never got to finish this but publishing it for now!!! will add everything else when im less busy have this for now ^^
The First Page
this achievement is pretty straightforward and you will automatically get it upon unlocking any of the endings on level 1 for the first time.
turn on the hot water in the bathroom and wait for the 4 digits to appear on the mirror. these 4 digits change every time, so copying them from this guide will do nothing. if your trust level with eddie is high enough, you can just ask her for the 4 digits.
go to the end of the hallway and insert the 4 digits correctly.
A Way Out
once you open the secret room[//] the key will spawn somewhere random inside the apartment. you can check the cameras in the secret room to get a hint of where it is.
Trained Negotiator
this achievement cant exactly be guided because you need to rely on your negotiation and convincement skills. first, make sure to build up your trust with eddie. you can do that by playing along with her, complementing her, saying you love her, giving her gifts, exploring the house with her, etc. once your trust level is high enough it’s up to you to convince her to open the door. here’s a tip: instead of asking her to straight up “open the door” be more creative, suggest her something like going on a date together or make up and roleplay a story that will convince her to get the door open.
Black Thumb
NOTE: in each game the catgirls apartment changes. if youre trying to get this achievement, you have to get the plants room. if you get the art room or music room just restart the game until you get the art room.
once inside the plants room, interact with this plant on the table. keep interacting with it until the plant dies.
Cooking Achievements
Stir Fry Master: Green Onion + Egg + Tomato
Medium Rare, Please: Steak + Butter + Rosemary
Hearty DInner: Ground Beef + Potato + Butter
Hot Potato: Potato + Potato + Potato
the catgirls apartment changes in every game. to get this achievement, you must play at least 3 different times, if youre lucky. you will need to spawn 3 rooms – plants room, art room, and music room. when youre inside the plants room, interact with this plant on the table:
in the art room interact with this canvas:
in the music room interact with this piano:
Level 1 Ending – No Clue
as soon as you spawn in just curse at eddie and be mean to her, repeating insults over and over works the best. don’t try to escape her when she comes to kill you if you want this achievement.
Level 1 Ending – Almost There
option one:
be nice to the eddie to work up your trust level with her, you can do this by complementing her, saying you love her, giving her gifts, and exploring the house with her. once she trusts you enough, find a way to get her to open the door or give you the key: this changes every time and you have to be creative enough to get her to do this, but some tips are asking her out on a date, or ask to exchange the key for a present (ex. blue parrot statue). she will most likely try to convince you it’s not safe out there, so just reassure her and be convincing enough to get the door open.
once the door is open go outside to the stairs but dont leave yet. start cursing her and being mean to her. if she trusts you, try to say stuff that will make her angry instead of hurt. she might react to things like “i dont need you” by being sad instead of mad, so its best to just repeat insults to her. once she gets mad enough to kill you, just wait for her at the stairs and let her kill you.
option two:
keep her busy by telling her to pose for a portrait, playing a song, playing hide and seek, etc. that should give you enough time to open the secret room[//] and find the key[//], then just run quickly to open the door and wait for her to kill you on the stairs.
Level 1 Ending – Together Forever
be nice to the eddie to work up your trust level with her, you can do this by complementing her, saying you love her, giving her gifts, and exploring the house with her. once she trusts you enough, ask her to go out. it could be on a date or anything creative you have in mind, but you need to get her to come with you. once she opens the door, dont run down the stairs towards the exit, walk in the same pace as her, and make sure you dont get to the exit before her.
Level 1 Ending – Cold Blood
option one:
do the same steps as in Together Forever[//] but run faster then her and get to the exit before her.
option two:
if you manage to get the key by earning her trust just open the door and run towards the exit. getting the key by opening the secret room[//] could also work, but if her trust isnt high enough she will get mad at you once you open the secret room which will screw up this achievement unless you can calm her back down before leaving.
Level 1 Ending – Newbie
option one:
follow the steps in Cold Blood[//], but once you reach the lobby start insulting and being mean to eddie until she wants to kill you. as soon as she does, escape before she manages to. this has less chances of working if youre not at the lobby when she gets mad, because she might kill you before reaching the exit.
option two:
as soon as you spawn in open the secret room[//] and get the key[//]. this should get her mad and try to kill you, you just have to run to the exit fast enough before she do. you could try to keep her busy by telling her to pose for a portrait or count for hide and seek which could buy you a bit of time.
Apocalypse Canceled
automatically achieved by doing all the endings in level 1.
Catch Me If You Can
the easiest and fastest way to farm escapes is to invite eddie to the atrium by calling her on the phone, then ask her for the apartment key (you can say you lost yours and ask for her extra one or anything like that). then enter her apartment with the key and just run to the exit over and over again.
NOTE: if you go back to the atrium at any point, you will have to request the key from her again, so choose “restart” at the end of every game instead and spawn with the key in your inventory again.
more detailed walkthrough:
first you have to max out this meter, so it looks like this:
you can max it by replaying. escaping together gives 20 points, escaping alone gives 10 points, and dying gives 5 points.
once you have this meter maxed out, go to the phonebooth in the atrium and pick eddie then click to invite her to chat:
then in the chat just get her to give you the apartment key. then, when you enter her apartment, make sure to equip the key she gave you.
Heart Breaker
i recommend doing this achievement in level 1, as ive found that eddies feelings are the most easy to manipulate out of the bunch. first, compliment her to build trust with her, play games with her, tell her you love her, give her gifts, etc. you should be nice to her until you reach this emoji above her head:
once you reached this emoji, start SLOWLY being mean to her. you dont want to make her mad, you want to make her sad. if she gets mad and tries to kill you you wont get the achievement. you need to slowly hurt her, say things like “im sorry, but youre really annoying…”. she should slowly get more and more hurt until she reaches this emoji above her head:
thats it, if you did the steps correctly and reached 🥰 and then slowly reached 👿 the achievement should trigger. it worked pretty quickly for me, but ive seen people say the achievement is bugged in beta, so you might have to try it a few times for it to work.
Witch’s Diary
first, go down to the basement. then on the table you should find a paper with the letters A,B,C,D on it in a certain order. the order changes every game, so copying it from this guide will do nothing.
each bookshelf in the basement has one of the 4 letters on the back on it. check all of them to find which bookshelf belongs to which letter.
in the order that the paper says, turn each of the bookshelves around so they face the summoning circle and aligne with the mark on the floor. they should all be positioned like this:
A Helping Soul
you need a toy for this achievement. toys spawn randomly on the map, but you can also kindly ask elysia for one if youre creative and convincing enough.
once you get a toy, go to the summoning circle in the basment and interact with it.
in the summoning circle drag the toy from your inventory and click summon.
then, ask the toy for a hint and click send.
NOTE: you will take damage (1 heart) by doing this.
Level 2 Ending – Powerless
just go outside when you spawn in and get killed by the ghost. elysia will probably save you, so just do it again until you get this ending.
Level 2 Ending – Too Much is Not Enough
for this ending you just need to die by taking damage from summoning. one way to do it would be to just summon a toy[//] 3 times until you die, but this should also work if youre already on low hp and lose your last heart by summoning, so you can be creative.
Sealed Power
first you need to find the 2 missing necklace box pieces. one should be here above the fireplace:
and another one should be here in the secret room[//]:
once you found these two, you have to get elysia to give you the 3rd piece. this cant exactly be guided because you just have to rely on your negotiation skills, but try building trust with her and asking kindly.
And that wraps up our share on AI2U: With You ‘Til The End: [WIP] 100%(not yet) || (not)all levels, endings, and achievements!. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Ran-Ran :3, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!