the Templar Captain. If you are spotted while tailing Templars, you will void the Optional Objective; you will have to restart/replay the Memory if this happens…
The Memory will also complete when the Optional Objective does…
Sequence #1 – Memory #4: Picking up after the previous Memory, we fortunately do not have any Optional Objectives to complete; simply finish the Memory… though it is pretty irritating at times & may potentially take you a few attempts during certain parts. Great introductory mission choices to the game so far…
Sequence #1 – Memory #5: After we take zero fall damage, we will enter into the final Memory of Sequence #1.
For the Overkiller Achievement, we need to assassinate 50 Guards using our Hidden Blades undetected; not the same as killing them in combat with them. Keep this in mind for early game in our playthrough…
Optional Objective – Kill At Least 5 Guards From A Haystack: When we use the waterwheel to get up to the tower, we can assess the area below us where we can find a haystack in the far-left corner, close to the gates.
Try to remain undetected, & sneak over to the haystack & plop yourself in it. Wait for the patrolling Guard to get near it, then assassinate them.
Carefully alert the two nearby Guards (without them fully becoming hostile) & quickly hop back into the haystack where we can assassinate another one; if you are quick, you can assassinate both of them from the haystack. If the other Guard is alerted, runaway & break contact with them to lure them back to the haystack afterwards.
Next head a little bit further past the corridor where the two patrolling Guards were to spot another two Guards. Once again, carefully alert them without becoming hostile, & lure them over to the haystack to kill them.
This is the soonest we can complete this Optional Objective; after we track down the Templar Captain, we will enter into an area full of Guards & multiple haystacks we can also use.
Sequence #1 – Memory #5: After we have completed the Optional Objective, scale the walls & assassinate the Templar Captain.
Achievement #1 – Best Served Cold: Complete DNA Sequence #1.
Story Related. Complete Memory #5 of Sequence #1, & we will unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 2: Foreign Interference
2. Locations: Constantinople
3. Districts: Galata
4. Animus Data Fragments: 11/100
5. Achievements: 2/48
After we complete Sequence #1, we will return to Animus Island as Desmond. There are no Collectibles or side Achievements to be found here on Animus Island; anything important for our 100% is done by Ezio… for the most part.
Sequence #2 – Memory #1: When we arrive in Constantinople, we will initially be locked into the first few Memories, & have to speak with a local assassin named Yusuf Tazim. This is a simple meet & greet mission, & Yusuf will just show us around Galata District.
Optional Objective – Do Not Wander Far From Yusuf: As the description implies, just be a good boy, & stick close to Yusuf throughout this Memory & do not run off. If you see anything that piques your interest, keep it in mind to check out post mission.
Sequence #2 – Memory #1: As we go on the tour with Yusuf, do not be afraid to pickpocket from as many Civilians as we can while we walk. Though be aware, most can become hostile if you do this. Earning Akçe is very important, but do not get bogged down fist fighting everyone & fail the Optional Objective…
Follow Yusuf to the Assassin’s Headquarters to complete the Memory.
Sequence #2 – Memory #2: Once we reach the Assassin’s HQ, enter inside to begin Memory #2. This Memory has no Optional Objectives. Purchase the Azap Leather Shoulders for 345Ά to complete the Memory.
Sequence #2 – Memory #3: We cannot really free-roam Galata until we beat further into the main questline. After buying our Armor, return to Yusuf to begin the next Memory & we will receive the new “gimmick” for this AC entry… the Hookblade; the Hookblade is pretty awesome.
Optional Objective – Perform Every Hookblade Move Successfully At Least Once: To complete this Optional Objective, we must complete all of Yusuf’s tutorials using the Hookblade first try.
Pay attention to what it is asking us as we need to complete the Extended Reach, Long Jump, & Hook-Run tutorials at least once; we will have multiple instances where we can attempt these moves…
Animus Data Fragments: While we playthrough this Memory, you will notice very obvious Collectibles glinting around – these are Animus Data Fragments. For the Capped Achievement we need to find all 100 of them; I will list locations for the first 50, but after that all remaining Animus Data Fragments will become marked on our Map…
Sequence #2 – Memory #4: Continue on with Yusuf & begin the next Memory…
Optional Objective – Climb the Tower In Under 60s: This Optional Objective is self evident, & will be our first actual challenge of the game for us so far. Taking advantage of the Hookblade, we need to ascend to the top of the Galata Tower in under 60s; if you fail, replay the Memory & try again or come back to it later on.
Follow Yusuf’s lead, & “let the Hookblade do all the work” whenever you can. The time limit is pretty generous, & you should be able to complete this in around 30s so long as you do not fall off the tower at all.
Sequence #2 – Memory #5: This Memory will begin immediately after completing the previous one.
Optional Objective – Perform A Zipline Assassination: Yusuf will teach us how to use Ziplines. When we reach our third Zipline, Yusuf will flag a Templar Militia out to us close to the Ziplines path. Ride it, then drop down to assassinate the Templar Militia from it to complete this Optional Objective.
Sequence #2 – Memory #5: Yusuf will send us over to an Assassin Den to link up with some men; we can take this time to also use the final Viewpoint in the Galata District…
Sequence #2 – Memory #6: This Memory does not have any Optional Objectives… but it does have a potentially difficult Achievement we can easily earn here…
Achievement #2 – Iron Curtain: Perform a perfect Den Defence without using the Cannon.
When the Memory begins, we will have to defeat waves of Templars during a Den Defence. To use the Cannon you have to press LB; do not do this, even accidentally, or it will void the Achievement!
Place your Leader near the back, & your Crossbowman along the rooftops & let them kill all the enemies. Place down your Barricades, & continue; when enemies are killed be sure to loot them to earn more Moral Points to spend on our defences.
Bog the enemy down with Barricades, & make sure there is a horde of Crossbowmen & Riflemen to pepper the waves of enemies; keep up your Barricades to slow them down. You can also repair Barricades as well as place Crossbowmen/Riflemen behind them for immediate results.
Defeat all 19 waves of enemies, & if you never shot off the Cannon once or had the Assassin Den take damage, you will unlock this Achievement.
If you fail or accidentally used the Cannon, we can Replay this Memory at any time for the Achievement. While there are more instances of Den Defence later on, they become much more difficult & are not great for the Achievement.
Galata District – Free Roam: By this point in the story, we can now safely free roam Galata District & accomplish some things. To start, I would recommend going around & using all 4 Viewpoints in the District. As we explore, be sure to loot any Chests you come across.
To earn passive Akçe, you will want to begin purchasing deeds to all Blacksmiths, Doctors, Tailors, Banks, Book Shops, Faction Buildings, & even Landmarks (Landmarks are typically more expensive than they are worth & should be saved until you have nothing better to buy). Buying up property to earn a stable income should be our first priority… gotta get into that Ezio alpha-grindset.
Galata District – Animus Data Fragments (#1-11): While we run around Galata District doing our own small objectives, collect these first few Animus Data Fragments. We will need to find them all, but after finding the first 50, all the rest will become marked on our Map making clean up very easy.
Getting to Animus Data Fragment #8 can be a but tricky as most times when you leap off of the Galata Tower, you will instantly be guided into a Leap of Faith. Note where the Fragment is on the lower wooden platform, & climb up to a higher point on the tower. Leap off, in a place you won’t be locked into a Leap of Faith, & immediately pull your Parachute to guide yourself to the platform. We can buy more Parachutes from Tailors.
Sequence 3: Master Becomes Apprentice
2. Sequence #3 Memories: 1, 2, 3, 4
3. Locations: Constantinople
4. Districts: Galata, Imperial, Bayezid
5. Animus Data Fragments: 11/100
6. Achievements: 3/48
Sequence #2 – Memory #7: When you are finished free roaming Galata District, it will be time to continue onwards. Head to the Memory Start at the harbor & we will take a Boat over to the Imperial District.
Sequence #2 – Memory #7: When we arrive in the Imperial District, we will find Yusuf being attacked by some Templar Militia.
Optional Objective – Do Not Create Any Conflict In the Imperial North District: After the Templars are dealt with, this Optional Objective will become active. For the rest of the Memory, do not cause any trouble & become attacked by Guards at all. Complete the Cherry Bomb tutorial, & when we reach Templar Den, we cannot be spotted at all while we complete our primary objectives.
Sequence #2 – Memory #7: Stick to the rooftops, being mindful of Templar Riflemen, & stalk the Templar Captain after you have identified them with Eagle Vision; use Throwing Knives to take out Marksmen quietly. If you have it, the Templar Captain can be very easily taken out using a Poison Dart. Once he is dead, stealthily get to the top of the Den’s tower & light the signal fire; the tower is also a Viewpoint you can use to Map out the Imperial District as well.
Achievement #3 – Istanbul & Constantinople: Complete DNA Sequence #2.
Story Related. Memory #7 will be the last one in Sequence #2, & completing it will send us back to Animus Island.
Desmond Miles Sequences: Before we return back to Constantinople, head up the hill across from the main gateway portal & we will see a half circle of five large monoliths with hollow centers. These monoliths contain the Desmond Sequences we need for 5 Achievements; collecting Animus Data Fragments will give us access to these. If you have the Lost Archive DLC installed, it will actually unlock all of the Desmond Sequences automatically; if you completed the manual patch, feel free to complete these whenever. The Achievements for these are just for finishing them & are unmissable. There are Collectibles found throughout these, but they have no Achievements & are related to Multiplayer… which makes them useless to collect.
Note that you must have done the manual game patch method linked in the Introduction, or these Sequences will not load! Be warned that the game will appear like it is crashing, but it is actually loading up the Desmond Sequence like it is a separate game; it is still tied to Revelations & we WILL still earn Achievements.
In case you have note done the patch yet, I will cover the Desmond Sequences at the end of the guide.
Sequence #3 – Memory #1: Before we begin fully exploring Constantinople, we will want to beat a few more Memories in so we can begin recruiting Assassins. Travel to the Memory Start at the harbor, & we will need to free a prisoner from their cell.
Optional Objective – Pickpocket the Guard To Retrieve the Key: As the Objective suggests, the only way we can get the key to the Prisoner’s cell is to pickpocket it off of the Guard. Locate the Templar Militia using Eagle Vision, & stealthily pickpocket it off them; Templars are always hostile & will attack us on sight, so be careful.
Challenges: By completing this Memory, we are now able to begin recruiting new Assassins… We will also unlock Guild Challenges for the Assassins, Mercenaries, Romanies, & Thieves Guilds; for the A Friend Indeed Achievement we need to complete all Challenges for a single Guild. Keep these Challenges in mind as we play & work towards them whenever we can; the Assassin’s Guild Challenges are the easiest of the four to complete… just remember to summon your Assassins whenever you can.
Sequence #3 – Memory #2: Return to the Assassin Den in the Galata District, & name our new recruit as the Den Leader.
Optional Objective – Use Your Assassin Signal At Least 1 Time: This Memory will give us an introduction to using our Assassin Recruits. When we encounter the first group of three Templars, use your Assassin Signal to have a Recruit kill one of them.
Sequence #3 – Memory #3: The next important thing we will unlock after we complete the Memory, is Mediterranean Defence. This is a passive operational quest game where we can send our Assassins to complete objectives in different Cities; for the Armchair General Achievement we need to control all 12 Cities.
Not only will we get Akçe for completing these, but it is also one of the primary ways we will level our Assassins up.
Sequence #3 – Memory #4: We have one final thing to unlock before we begin free roaming the city. Return to our newly acquired Assassin’s Den in the Imperial District & we will be taught how to craft our own Bombs!
We will also unlock Bomb Challenges which are independent of our Guild Challenges; there is no Achievement for completing these.
Sequence 4: High Notoriety
2. Locations: Constantinople
3. Districts: All
4. Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages: 9/10
5. Books: 5/28
6. Animus Data Fragments: 77/100
7. Achievements: 6/48
Viewpoints & Templar Dens: As of now, we have everything we need to chip away at in the background while we complete some free roam tasks; we will be putting the main story on hold for a bit…
To start, travel around to all Viewpoints & Templar Dens in the city & claim them. We will not only get our maximum number of Assassin Recruits doing this, but also unveil the full Map. As we explore, if you naturally come across any Animus Data Fragments, be sure to collect them!
We can use all Viewpoints except one locked in the Arsenal District; we need to beat further in the main storyline to be able to access it.
Recruiting Assassins: When we take an Assassin Den, we can then recruit more Assassins; always go after Recruit Assassin missions & do just that so we can begin leveling them as soon as possible as well as building up a force to use for Mediterranean Defence.
Passive Income: As we explore, focus our Akçe on buying up property; Banks are a priority as that is where we can collect our 20-minute revenue.
Book #1 – The Odyssey: For the Sage Achievement we need to buy/collect all 28 Books in the game. When you have the Akçe to spare, visit a Book Shop & purchase this Book for 171Ά.
Book #2 – Aeneid: We can purchase this Book for 206Ά at a Book Shop.
Book #3 – Mu’Allaqat: We can purchase this Book for 284Ά at a Book Shop.
Book #4 – Geography: We can purchase this Book for 411Ά at a Book Shop.
Book #5 – The History of the Kings of Britain: We can purchase this Book for 450Ά at a Book Shop.
Achievement #4 – Overkiller: Assassinate 50 Guards with the Hidden Blade.
This will come naturally as we playthrough the game. Through nothing else but necessity, we will be using our Hidden Blades a lot to kill enemies; note that it only counts towards the Achievement if you kill an enemy undetected with the Hidden Blades & not during combat for this Achievement…
Mediterranean Defence: As we explore & gain new Assassin Recruits, always make sure you are sending them on Mediterranean Defence Contracts to level them up & to begin weakening Cities. As Templar Control begins to lower in a City, the difficulty for the Reclaim the City Contract will get easier as well. When it seems manageable, send a few Assassins to complete it, & we will now own that City.
It is also a good idea to complete the new Contracts that become available in Assassin Controlled Cities that boost our passive income. You also want to keep an eye on the current Assassin Control levels in our taken Cities as they will slowly deteriorate over time & it is possible for the Templars to retake it.
Ranking Up Your Assassins: After an Assassin Recruit has reached Rank 10, they can be given 1/7 Assassin Dens to manage. After doing this, we can begin receiving Master Assassin Missions to be Ranking them up further.
Achievement #5 – Pyromaniac: Complete all 8 Bomb Missions.
At the end of Memory #3 during this Sequence, we will have met the Bomb crafter, Piri Reis, who can be found at the Grand Bazaar in the Imperial District. Enter his shop, & we can see four highlighted paintings to the right of him. Interact with them, & we can complete Bomb tutorial missions:
The Bomb Missions have their own Optional Objectives, but they are not necessary for any Achievements… Complete Bomb Missions: Datura, Thunder, Smoke Screen, Caltrops, Smoke Decoy, Cherry, Sticky Situations, & Tripwire.
After a Bomb Mission is complete, return back to Piri Reis’ paintings for the next one.
Interact with each of the four paintings twice to complete the Bomb Mission tutorials, & we will unlock this Achievement after they have all been completed…
Animus Data Fragments #12-33: After our business is finished clearing Constantinople of Templar Dens & getting our maximum number of Assassin Recruits (buying up property for more passive income as we go) it will be time for our next stint of Animus Data Fragments. To start, we will clear out the Imperial District.
Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages: After we collect 25 Animus Data Fragments, we can purchase the Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages Map from any Book Shop for around 10, 264Ά which is a sizable chunk of cash. When it makes sense to, pick it up, though there is no rush to do so.
While collecting all 10 Ishak Pasha Memoir Pages does not have an Achievement on PC, we do need to collect them to unlock the secret Hagia Sofia Challenge Level which does have one…
Animas Data Fragments #34-44: Carry on over into Southern Bayezid District & find the next few Animus Data Fragments.
Animus Data Fragments #45-50: Continue into Southern Constantine District, & we will collect up to #50 Animus Data Fragments.
Animus Data Fragments #51-77: After collecting 50/100 Animus Data Fragments, the final 50 will now become permanently marked on our Map. At the moment we will be unable to enter into the Arsenal District (or access Cappadocia) but we can power through finding the remaining Fragments in Constantinople at least.
Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages #1-9: If you purchased the Map from a Book Shop, we can also acquire 9/10 of Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages as well while we are out & about…
Achievement #6 – Armchair General: Control all 12 Cities (except Rhodes) simultaneously in the Mediterranean Defence game.
Especially once all 12 of your Assassin Recruits have reached Rank 10+, we will be able to complete Mediterranean Defence much more optimally. Focus on doing what you can to reclaim Cities, but also try to keep your Assassin Control over them to at least 30+.
We can chip away at this over the entire 100%, but if you frequently stop in at Bomb Crafting stations where we can access Mediterranean Defence Contracts, this can be done pretty quickly. After the Achievement is unlocked, focus on getting your Assassin Den heads ranked up to level 15 (Assassin Rank 5) so that we can make them Master Assassins… They will only be able to progress to the fully filled Xp bar of Level 14 as we must complete a Master Assassin Mission first…
Best Gear In the Game: If you have completed the first Master Assassin Mission for each of our Assassin Den heads, we will inadvertently also acquire the best gear in the game very early on. These are the Master Assassin Armor, Yusuf Turkish Kijil, & Mehmet’s Dagger.
Sequence 5: Restoring the Guild
2. Locations: Constantinople, The Yerebatan Cistern, Masyaf
3. Districts: Imperial, Constantine, Galata
4. Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages: 9/10
5. Books: 10/28
6. Animus Data Fragments: 77/100
7. Achievements: 10/48
Sequence #3 – Memory #5: After our longstanding tour of Constantinople, it is time for us to get back on task & continue on with what Ezio really wants to be doing. Meeting women. Travel to the Memory Start in the Imperial District… & somehow he will have somehow tracked one, Sofia, a fellow Italian.
Sequence #3 – Memory #6: Also somehow… we will find the location of a secret door within Sofia’s Shop…
Optional Objective – Do Not Be Detected: For the entirety of our time down here in the cistern, we cannot be spotted by any Templars. This can be tricky, so really take your time & use Throwing Knives, Bombs, & even our Hidden Gun if you have to.
Take note of where the Bomb Crafting Stations are & take full advantage of them to restock our Bombs to deal with targets. It is very easy to throw a Distraction Bomb to lure our target (& others over) then dispatch them all with a Lethal Bomb.
Achievement #7 – Craft Maniac: Craft 30 Bombs.
This will come naturally as we playthrough the game. Craft & use Bombs when you can, then craft more; after crafting 30 we will unlock this Achievement. You can even craft Bombs, dismantle them, then craft more…
Sequence #3 – Memory #7: Return back to Sofia’s Shop & tell her what we have discovered… this will not be the last we see of her.
Sequence #3 – Memory #8: Return to the Assassin’s HQ & we can witness our first Altaïr Memory; he finally has the proper accent too!
Optional Objective – Save All Citizen Under Attack: Take your time in Masyaf, & head to every black or red dot on our Map to take out Templars attacking Citizens; the red dots are just other Assassins under attack & only the black dots are truly pertinent to the Optional Objective.
Do not approach Masyaf Castle until this Optional Objective is complete – all Citizens are found in the lower village.
Sequence #3 – Memory #9: To finish off Sequence #3, navigate to the Romani Headquarters in the Constantine District, & help them retrieve their stolen gold from the Templars.
Optional Objective – Poison All of Your Targets While Blending With the Romanies: Head towards our Marker, & hire the Romanies; you will also want to make sure you have uses of your Poison Blade ready. The Romanies will then lead us to our targets, & we can stay blended as we follow them. Approach the target while blended, & use the Poison Blade on them without making a scene; not Poison Darts or Datura Bombs.
Another Templar will pick up the chest of gold next, & we must tail him with our Romanies. Wait for him to stop, then once again use the Poison Blade on him while being blended by the Romanies. Complete this routine one more time, & we will finish the Optional Objective.
Sequence #3 – Memory #10: Travel across the ocean over to the Galata District, & head down to the harbor where we can complete a Story Related Master Assassin Mission.
Option Objective – Do Not Be Detected While You Search For the Prisoners: For this Optional Objective, we will have to head to two locations where prisoners are & rescue them. Most times for these kinds of Objectives, WE cannot be detected… but our Assassin Recruits can. We can easily just summon Assassins to deal with any Templars in our way to remain undetected ourselves.
Achievement #8 – Seal the Deal: Complete DNA Sequence #3.
Story Related. Complete Memory #10 & we will finish Sequence #3.
Achievement #9 – My Protégé: Have one trainee reach the Rank of Master Assassin.
Though is technically a Story Related Achievement & is unmissable, you can potentially unlock this sooner depending on if you were able to level up one of your Assassin Den Masters to level 14 & completed their Master Assassin Mission…
At the start of Sequence #4, we will be notified that Shops have new items for sale. Of these, will be another 5 Books we need to purchase; it will cost a total of 22,992Ά, so start saving up some Akçe.
Book #6 – Heimskringla: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 1564Ά after completing Sequence #3.
Book #7 – The Book of Prophecies: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 2737Ά after completing Sequence #3.
Book #8 – The Golden A$$: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 3050Ά after completing Sequence #3.
Book #9 – Parallel Lives: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 7723Ά after completing Sequence #3.
Book #10 – Metamorphoses: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 7918Ά after completing Sequence #3.
Achievement #10 – The Mentor: Have 7 trainees reach the Rank of Master Assassin.
There are 7 Assassin Recruits we can make into Assassin Den Masters once they reach level 10. After this, & we complete Part 1 of their Master Assassin Missions, we need to further raise these Assassins to level 15 & complete Part 2 of their Missions so they become Master Assassins. Turn all 7 of our Den Masters into Master Assassins, & we will unlock this Achievement.
Sequence 6: Heavy Reading
2. Locations: Constantinople, Galata Tower
3. Districts: Topkapi, Imperial, Constantine, Bayezid, Galata, Galata Tower
4. Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages: 9/10
5. Books: 17/28
6. Animus Data Fragments: 77/100
7. Achievements: 12/48
Sequence #4 – Memory #1: When you are ready, link up with Yusuf at the Hippodrome.
Optional Objective – Beat Yusuf to the Topkapi Palace: As soon as the Memory begins & we gain control of Ezio, we will be sprinting with other Assassins across the rooftops to get to Topkapi Palace. For whatever reason, Yusuf will be running on the ground while the three other Assassins are running along the rooftops much faster; we only have to beat Yusuf not them. Tail the other Assassins as best as you can, & you should have no trouble beating Yusuf.
Complete the rest of the Memory…
Sequence #4 – Memory #2: After we change out of our poor fitting minstrel clothes, return back to see Prince Suleiman.
Optional Objective – Do Not Be Detected: For the entirety of this Memory, we cannot let any Ottoman Guards detect us… which can be an immediate problem as we escape the courtyard full of Janissaries. Go slow, & get to the Palace rooftops as soon as you can; there will be no Ottoman Riflemen up here.
Achievement #11 – A Friend Indeed: Complete all Faction Creed Challenges from a single Faction.
By far the easiest Faction to complete all Challenges for is of course the Assassin’s Guild.
For Set 1, all that is really required is to summon your Assassins to assassinate random enemies as well as summoning them to help you fight enemies while you are currently in combat.
For Set 2, Arrow Storm is time consuming, but also not difficult so long as you have 6 free Assassins that are ready to assist you; just chip away at it like the Challenges in Step 1 as you play. Lastly, whenever we have Assassins available for us to use during main Sequence Memories, be sure to summon them to assist us, even if it is just to kill random Guards.
For Set 3, these will unlock automatically as we fully recruit 12 Assassins & make 7 of them Master Assassins for The Mentor Achievement. After we have a Master Assassin installed in an Assassins Den, it can no longer be attacked by Templar’s to create Den Defence events; if all 7 Assassin Dens have Master Assassins in them, we will automatically complete the final Challenge. Alternatively, you can load up Sequence #2 – Memory #6 to replay the story Den Defence event three times; it does count for the Challenge, but as mentioned above, it is completely unnecessary to do…
Sequence #4 – Memory #3: If you have not already done so, return to see Sofia in the Imperial District. At the beginning of the Memory, we will see Sofia… & then Duccio – a very unfortunate character from Assassin’s Creed 2. We are not friends… & Duccio becomes relevant for an Achievement soon.
Optional Objective – Get In & Out of the Port Without Being Detected: As always, WE cannot be detected at all, but our summonable Assassins can be – use them to dispatch any Guards in our way while we stay out of sight. Deal with the Guards with our Assassins, & locate Sofia’s package on board the ship; escape to safety undetected once we retrieve it.
Sequence #4 – Memory #4: Travel to the very top of the Hagia Sophia to commence the next Sofia Mission. Use Eagle Vision, & we can locate where the first Marco Polo Book is located.
Book #11 – Mission to Constantinople: Obtained during Sequence #4 – Memory #4.
Achievement #12 – Bully: Find & beat up Duccio.
With Sequence #4 – Memory #3 completed, head to the Northwestern Blacksmith in the Constantine District (just North of the Romani HQ). When we get close to it, a red enemy Marker should appear notifying us that Ducci has spawned. Approach the Blacksmith, & we should find Duccio standing near a well; if he doesn’t spawn, Fast Travel somewhere else then Fast Travel back. Only Duccio will be marked by the red Marker; if there is no red Marker, it will just be a random drunk Civilian here instead.
Once you find Duccio, equip your Fists & knock him out to unlock the Achievement.
Book #12 – The Flute Girl: We can now find special Books Markers on our Map now. Begin heading to them to reclaim all the missing Marco Polo Books – we can find this one in the Constantine District.
Book #13 – Nibelungenlied: We can also find this Marco Polo Book in the Constantine District by travelling to the Book Quest in the Forum of the Ox.
Book #14 – Iliad: Continue North through the Constantine District to where the Valens Aqueduct is to find our next Book Quest.
Book #15 – The Canterbury Tales: Just North from the previous Book Quest, we can enter into the Bayezid District over to the Gul Mosque for our next one.
Book #16 – The Travels of Marco Polo: Head to the Hippodrome in the Imperial District next to find our next Books Marker.
Book #17 – One Thousand & One Nights: Lastly, cross the ocean to the Galata District & we can complete our final Book Quest for now.
Sequence #4 – Memory #5: After completing our last Book Quest, head to the Sofia Mission Marker at Galata Tower.
Optional Objective – Complete the Level Within 6 Minutes: Unfortunately, unlike most Secret Locations in the game, we will have to complete the Galata Tower & deal with its time limit Optional Objective. This may take a second try for you, just to learn the layout & get used to completing the obstacles efficiently… you can check your current time by pressing Pause. Time spent in cutscenes does not count.
All we have to do is reach the Marker at the far end of the Galata caverns. Use the Hookblade whenever possible – it can also be used as an emergency ledge grab if you mess up a jump but are close enough…
You should be able to complete this Optional Objective with roughly 1:00-2:00 minutes remaining on the clock. The timer will only stop after you collect the Masyaf Key, so do not celebrate early!
Sequence 7: Kicking the Hornet’s Nest
2. Sequence #5 Memories: 1, 2, 3
3. Locations: Masyaf, Constantinople, Hagia Sofia
4. Districts: Imperial, Arsenal
5. Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages: 10/10
6. Books: 18/28
7. Animus Data Fragments: 88/100
8. Achievements: 15/48
Sequence #4 – Memory #6: Return to the Assassin’s HQ, & we can witness our second Memory from Altaïr.
Optional Objective – Do Not Lose More Than 3 Synchronization Points: By Synchronization Points, the game is referring to our health bar; do not get hit more than 2 times throughout this Memory.
After we burn Al Mualim’s body (after the events of Assassin’s Creed 1), we will have to fight our way back to Masyaf Castle. We cannot kill any of our brothers, & we also cannot take more than 2 points of damage. Pay attention to your surroundings, & Dodge the Assassins until you can perform a Disarm to take away their Weapons; we have to Disarm 7 Assassins to progress.
Unfortunately, it isn’t over yet, as our new antagonistic Assassin, Abbas, will have grabbed the Apple of Eden from the castle & is now tweaking out with it like Pippin in Return of the King when he held the Palantir… As we climb up to him, we need to time when we are standing still & when we are climbing with the blasts from the Apple of Eden. If we are standing still when a blast happens, we will not take any damage, but if we are mid climb we can fall off & potentially be hurt & fail the Optional Objective.
Achievement #13 – The Prince: Complete DNA Sequence #4.
Story Related. Complete the final Memory of Sequence #4, & we will unlock this Achievement.
Sequence #5 – Memory #1: Head to the Memory Start at the Grand Bazaar in the Imperial District & we will encounter a rug merchant who had his imported wares confiscated by the Janissaries… we shall help him.
Optional Objective – Distract 2 Guards With Bombs: This is a very simple Optional Objective complete. As soon as we begin the Memory, we can see a Chest in front of us where the rug merchant used to be; open it, & we will receive some Cherry Bombs. As we tail Tarik Barleti, he will tell his Janissaries to prevent anyone from following him to a meeting; use our Cherry Bombs to lure them away so we can continue the tail. We will have a few opportunities to do this during the Memory…
Sequence #5 – Memory #2: During this Memory, we will gain access to the final District in Constantinople.
Optional Objective – Make Sure 40 Or More Rioters Survive: At the start of the Memory, we will need to make like Three Days Grace & start a peaceful protest. Wait for their numbers to build as we Bribe the nearby Heralds, & we will have a total of 60 Rioters amassed; we need to keep them safe from Guards who will be arriving shortly! Summon your Assassins for some backup!
After the first wave, more Rioters will arrive with pitchforks (though that unfortunately does not increase their numbers for some reason) & they will help us fight back the second wave. This is more hazardous than good, & it is likely a lot of them will get themselves killed.
Keep more than 40 of them alive until we defeat the second wave of Guards, & we will complete the Optional Objective & break into the Arsenal District.
Sequence #5 – Memory #3: Enter into the Arsenal District & we will have to track down Manuel.
Optional Objective – Perform An Air Assassination From A Zipline: For this Optional Objective, first we have to navigate through the linear path ahead of us until we reach a section of the District unaffected by the riot. Climb up onto the first building we pass through, & we can see a Zipline on top of it.
There are a few ways we can set up our Air Assassination: luring Guards underneath it with Distraction Bombs, waiting for the Ottoman Rifleman on the opposite roof to walk underneath it, or alternatively if they have not been disturbed we can also find an Ottoman Guard standing below the Zipline in the street (you’ll want to slowly grind down the Zipline to make the Air Assassination prompt. Regardless of how you do it, we need to complete at least one for the Optional Objective; this is our only convenient Zipline available for us to use…
When we go to escape, miraculously the Arsenal District will be fully repaired again like the riot never happened & we can encounter two other Ziplines though these are less ideal to use.
Animus Data Fragments #78-88: After completing the Memory, we will now have full access to the Arsenal District & can collect the next set of Animus Data Fragments.
The final remaining Animus Data Fragments can be found in Cappadocia, a completely new location we gain access to in Sequence #7.
Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Page #10: We can also find the final Ishak Pasha Memoir Page here.
Book #18 – The Book of Kings: Lastly, we can complete the final Marco Polo Book Quest & collect The Book of Kings here in the Arsenal District as well.
Achievement #14 – Holy Wisdom: Complete the Hagia Sofia Challenge Level.
With all 10 Ishak Pasha’s Memoir Pages found, we will find a new Hidden Tomb located inside Hagia Sofa. Head to the Marker, & enter inside the tomb to begin Secret Level – Hagia Sophia’s Secret.
For the Achievement we just have to beat the mission; completing the Optional Objective is not tied to this Achievement or any others… Completing this Challenge Level will reward us with Ishak Pasha’s Armor Set.
Achievement #15 – Spider Assassin: Climb Hagia Sofia, from the ground to the pinnacle, in under 25s.
While we are outside Hagia Sofia, we may as well unlock this Achievement as well; this Achievement refers to the actual Hagia Sofia temple & not the Landmark/Viewpoint.
From standing in the courtyard in front of the temple as soon as you begin your ascent the invisible 25s timer will begin. Climbing up the front of the temple takes the longest, as once you are on the roof, you can basically sprint up the different tiers with a few Hookblade climbs to get higher. Stand on the small pinnacle at the top of the Hagia Sophia roof, & if you reached it in under 25s, the Achievement will unlock. If not, you will have to go back down to the courtyard & try again.
Sequence 8: Hostile Takeover
2. Locations: Constantinople
3. Districts: Bayezid, Galata, Constantine
4. Books: 22/28
5. Animus Data Fragments: 88/100
6. Achievements: 20/48
As of completing Sequence #4, some new Books will be available to purchase from Book Shops, though they are quite expensive. When you can, save up 90,616Ά & chip away at purchasing these:
Book #19 – Opus Majus: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 8309Ά after completing Sequence #4.
Book #20 – The Secret History of the Mongols: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 21,017Ά after completing Sequence #4.
Book #21 – Anabasis Alexandri: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 23,460Ά after completing Sequence #4.
Book #22 – Record of the Grand Historian: Available to be purchased from any Book Shop for 37,830Ά after completing Sequence #4.
Achievement #16 – Tax Evasion: Get your money back from a Templar Tax Collector.
While we wait to accumulate more Akçe to arrive in our Banks (every 20 in game minutes) so we can afford those Books, we may as well polish off some of the more random Achievements in the game. To start, head to the Bank located right beside the Mercenary HQ in South Bayezid.
Idle your game or run around until you get a deposit in the Bank, but do not withdraw the money yet! Instead, walk past the gate into the nearby entrance to the Arsenal District & wait around here for a few minutes. Shortly, we will see a “Red Pouch Marker” on our Mini-Map appear & it will start patrolling around searching us. Stay hidden (ideally in an actual blend spot) & sneak up on the Tax Collector; tackle them or knock them down with a leg sweep, & we will receive money off them as well as earn us the Achievement.
You cannot kill the Tax Collector or the Achievement will not unlock. If the Tax Collector gets away or dies, still do not withdraw your money & return to the Arsenal District entrance to wait for another one to spawn.
Unlike the previous two Assassin’s Creed games, getting a Tax Collector to spawn is very finicky & specific. This was the only method I could regularly get a Tax Collector to spawn…
Achievement #17 – Almost Flying: Parachute directly from the top of the Galata Tower to the Golden Horn.
Our next two Achievements will require us to have Parachutes with us. First travel to Galata District & climb up to the very top of Galata Tower. For this Achievement, we need to Parachute off of the peak of Galata Tower, & glide over into the Golden Horn (which is actually the ocean bay in between Galata District & the rest of Constantinople).
Pay attention where the Leap of Faith points are on Galata Tower as it is very easy to accidentally leap into a haybale instead of free jumping to use your Parachute. As soon as you leap off the tower’s peak, deploy your Parachute & begin steering yourself over to the harbor. Guide yourself to the shortest distance where you can enter the water, & land in it to unlock this Achievement; do not drop out of the Parachute early into the water & instead make sure you fall into it while still having your Parachute deployed…
Achievement #18 – Show-Off: Parachute onto a Zipline.
For this Achievement we need to locate a Zipline – ideally one that is fairly long. Climb up onto the top beam of the Zipline (on top of the small banner point), jump off it towards the line then immediately deploy a Parachute, then before you lose too much elevation, immediately drop off the Parachute & spam B to hook onto the Zipline to unlock the Achievement.
This is tricky to do & will most likely take multiple tries. To get onto the beam, slowly approach & press yourself up against it before trying to climb up; if you go to climb too soon you will just jump onto the Zipline. You also don’t want to look down at the Zipline when you jump off or you will also drop immediately onto the Zipline.
While there are a couple of “Slay Achievements” we still have to earn, a lot of them are pretty trickier & require some set up; we will save those for later when we can devote more time to them. For now, we will just wrap up these two easy ones before moving on.
First travel to a Bomb Crafting station & make:
Lethal Bombs made of Impact Shell, British Gunpowder (or Arabic Gunpowder if you have to), & Datura Powder for a powerful Poison Bomb.
Tactical Bombs made of Impact Shell, British Gunpowder (or Arabic Gunpowder if you have to), & Phosphorous to make a powerful Smoke Bomb.
Then you need to make Diversion Bombs out of a Fuse Shell, Arabic Gunpowder, & Sulfur. The Diversion Bomb isn’t necessary, but it is an option & definitely helps grouping up Guards.
Achievement #19 – I Can See You: Kill 5 Guards while under the cover of a Smoke Screen Bomb.
The Constantine District is a good place to attempt this Achievement as there is a very high density of enemies close to the Faith Mosque in the upper Northwest corner of the city. As well, further Northeast of the Mosque, there is a large fortified encampment that is full of Janissaries!
Use your Diversion Bomb to attract a group of at least 5+ enemies close together; alternatively, you can make a group of Guards hostile & lead them away to find more to build up a larger group. Once you have a large group, get right in the middle of them & whip down your Smoke Screen Bomb.
For this Achievement specifically, they can be killed anyway, including an Arrow Storm making it very easy to do. However, this is the perfect opportunity to also unlock the next Achievement…
Achievement #20 – Mosh Pit: Have 10 Guards poisoned at the same time.
Use a Diversion Bomb to lure a group of 10+ enemies together, then throw down a powerful Datura Powder Bomb right in the middle of them all; British Gunpowder will give you the largest Bomb radius. If at least 10 Guards are caught in the Datura Powder Bomb blast, we will unlock this Achievement.
After purchasing all the Books, our final Akçe benchmark will to be to hoard 353,303Ά for the final round of Books we need to buy during Sequence #7 on Cappadocia… Buy up properties, & be sure to use our Assassins to go through each City in Mediterranean Defence & complete all Contracts that boost City Gold Income to all increase our passive income…
Sequence 9: Dishonor & Redemption
2. Sequence #6 Memories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
3. Locations: Constantinople, The Forum of the Ox, Masyaf, The Maiden’s Tower
4. Districts: Imperial, Constantine, Topkapi
5. Books: 24/28
6. Animus Data Fragments: 88/100
7. Achievements: 22/48
Sequence #5 – Memory #4: Now back to the task at hand, travel to the Imperial District, & check in on Sofia at her shop; someone has broken into her shop & stolen a painting.
Optional Objective – Steal the Painting Without the Merchant Spotting You: Enter the Grand Bazaar & use Eagle Vision to locate the Thief who stole Sofia’s painting. Loosen his lips up a bit, & he will tell us where to find the merchant he sold it to.
For this Objective, we cannot outright buy the painting back, but we also cannot let the merchant see us steal it from him. Use a Smoke Grenade or hire some Romanies to hide in so we can easily steal the painting off of the shelf behind the merchant.
Sequence #5 – Memory #5: Travel to the Constantine District now & we will go pick up that new Book Sofia found for us.
Book #23 – On Nature: Though the pop up for collecting this Book says it is Flute Girl, it is incorrect (we already have that Book) & we do in fact collect On Nature as it is listed here.
Sequence #5 – Memory #6: The new Book we collected will take us down below the Forum of the Ox where we will be able to track down another Masyaf Key.
Optional Objective – Do Not Take Any Damage: This can be a bit of a frustrating Optional Objective as the primary objective forces us to chase after the Templar boat under time limits. Always keep moving. While most of the shots fired at us are guaranteed to miss, if we are stationary too long (or just unlucky) there is a chance we may get clipped by a bullet & have to reload.
After the boat crashes, we will be in a fight; be as cheap as possible & take them out with Bullets, Throwing Knives, or Bombs if you do not want to get close with your Sword.
Sequence #5 – Memory #7: Return to the Assassin’s HQ, & we will be able to access our third Altaïr Memory.
Achievement #21 – Silent But Deadly: Kill 3 Guards simultaneously with only Throwing Knives.
This is probably the best time to attempt this Achievement as we are given unlimited Throwing Knives to use. After we escape Masyaf Castle & reach the village, we will link up with our son & receive the Throwing Knives.
If you hold down the Y button to throw your knives, you can highlight up to three enemies at once. When we get a bit lower down in the village, we will encounter larger groups of enemies; wait until a group of three are in front of you (unobstructed) & kill them all in a single throw to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #22 – The Plot Thickens: Complete DNA Sequence #5.
Story Related. Complete the Altaïr Memory, & we will also complete Sequence #5.
Sequence #6 – Memory #1: Travel to the Memory Start in the Constantine District to meet up with Prince Suleiman about the next steps…
Optional Objective – Assassinate A Target From A Hiding Spot: Locate our Janissary target, & lure him over to a haystack or bushes either using a Dead Body or a Distraction Grenade. Kill the Janissary from the hiding spot to complete the Objective & immediately begin the next Memory.
Sequence #6 – Memory #2: With our Janissary disguise equipped it is now time to track down the traitor, Tarik, & kill him.
Optional Objective – Perform An Air Assassination On Tarik: Carefully navigate through the fortified Janissary encampment, & use them as cover to sneak past the Ottoman Guards. Get to the far-left corner of the second area of the encampment, & we can climb up a nearby stone tower to access the third area where Tarik’s tent is.
When we find him, Tarek will begin circling around the dueling ring. Return back up to that watchtower & hop along the wooden scaffolding to get above him, then Air Assassinate him. Just be careful it is actually Tarek you are dropping on & not accidentally a Janissary.
Sequence #6 – Memory #3: Now we need to report back to Prince Suleiman back at the palace about what we have just learned from Tarek.
Optional Objective – Do Not Kill Anyone: Pretty straightforward, & this essentially means we more or less cannot be detected either. The palace grounds are crawling with Janissaries so be careful; unfortunately, the palace rooftop is no longer safe & should be avoided. Romanies can be very useful getting through the area, try not to get too close to Guards or they will leave with them.
After we speak with the Prince, we still have to escape the grounds without killing anyone as well.
Sequence #6 – Memory #4: With our business for the prince wrapped up, it is time for us to return to see Sofia. There is no Optional Objective for this Memory.
Sequence #6 – Memory #5: Go to the Sofia Memory marker, & we will be able to collect our final Marco Polo Book
Book #24 – Aesop’s Fables: We will collect this final Marco Polo Book during this Memory. As of now, the final four Books are located on Cappadocia…
Sequence #7 – Memory #6: Travel over to the small harbor located in the Southeastern end of the Imperial District, & a boatman will take us to the Maiden’s Tower where the next Masyaf Key lies…
Optional Objective – Obtain the Masyaf Key Without Falling Into the Water: This is another tricky Objective as we once again have time limits we need to worry about causing us to rush & potentially fall. If you fall into the water, you must Restart the Memory over again. Fortunately, the time limits are pretty generous; there are four timed stretches we need to do.
We also have to safely climb all the way back up to the top without falling as well to get the Masyaf Key, though this is very simple to do & does not have a time limit.
Sequence #6 – Memory #7: Return to the Assassin’s HQ & it is time for us to witness the fourth Altaïr Memory.
Optional Objective – Do Not Kill Anyone Except Abbas & His Captains: While we personally cannot kill anyone except our Targets, it is alright for our Assassin followers to kill.
When we reach Masyaf Castle, we will start being attacked by some Assassins; do not Call For Help & instead use your Fists & Disarm them. Do not beat them down with your Fists either – just Disarm them all.
Sequence 10: Tying Up Loose Ends
2. Districts: Constantine, Imperial
3. Books: 24/28
4. Animus Data Fragments: 88/100
5. Achievements: 27/48
The Sequence will not end with Altaïr’s Memory, & instead we will have one more Memory over in the Imperial District. Completing that Memory will momentarily lock us into going to Cappadocia & beating all of Sequence #7. As mentioned before, the final Books we need are located at Cappadocia & will cost us 353,000Ά which is a lot of money.
If you do not wish to wait out the in game days to accumulate it, skip down to Sequence 11 (of the guide) & carry on; we can always return to Cappadocia later by Replaying Memories from Sequence #7 to buy the Books.
Farming Akçe: If you plan to accumulate the Akçe, there are a bunch of side tasks we can do to help us pass the time, & now is as good of a time as any to complete them. While we do this, try sending out your Assassins on high paying Contracts; every little bit helps.
Idle Framing Akçe: Ideally your passive income is around 30,000-40,000Ά every 20 minutes. The Bank can only hold 120,000A at a time, so it will roughly take an hour to fill up the Bank or get close to it.
If you are idling, it is also a good idea to either stand inside an Assassin Den or in a hiding spot so that we cannot accidentally run into trouble or be attacked by Templar Assailant. As a word of warning for idling, you will rapidly lose Assassin Control of your Mediterranean Defence if you leave it too long & there is a just you may lose some Cities if you are not careful.
Thieves Guild Challenges – Set 2: To unlock the Fast Fingers Achievement, we first need to unlock the Thief Faction Ability, Thief Looting. To do this, we must complete all 3 Challenges in Set 2 which are fortunately very easy & you may already have completed some.
Challenge #1 – Perform A Leap of Faith 40 Times: By this point in the game, you should be well on your way to completing this Challenge, if you haven’t already done so. Simply find a haystack or bush near a building & perform Leaps of Faith into it; this Challenge ties into the next one…
Challenge #2 – Climb A Total Distance of 1km: Once again, you should have already completed this Challenge or be close to it. Find a high point that is easy to climb… & climb it over & over again to cover off the last few metres of distance you need.
Challenge #3 – Steal A Total of 250A With Counter Steal: This last Challenge is one you most likely have not completed & potentially not even started. Fortunately, it is very straightforward. Travel around the city & enter combat with Guards – to Counter Steal, hold Rt & press Y when an enemy attacks. This can only be really down on Militia Guards & not Fast Guards or Janissaries as they will just dodge the move. You will only get around 20-30Ά every Counter Steal so it will take a few run ins with Guards…
Achievement #23 – Fast Fingers: Loot 50 dead Guards with Thief Looting.
Once you have the Thief Faction Ability unlocked, we now need to go & hire some Thieves; we can find some at the Thieves’ HQ or at Faction Buildings. With your Thieves, we now need to travel around the city & kill Guards; with the Faction Ability unlocked, when Thieves run over dead Guards, they will automatically go to loot them for us.
We can find large numbers of enemies at the Janissary encampment located Northeast of Faith Mosque in the Constantine District; use Distraction Bomb/Lethal Bomb tactics to kill them without risking our Thieves.
Achievement #24 – Monster’s Dance: Have a Guard incapacitate 3 Civilians while he’s poisoned.
This is a pretty simple Achievement to do & will require us to use Poison Blade & a Distraction Bomb filled with Pyrite Coins (ideally Impact Shell). Find any Guard in a high traffic Civilian area & carefully use your Poison Blade on them (not Poison Dart). Before they start going mad, quickly throw a Pyrite Bomb at their feet to have Civilians swarm around them.
As they go mad, they will draw their Weapon & start swinging it. It may take a few attempts, but if the poisoned Guard is able to knock down at least 3 Civilians, we will unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #25 – Lightning Strikes: Kill 5 Guards in 5s using only your Hidden Blades.
This Achievement is trickier as it sounds as Assassinations can take longer than a second to complete. For efficiency, find or make a group of 5+ Guards & lure them together with a Sulfur or Salt of Petra Distraction Bomb (not a Pyrite Bomb). Once they are close together, use any Tactical Bomb to stun the Guards. Without holding Rt, walk around & Double Assassinate as many Guards as you can; you want all your targets right beside you, so you do not have to waste time walking to them!
Achievement #26 – Mouse Trap: Kill 5 Guards with a scaffold after they have been stunned by Caltrops.
This Achievement takes the some set up, but is not too difficult; this is a cumulative Achievement & you do not need to kill all 5 Guards with a single scaffold! Conveniently, we can find three scaffolds at the Janissary encampment near Faith Mosque.
Craft your best Caltrop Bombs, & use a Distraction Bomb to lure the Janissaries over to a scaffold, or make them hostile & do it yourself. You want to make sure the enemies are as close to the scaffold as possible; this is the hardest step.
Once enough Janissaries are around the scaffold, hit them with our Caltrop Bomb then quickly rush over to the scaffold. To rip down the scaffold, you either have to be walking by it holding Rt & use the Pull Down prompt or you can just throw an enemy into it as well for the same effect; you cannot grab Janissaries easily though!
Sequence #6 – Memory #8: Whether or not you were able to grind out the Akçe we need for our final Books, when you are ready to leave to Cappadocia, meet up with Yusuf & he will tell us that the Janissaries have raised the Great Chain & have sealed up the Golden Horn so no ships are allowed to leave. We must use a powerful explosive to destroy the chain…
Optional Objective – Do Not Kill Anyone With Blades: We cannot use our Hidden Blade, Sword, Knife, or Throwing Knives. We can only kill enemies with Bombs, Bullets, Poison Darts, or the Crossbow if you’ve purchased it. As always, the rules do not apply to our Assassins & we can use them to clear out a lot of the enemies…
Achievement #27 – Successes & Failures: Complete DNA Sequence #6.
Story Related. Destroy the Great Chain & use the Greek Fire Cannon to eliminate the city ships stopping us from leaving. When the way is clear, get to your ship & set out for Cappadocia!
Sequence 11: Bring Out the Knives
2. Locations: Cappadocia, Masyaf
3. Districts: N/A
4. Books: 28/28
5. Animus Data Fragments: 100/100
6. Achievements: 30/48
Sequence #7 – Memory #1: We will arrive at Cappadocia at the beginning of Sequence #7 & immediately start this Memory.
Optional Objective – Do Not Get Detected: Though we are able to right off the bat, do not go exploring around the city yet & instead complete this Memory first. It can be dangerous exploring & easy to accidentally get detected. Though hard to discern, our Memory Start marker is located way up at the highest point of Cappadocia where the Viewpoint will be.
After using the Viewpoint, track down Tarik’s Spy & very carefully chase her through the city while trying not to make any Guards aggressive.
Animus Data Fragments #89-100: After we complete the Memory, it will be safe to explore around. To start, we may as well collect the last few Animus Data Fragments we need. For one of the trickier Fragments, we will have to climb back up where we were to reach the Viewpoint, except walk across a rope line over to the cave walls to get to the Fragment.
Another Fragment is located right above the Book Shop; the marker for it on the Map is obscured by the Book Shop marker…
Achievement #28 – Capped: Collect all 100 Animus Data Fragments.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after collecting the final Animus Data Fragment. You can check to see where you are still missing Data Fragments by looking at the Additional Memories Tab in DNA.
Book #25 – Digenes Akritas: If you have the Akçe saved up, we can purchase this Book from the Cappadocia Book Shop for 65,780Ά.
Book #26 – Cronica: We can purchase this Book from the Cappadocia Book Shop for 84,123Ά.
Book #27 – Tirant Lo Blanch: We can purchase this Book from the Cappadocia Book Shop for 94,875Ά.
Book #28 – Bibliotheca: We can purchase this Book from the Cappadocia Book Shop for 107,525Ά.
Achievement #29 – Sage: Collect all 28 available Books.
If you do not have all of the Akçe needed to purchase the final Books in Cappadocia, it is not a big deal. When you do after we return back to Constantinople, you can simply Replay Sequence #7 – Memory #2 to be brought back to this point on Cappadocia & can by the Books then…
Sequence #7 – Memory #2: With our short side business completed, head to the Memory Start to carry on.
Optional Objective – Do Not Kill Anyone: Though we can be detected, it is safest if we are not for this Memory; be sure to have Tactical & Distraction Bombs at the ready. Track down the Templar who has the key to the spy’s cell, & very carefully pickpocket it off them; if you are detected, immediately run away to go hide.
Sequence #7 – Memory #3: Head to the next Memory Start, & we will be tasked with Assassinating the one called, Shahkulu.
Optional Objective – Do Not Let Janos Lose More Than Half His Health: Naturally, we have to kill Shahkulu using an Air Assassination. Before we can, we must first kill the 4 Templar Riflemen; while we cannot used most of our ranged Weapons, we can use Poison Darts… The timing will be tight, but you should be able to Assassinate Shahkula when Janos has around 6/10 health bars left…
Sequence #7 – Memory #4: Now we have to sabotage the Templar’s arsenal next; these next two Memories are most likely going to be the most annoying ones in the game due to their Optional Objectives.
Optional Objective – Do Not Take Any Damage: The biggest threat at the start is accidental fall damage. Take your time along the upper walkways as you go to infiltrate the Templar compound.
When we get inside, try using Lethal Bombs to clear out the enemies or other Secondary Weapons to deal with them. If you do get in combat, fight defensively & use Tactical Bombs if you can to slow enemies down before they reach you. Use all ranged Weapons at your disposal, & be sure to loot bodies to restock you supplies.
For the next Memory, try holding onto at least one of your Lethal Bombs if you can spare it…
Sequence #7 – Memory #5: After we destroy the Templar compound, we will immediately begin the next Memory.
Optional Objective – Do Not Take Any Damage: Once again, we will be faced with the most challenging of Optional Objectives. Focus on chasing after Manuel to start & stick to the rooftops to keep Templars away. After Manuel closes the doors behind him, we will be stuck in the middle of a large group of Templar Militia; use Lethal/Tactical Bombs to quickly escape unless you are competent you can kill them manually.
Be very careful if you try to evade the Templars & climb over the gate early as we can be struck by rocks frustratingly easy.
Sequence #7 – Memory #6: Painstakingly complete the last two Memories & kill Manuel to reclaim our final Masyaf Key. Unfortunately… it is not over yet.
Optional Objective – Do Not Lose More Than Half Your Health: This Objective is much easier to accomplish than the previous two. Take your time & loot bodies to stock up on your Medicine. As we run to leave the cave, it will be full of smoke & our health will drain slowly; always be sure to keep your health topped up using Medicine, & not let it get anywhere close to half.
Sequence #7 – Memory #7: Without any explanation, or saying hello to Piri Reis, Ezio will jump straight into the next Altaïr Memory. Fortunately for us, we will have a reprieve from Optional Objectives for this Memory.
Achievement #30 – Old Boss, New Boss: Complete DNA Sequence #7.
Story Related. Play through the Altaïr Memory & we will complete Sequence #7…
Sequence 12: Revelations
2. Sequence #9 Memories: 1, 2
3. Locations: Constantinople, Masyaf
4. Districts: Arsenal, Galata
5. Achievements: 33/48
Sequence #8 – Memory #1: Get to Sofia’s Bookstore, & the place will be trashed & Sofia will be missing. It is time to take the fight to the enemy…
Optional Objective – If Attacked, Kill 5 Guards In Close Combat Without Getting Hit: During this Memory, we will have a small army of Assassins accompanying us as well as infinite uses of Arrow Volley. Chances are, we will get engaged fighting some Templars but our Assassins will constantly be breaking them up. Just kill 5 Templars without being hit using your Sword or Knife; if you don’t like your odds, just use Arrow Volley & find a different group.
The “if attacked” bit at the start of the Optional Objective description throws me off a little bit & I am not entirely sure what is meant by it as we will constantly be in & out of detection. I am not sure if you DO NOT kill 5 enemies but also do not get hit, if it will still void the Optional Objective or not.
Sequence #8 – Memory #2: Travel to the Assassin’s HQ now & we will prepare to meet up with Prince Ahmet; I recommend purchasing a Parachute if you do not already have one. After we perform the trade, we will need to quickly rush up to the top of Galata Tower to rescue Sofia. Of course. We only have 2:00 minutes to get to her, but that should be enough time.
Optional Objective – Rescue Sofia Before She Loses 50% Health: Naturally, it was a trick, & we will see the real Sofia being hung by a Templar below us. Deploy a Parachute or find the Leap of Faith point, & rescue Sofia; her health will drain every 5 seconds.
Sequence #8 – Memory #3: Now we need to chase after Prince Ahmet as he flees the city to Masyaf. It will be another one of these wagon chase sections we did back in Sequence #1…
Optional Memory – Kill 20 Guards: At the Memory Start, we will use our wagon to take out two other wagons along with a few Templars on horseback. Eventually we will fall off the wagon, but conveniently snag a loose rope & deploy a Parachute so we can trail behind the wagon in the air.
From here, we can begin Assassinating or Throwing more Templars off their horses which will net us the final kills we need; there are more Templars then just 20 fortunately but only by a few.
Achievement #31 – Priorities: Complete DNA Sequence #8.
Story Related. This is a pretty short Sequence, & it will end once Sofia is finally safe & we have reclaimed what was stolen from us at the end of Memory #3.
Don’t freak out about what begins to happen on Animus Island; in Post Game, we can return back here to complete all the Desmond Sequences…
Sequence #9 – Memory #1: Back where it all began in Masyaf, it will be finally time to put the Masyaf Keys back in their rightful places; this Memory does not have an Optional Objective.
Sequence #9 – Memory #2: When we enter Altaïr’s Library, we will find one final Masyaf Key & a last Memory from Altaïr; once again, this Memory will not have an Optional Objective.
Achievement #32 – Revelations: Complete DNA Sequence #9.
Story Related. Discover the ancient artifact, & we will witness another classic message from one of the Isu, a member of the First Civilization… I never understood the significance of these… though the message will set up where Desmond & the others are headed in Assassin’s Creed 3.
This Achievement will unlock after witnessing the ending cutscenes – just before the Credits start to roll. As a forewarning… Ubisoft Credits take around 10-15 minutes or so to complete & they are not skippable…
Achievement #33 – Fond Memories: Achieve 100% Synchronization in all 9 Sequences.
Story Related. If you have completed every Optional Objective in all 9 Sequences, we will unlock this Achievement. If it does not, then go into your DNA tab & look at each Sequence to see which one is not at 100%. Only the story Sequences need to be 100% & not any of the Secret Locations, HQ Missions, Challenges, etc.
This Achievement will actually unlock before the previous one if you completed all Optional Objectives before beating the game.
68% Complete
Sequence 13: MilesDesmond.ddna
2. Desmond Sequences: 5/5
3. Achievements: 38/48
With the main campaign fully complete, we now have Post Game free roam. Apart from being able to return to Constantinople to mop up any Achievements, Optional Objectives, or side Challenges/missions you want to complete, we can also return back to Animus Island.
If you have not already done so, you will have to head up to the Introduction of this guide & read how to fix the game files for the Desmond Sequences (as well as restoring the files for The Lost Archives DLC).
If you have fixed the files, & have collected at least 30/100 Animus Data Fragments (or have The Lost Archive DLC installed) we can access all 5 of Desmond’s Sequences. The Desmond Sequences can be found up a hill across from the main portal to Constantinople on Animus Island. At the top of the hill, we can see five glowing monoliths that contain the Desmond Sequences.
Loading up a Desmond Sequence may appear buggy when you fix it, but this is just how the fix works. It will briefly close down the Assassin’s Creed – Revelations window & bring up a new one that has the Desmond Sequence you chose. This is still fully connected to Steam/Uplay & our Achievements will unlock as normal.
Achievement #34 – The Early Years: Complete Desmond Sequence #1.
Unfortunately, the gameplay is not what you think it is, & we will not be playing as Desmond. Instead, it will be a strange block creation platformer… that is a bit tedious; this is a precursor of what is in store for us in The Lost Archives DLC as it will be more of… this.
There are some strange glowing square Collectibles we can find throughout the Sequences, but they are attached to the Multiplayer… which has been “fully” removed from the game; collecting these is meaningless.
Complete Desmond Sequence #1, & we will unlock this Achievement when we return to Animus Island.
Achievement #35 – The Reluctant Assassin: Complete Desmond Sequence #2.
These Sequences do increase in difficulty, & fortunately they are not as long as the first Sequence… Blast through Sequence #2 & we will unlock the Achievement when we return to Animus Island.
Achievement #36 – Escape to New York: Complete Desmond Sequence #3.
There really is not much more to say about these & there are no other Achievements associated with completing these.
Complete Desmond Sequence #3, & we will unlock this Achievement when we return to Animus Island.
Achievement #37 – The Rotten Apple: Complete Desmond Sequence #4.
Complete Desmond Sequence #4, & we will unlock this Achievement when we return to Animus Island.
Achievement #38 – Are You Desmond Miles?: Complete Desmond Sequence #5.
Complete Desmond Sequence #5, & we will unlock this Achievement when we return to Animus Island.
With the final Desmond Sequence complete, & all other Achievements unlocked playing as Ezio in Constantinople, we are now finished with the Base Game.
79% Complete
Sequence 14: The Lost Archive
2. Decipher Fragments: 8/20
3. Achievements: 41/48
DLC Breakdown – The Lost Archive: (10)
Story Related: (6)
Secondary Objectives: (2)
Collectibles: (1)
Miscellaneous: (1)
If you have purchased The Lost Archive DLC on Steam, you will have to manually add the CD Key for it through your Ubisoft Connect account. Click your profile icon, then select Key Activation, input the CD Key & it will be linked to your account.
Once again, as mentioned before, this DLC was broken after Ubisoft removed all Online functionality for this games Multiplayer. To fix the DLC, refer to the Introduction of this guide.
Memory #1: When the first Memory begins, we will be in a prototype version of Animus Island. Walk through the Gateway, & we will enter into the Animus core files like where we were during the Desmond Sequences.
Decipher Fragment #1: Begin navigating through the Animus core, & we will eventually reach a room that has moving platforms & blocks we need to step onto. As we take some blocks up, we can see our first Decipher Fragment immediately ahead/below us & we can drop down onto it to progress; this Decipher Fragment is basically unmissable.
There are 20 Decipher Fragments in total to find in this DLC to unlock the Find All Pieces Achievement.
Memory #1: With our only Decipher Fragment collected for this Memory, progress through the rest of this platform room, & we will reach a Gateway that when we pass through, we will unlock our “Block making” ability.
Achievement #39 – Save Yourself: Land on a Block after falling more than 25m.
We can unlock this Achievement as soon as we receive our “Block making” ability. While still standing on the platform where that Gateway was, simply step off the ledge & wait until the last moment to create a Platform Block underneath us.
If you place it too soon, we will not get it, & if you wait too long you will die & respawn back up at the platform. When the Achievement unlocks, just step off your Block to respawn back up where we dropped from…
Memory #2: After we receive our “Block making” ability, create a bridge across to the Gateway ahead of us, & we will enter into Memory #2; there are 4 Decipher Fragments found on this Memory.
Decipher Fragment #2: During the start of Memory #2, make some Wedge Blocks to get up over some walls, then we can drop down through a hole to progress; if you listen carefully, you can already hear the next Decipher Fragment. When we drop down the hole, we will hear Bill Miles say, “Beware the easy path.”
In this room, we will see a Templar symbol made of light on the wall ahead of us; we can find the Decipher Fragment in the upper right corner of the symbol.
Decipher Fragment #3: Drop down into the next room, & we will have to fall quite a bit & quickly place a Platform Block down to stop us from falling into a large floor of Deletion Squares. In this room, we will hear Clay’s dad talk to us about “a foreman’s son pocketing $60K a year”.
Make some Platforms Blocks to get across the Deletion Squares to the other side. Over here, before continuing on, look in the far right corner along the ground to find a hidden alcove with a Decipher Fragment inside it.
Decipher Fragment #4: After we use some blocks to get past a few Yellow Lasers, we will enter a large room with some tall square columns in it. The room exit is in the upper right corner… but we can find our Decipher Fragment in the upper left corner; we can even see it from where we first emerge into the room.
Decipher Fragment #5: Progress through the Memory & complete a difficult Red Laser puzzle room to activate a Button to allow us to continue. Enter into the room we just unlocked, & a bunch of tablets will have glowing red Assassin symbols on them. Before we take the Leap of Faith, use our Wedge Blocks to get to the very top of the room above the largest tablet at the end, & we can find a Decipher Fragment close to the room’s ceiling.
Achievement #40 – Part of the Creed: Take the induction Leap of Faith.
Story Related. Return back down to the large Assassin tablet, & step through the hole in the floor to take the Leap of Faith & complete Memory #2.
Memory #3: There are 3 Decipher Fragments to find on this Memory.
Decipher Fragment #6: Pass through the Abstergo reception room, & we will enter a room that introduces us to Anti-Block Fields. Pass through the first Anti-Block Field, & you should be able to hear the Decipher Fragment close by. Step into the safe zone in between the two Anti-Block Fields, & begin using Wedge Blocks to get us up higher. Get to the very top of the safe zone, & we can step onto a concrete beam inside the Anti-Block Field. Follow the beam along, & we can drop off the other side where we can collect the Decipher Fragment.
Impulse Blocks: Progress quite a ways through the Memory now & complete a Moving Block puzzle in an Anti-Block Field. At the end of the puzzle, we will step into a Gateway & unlock Impulse Blocks.
Achievement #41 – Jump They Say: Reach the Animus memo.
Story Related. Immediately after we collect the Impulse Block ability, use it to get out of the Anti-Block Field chamber. Dead ahead of us, we can see a Letter; pick it up to unlock this Achievement.
While there are other Letters to find in some Memories, this is the only one that will give us an Achievement. All other Letters are optional Collectibles with no other Achievements attached to them…
Decipher Fragment #7: After we collect the Letter, push a Button & an alarm will sound. Use an Impulse Block to continue, & we will have to dodge Red Lasers & Deletion Squares. About halfway through this section, we will reach a spot where there are two intermittent sets of Red Lasers that are swinging side to side.
Look up at where the two vertical Red Lasers are coming down from, & use an Impulse Block to leap up onto the concrete beam above them where we can find a Decipher Fragment.
Decipher Fragment #8: From where we collected the previous Decipher Fragment, look over towards the exit of the room & we can spot another Decipher Fragment in the upper left corner across the Anti-Block Field. Use an Impulse Block & leap over to the exit, then use another Impulse Block to jump up to where the Decipher Fragment is before continuing on.
Sequence 15: A Prison of Perfection
2. Decipher Fragments: 12/20
3. Achievements: 44/48
Memory #4: Carry on through the rest of Memory #3, & pass through the Gateway to enter Memory #4; there are 4 Decipher Fragments to find on this one.
Decipher Fragment #9: At the start of the Memory, we will be introduced to Gravity Fields that will move or lift our Blocks in different directions. Pass through the first two Fields, & we will drop down to a corridor with four more Gravity Fields in it.
Pass through the first through Gravity Fields in the corridor, then look up in the safe zone to spot a Decipher Fragment up above us on a ledge; use Wedge Blocks to reach it.
Achievement #42 – Enter the Animus: Enter the Animus simulation.
Story Related. Carry on out of the Gravity Field corridor, & we will enter not the original Subject Testing Room in Abstergo. Approach where the Animus would be & drop down into the floor to “enter it” to unlock this Achievement.
For the rest of this Memory, we cannot die once, or we will void the Impress Warren Vidic Achievement! Not only is this the most difficult Achievement in the DLC, but it is the most difficult Achievement in the entire game! Fortunately, we are able to replay Memories…
Decipher Fragment #10: A little ways into the Animus, after passing through the first Red Laser corridor, we will enter a large room with some Moveable Blocks in its center & a Barrier preventing us from continuing. Walk through the passage down to the right of the Barrier, & enter into the next Red Laser corridor; there will be images of the Earth’s continents & Nikola Telsa along the walls here.
Before we head through it, look directly above us to find a Decipher Fragment hovering near the ceiling.
Decipher Fragment #11: Continue to navigate through the Red Laser passages, & up two Gravity Field elevators with Red Lasers in our way; this can be a difficult moment to get passed without dying, take it slow, & always be aware of where the Red Lasers are.
At the top of the “elevators”, we will now start encountering Yellow Lasers. Block the first Yellow Laser, then carefully block a path through a wall of Yellow Laser; try to splay out your Platform Block in a fan shape close to the Yellow Laser’s source to block as many as possible to make it safe to pass through.
After making it through the Yellow Laser wall, look directly above us to spot a Decipher Fragment on a ledge.
Decipher Fragment #12: Use a Button to remove all the Moveable Blocks from that large chamber we passed through earlier, & drop down through the hole it made. Take a few more drops down, & we will hear one of Clay’s ancestors begin talking about the Apple of Eden. When we step into the dark hall ahead, turn around to see a Barrier now blocking us from re-entering the room we dropped down into.
Walk to the end of the short dark hall then look up to the ceiling & to the right to spot a Decipher Fragment.
Memory #4: Apart from the vertical rotating Red Lasers at the beginning (which I died the most times to), & the Yellow Laser wall, we will face our final difficult moment of Memory #4 right at the end where we have to drop down a long hole while Deletion Squares move in & out of view. Taking it slow is technically the safest, but if you can, lining up your Platform Blocks then plummeting past the Deletion Squares as quick as you can also works.
After the safe zone halfway down the hole, the Gravity Field will drastically increase in speed & you really have to plan two steps ahead on the current direction the Deletion Squares are turning.
Achievement #43 – Impress Warren Vidic: Complete the Animus testing sequence without failing.
This is the most difficult Achievement in the DLC & will probably take you a few tries to get through; it took me 13 attempts & over an hour to do, but I did it all in one sitting. If at any point you die after dropping into the Animus simulation, you must Restart the entire Memory; dying before entering the Animus does not count. Fortunately, Restarting the Memory will not undo your progress on Decipher Fragments & they will stay collected…
Through repetition, the first few obstacles will get easier & easier, & you should be able to reach the Deletion Square hole in around 5:00 minutes. Unfortunately, no matter how much you practice, this final part will be the hardest & it is very easy to panic & mess up. If you mess up at the Deletion Square part, I recommend not Restarting right away, & trying to keep getting to the bottom of it without dying to practice your route; this step is very important for learning how to get through this.
If you successfully make it through the Deletion Square hole without being hit, & were not hit at all throughout the rest of the Animus sequence, our Achievement will unlock as soon as we make it to the bottom of the hole…
We can always return back to this Memory using the DNA tab later on of you do not want to bash your head against this Achievement right away…
Memory #5: Pass through the five Gateways at the end of Memory #4, & we will enter into Memory #5; fortunately, there are no Decipher Fragments to be found on this Memory.
Achievement #44 – Meet Your Maker: Finish Memory #5.
Story Related. Navigate through to the end of Memory #5, & pass through the Gateway to enter Memory #6 & unlock this Achievement.
At the Gateway to Memory #6, you will notice a second Gateway close by on an isolated ledge we cannot get to; this is related to the Breaking the Loop Achievement & we can only reach it after collecting all 20 Decipher Fragments…
Sequence 16: I’ve Found My Purpose
2. Decipher Fragments: 20/20
3. Achievements: 45/48
Memory #6: There are 4 Decipher Fragments we need to find on this Memory; the end is in sight.
Decipher Fragment #13: When the Memory begins, we will progress forward until our way ahead becomes blocked by a Barrier. To de-activate it, use your Platform Blocks to navigate along over the Deletion Squares until you see a passage with Red Lasers & a Button at the end of it.
Carefully head over & press the Button, then drop back down to the Deletion Squares below. When we drop down, instead of heading right to return back to where the Barrier was, head left & we can find this Decipher Fragment at a dead end.
Decipher Fragment #14: Carry on a short ways ahead, across a room with a moving Anti-Block Field, & we will enter a large room with Red Lasers blocking a hole in the floor. From where we enter the room, head over to the far right corner & we can find this Decipher Fragment in behind a lone square pillar.
Decipher Fragment #15: Drop down the Red Laser hole now, & we will need to push a Button to remove a Barrier for us to carry on. Before or after you push the Button, look across the hole from it to spot this Decipher Fragment in a small alcove.
Decipher Fragment #16: Navigate through another rotating Anti-Block Field & then drop down through another hole with Yellow Lasers blocking our way. At the bottom, we will once again have to push a Button to remove a Barrier to continue. The way to the Button is blocked by many vertical Yellow Lasers. At the end of this bridge above where the Button is, we can spot a Decipher Fragment.
Take advantage of the Gravity Field on the bridge, & send Platform Blocks up to block the Yellow Lasers, then run underneath it when it is clear. Push the Button to remove the Barrier & also disable the Yellow Lasers, then ride a Platform Block up to the Decipher Fragment.
Memory #7: Continue through the rest of Memory #6, & pass through the center of the stage screen to reach Memory #7; we can find the final 4 Decipher Fragments on this Memory…
Make your way along the concrete walkway at the start of the Memory & navigate down to a large Deletion Square area referencing the River Styx.
Once we begin to cross the River Styx, we cannot die at all, or we will have to Restart the Memory; it is up to you if you want to attempt this in one go or save it to the end of the playthrough. If plan to attempt this now, check out the Achievement description a bit lower down for a shortcut to skip that whole Laser section & just get straight down to the river.
Decipher Fragment #17: When we begin crossing the river, the path will go straight, then left or right. Take the path right, & we can see this Decipher Fragment dead ahead of us on top of a pillar. Unfortunately, this is not the path we are supposed to take & must backtrack the way we came.
Achievement #45 – Cross Styx Without Dying: Make it across the River Styx without failing.
This is definitely not as hard as beating Memory #4 without dying. If you want to skip the whole beginning Laser section & get straight to the River Styx, there is a shortcut we can do but it can be a bit tricky.
From where we start, walk over to the open ledge overlooking the river below us. Walk to the right corner of this overlook, & we can see the hole we leap out of using the Impulse Blocks as well as the corridor full of neon red graffiti further down. To skip the Laser section, we must carefully leap as far right as we can & aim to land into the graffiti corridor. To survive it, we must quickly throw down a Platform Block inside the white Gravity Field at the bottom or we will die. This can be difficult to get down, but once you get the hang of it, it is MUCH faster than having to go through the lasers every time.
Like with Memory #4, if you die, I recommend doing practice runs of getting across the River Styx before Restarting the Memory. Get to the far end of the River Styx without dying, & we will unlock the Achievement.
Decipher Fragment #18: After we cross the River Styx, we will enter a bright white hallway that leads into a nice little garden. Along the right wall in this area, are some uneven blocks; use Wedge Blocks to get up to the top of the wall, close to where we entered, & we can find a Decipher Fragment hidden in a gap in the wall.
Decipher Fragment #19: Drop down & navigate through the next few rooms of Red Lasers & moving Deletion Squares, & we will need to use Wedge/Impulse Blocks to make our way up a vertical shaft to continue. When we land, we will be on a bridge leading to a room with a wall of vertical Red Lasers & Deletion Squares. Before entering the room, drop down & use Platform Blocks to get under the bridge where we can find a Decipher Fragment.
Decipher Fragment #20: Head up another vertical shaft with Red Lasers in it, & we will land in a safe zone looking into a room full of moving Red Lasers, an Anti-Block Field, & of course a floor of Deletion Squares. Before we enter it, use your Wedge/Impulse Blocks to get up to the top of this safe zone, & we can find our final Decipher Fragment hidden on a ledge.
Achievement #46 – Find All Pieces: Find all 20 of the Decipher Fragments.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after collecting the final Decipher Fragment.
Achievement #47 – The Loop: Experience the loop.
Story Related. All that is left for us to do now is beat the rest of Memory #7. Use an Impulse Block to leap through the hole in the ceiling after we travel through Eden for a bit & approach the Gateway at the end to beat the DLC… sort of.
Achievement #48 – Breaking the Loop: Break the loop, escape the cycle.
Story Related. That’s right, right back to Memory #1. To actually escape, we first needed to collect all 20 Decipher Fragments. Once you have them (or if you already do) we now need to locate the “Backdoor”… which is found on Memory #5.
Select Memory #5 from the DNA tab, & load it up. Remember that random Gateway I mentioned earlier? As soon as we load up the Memory, we will see a short cutscene of all our collected Decipher Fragments making a bridge to it. Beat through the Memory as you normally would until you reach the end, then walk across the Decipher Fragment bridge to access the Backdoor Gateway to beat the DLC…
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
Thank you for choosing Cynic, & I will see you in the next one!
If you are interested in a little bit of patronage, support my projects & consider buying me a coffee. If not, no worries; my guides are, & will always be free content. Achievement Hunting is my passion, & writing these guides is a way for me to give meaning to a life long hobby!
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And that wraps up our share on Assassin’s Creed Revelations: 100% Achievement Guide: Assassin’s Creed – Revelations. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Cynic 0055, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!