For Age of Mythology players, this guide shows you step by step how to get all 63 Achievements in the Base Game and the 7 Achievements from the DLC. If you haven’t played the game before, this guide gives you a roadmap and the order in which I unlocked them. Let’s get started.

Achievement Breakdown: (63)
Story Related: (4)
Slay: (4)
Miscellaneous: (4)
Skirmish Game Types: (16)
Skirmish Victory/Defeat: (35)
I will come right out & say, this is a very tedious 100%, no questions about it. It is not hard though by any means. The 100% is broken down into three parts: Campaigns, Single Player Skirmish, & Online Skirmish.
There are five Campaigns to complete (which includes the DLC). These are not too difficult, & where you will have the most fun learning to play the game & experiencing all the different Civilizations to play as. During these Campaigns, we should focus on these other Achievements that involve: killing 10,000 enemy Units, destroying 2000 Buildings, losing 5000 of our own Units, & losing 1000 of our own Buildings. Take your time during the Campaigns & chip away at these Achievements; we will grind the last points we need at the end of our 100%…
The next third of our 100% involves Skirmish, specifically Single Player Skirmish as there is a difference. This Skirmish is played through the Single Player menu & selecting Random Map. Skirmish has us versing AI bots in arena style matches with five different Game Types: Supremacy, Conquest, Deathmatch, Lightning, & Treaty. There are 12 Achievements that are specific to Single Player Skirmish, but we are also able to abuse Save reloading to exponential increase how quickly we can earn other Skirmish based Achievements simply be reloading our game just before we win the game.
Lastly, we have Online Skirmish which is of course accessed through the Online tab of the Main Menu. Though it says Online, we can still verse AI bots however. Unfortunately, this is where the bulk of our grinding takes place as we need to play 1000 Online games! I will go into the specifics when we reach Sequence 8 later on… There is a trick we will use that makes grinding the 1000 games much faster.
For 100%, we will also need to purchase the Tale of the Dragon DLC. It will give us a new Campaign to complete as well as add three new Gods that we will need to earn a Victory with & defeat in Single Player/Online Skirmish.
Before You Play: For our Skirmish Achievements, the progress trackers can be extremely buggy & may take a bit for them to register if you are using the exploits listed below in the Sequences covering them. They ARE being tracked, but it may take altering Skirmish settings or idling in a game for a few seconds longer for the game to register. No Achievements are broken & 100% is fully possible!
*Guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: Fighting Old Battles Again?
2. Fall of the Trident: 1-21
3. Achievements: 1/70
We can access the Learn To Play Tutorial from the Single Player tab, ignore the Cinematic tabs & select Tutorial to begin this short Campaign.
Mission #1 – Hunt For A Killer: The first Mission goes over how to control Units & some basic functions of the HUD; defeat the Cyclops to complete the Mission.
Mission #2 – Pleasing the Gods: The next Mission introduces us to basic Settlement building & gathering Resources; build a Temple to complete the Mission.
Mission #3 – Uninvited Guests: The next Mission introduces us to more to Settlement building & mustering armies; defeat the Pirates to complete the Mission.
Achievement #1 – Ruler of Knowledge: Complete the Learn to Play Campaign.
Story Related. Complete the three Tutorial Missions to unlock the Achievement.
There are no Achievements for Difficulty, so play on whichever you are most comfortable with. As we play, kill every enemy Unit you can as well as destroy their Buildings while also trying to get some of your own Units & Buildings strategically killed as well.
Mission #1 – Omens: Defend Atlantis from waves attacking Pirates.
Mission #2 – Consequences: After chasing the Pirates, build an army & destroy their base on the island to find Kamos.
Mission #3 – Scratching the Surface: Destroy the two Trojan Docks to complete the Mission; we can also access the Heroic Age now & can begin building Fortresses for the Stone & Steel Achievement.
Mission #4 – A Fine Plan: Besiege the front gates of Troy & destroy them.
Mission #5 – Just Enough Rope: After the front gates to Troy are destroyed, we must rescue Ajax, before moving on to destroy Troy’s forward military base.
Mission #6 – I Hope This Works: Accumulate 1000 Wood & build the Trojan Horse. Protection you trust…
In part two of the Mission, use Arkantos, Ajax, & Odysseus to build an army within Troy to destroy the gates to let Agamemnon into the city.
Mission #7 – More Bandits: Free Chiron from the bandits from Egypt.
Mission #8 – Bad News: Build up Arkantos & Ajax’s armies to storm Gargarensis’s base to reach the Underworld Passage excavation site.
Mission #9 – Revelation: Chase Gargarensis into the Underworld & prevent him from cracking open the Hades Gate by destroying the Giant Gate Ram.
Mission #10 – Strangers: Find a way out of the Underworld with your companions.
Mission #11 – The Lost Relic: We will now arrive in Egypt & meet our newest companion, Amanra. Defend the Villagers while they uncover the ancient relic.
We do not have a Town Center for this Mission, so play extra carefully with your Villagers as these are all we have.
Mission #12 – Light Sleeper: Escort & defend the Sword Bearers to the Guardian’s resting site & use it to defeat Kemsyt’s army before it arrives there first to obtain the first Piece of Osiris.
If you want to slow Kemsyt’s army down ahead of time, consider Worshipping Ptah in the Classical Age to obtain the Shifting Sands Power. You can use it to teleport Villagers over to the Sepa Villages & begin making your own preparations. Lots of Towers, Walls, Fortresses, & Slingers…
Mission #13 – Tug of War: We need to quickly obtain the second Piece of Osiris before Kemsyt steals it & takes it to his own base; build an army as quick as you can to retrieve the piece & protect it as it travels to your base.
Mission #14 – “Isis, Hear My Plea”: Rescue Arkantos & Ajax from the prison island.
Mission #15 – Let’s Go: We need to collect the final Piece of Osiris found at the massive base of Kemsyt’s Army. The best way to go about it when you are ready, is to use War Barges to break down the Walls & Watch Towers around the Piece. Then sail in a small army along with some Villagers to not only capture the Piece but build a fortified position so you can hold onto it. When ready, take the Piece South with your army & escape.
Mission #16 – Good Advice: Pass through the dream sequence & learn about Kronos; destroy the Evil Empires Wonder to complete the Mission.
Mission #17 – The Jackal’s Stronghold: Besiege Kemsyt’s island with Amanra & take back yet another Piece of Osiris.
Mission #18 – A Long Way From Home: Build up your base then send an army of Villagers to cut down the Tamarisk Tree to obtain a Piece of Osiris.
Mission #19 – Watch that First Step: Build up an army before Kamos discovers you & take back the final Piece of Osiris by force. I highly recommend sailing at least 8 Villagers over to the island you begin the Chapter on before the timer runs out so you can secure a Gold source for the entire game.
Mission #20 – Where They Belong: Reunite all three Pieces of Osiris at the temple; Arkantos & Ajax will arrive with the final Piece after 20 minutes or so…
Mission #21 – Old Friends: Oink… become people again & defeat Circe in her Fortress.
Sequence 2: Arkantos… Awaken
2. Achievements: 3/70
Mission #22 – North: Construct a base & destroy all three enemy Temples to complete the Mission.
Mission #23 – The Dwarven Forge: Retake the ancient Dwarven Forge for Eitri & Brokk & hold it for 10 minutes to complete the Mission.
Mission #24 – Not From Around Here: Protect Skult & the Folstag Flag Bearer to take them safely to the far North end of the map. When we are two thirds of the way through the Boulder Wall barring our way, a Giant army will arrive behind us; get our men to the flag at the North end of the map fast!
This is a great time to work towards the Time to Rebuild Achievement; build as many buildings as you can to get destroyed by the Giants.
Mission #25 – Welcoming Committee: Lure out the Chief’s of the Vibald, Eirik, & Arngrim Clan to defeat using the Foltstag Flag Bearer.
Mission #26 – Union: Assist the three Norse Clans in their tribulations… just because.
Mission #27 – The Well of Urd: Storm Gargarensis’s fortress & chase him into the Well of Urd!
Mission #28 – Beneath the Surface: Stop Gargarensis before he opens the Hades Gate to release Kronos & destroy his Giant Gate Ram once again!
Mission #29 – Unlikely Heroes: Defend the Dwarves as they cut down the Taproot for Thor’s Hammer; unite the two halves of the Hammer so Thor can close shut the jaws of oblivion!
Mission #30 – All Is Not Lost: Build a Town Center & ready your defences to hold off Gargarensis’ army; note that the timer only begins when a Town Center is built. You can get ahead by making do with your six starting Villagers & Ulfsarks & prepare what you can before doing so. Survive for 20 minutes to complete the Mission; build lots of Fortresses…
Achievement #2 – Stone & Steel: Complete 100 Fortress type buildings.
This should come naturally as you playthrough all 4 Campaigns. Try to at least build 3-4 Fortresses per Mission, & if possible, build as many as you can; you are limited to only 12 Fortresses a Mission before you can no longer build them.
Mission #31 – Welcome Back: Return to Atlantis & rescue as many Atlantean Prisoners as you can. Free at least 15 Atlanteans to complete the Mission.
Mission #32 – A Place In My Dreams: Build up your bases, advance to the Mythic Age, & build a Wonder to defeat Gargarensis. With the Wonder complete, Zeus will turn Arkantos into a Deity allowing us to defeat the Statue of Poseidon.
Achievement #3 – Ruler of the Trident: Complete the Fall of the Trident Campaign.
Story Related. Complete all 32 Mission of the Fall of the Trident Campaign, on any Difficulty, to unlock the Achievement.
Sequence 3: Wrath of the Gods
2. The New Atlantis: 1-11
3. Achievements: 5/70
With the main Campaign complete, we now have two “DLCs” if you will, that come with our Extended Edition of Age of Mythology. The first, being the shortest, is The Golden Gift.
Mission #1 – Brokk’s Journey: Get Brokk & at least 4 Ox Carts to the cave entrance at the far Eastern end of the map; the easiest way is to find 6 Cattle for the Jarl of Angrim found just North East of the Healing Spring near our starting base…
Mission #2 – Eitri’s Journey: We will need to build up a good navy for this Mission as we need to ship Eitri & 6 Dwarves to the mine entrance in the North corner of the map… getting them through a literal warzone between Rolf’s Raiders & Bjarnar’s Brigands… a good use of alliteration.
Mission #3 – Fight At the Forge: We will only have 15 minutes to build up a small army & take the Plenty Vault from Eitri inside the mine. Once it is taken, we must then hold it for 10 minutes ourselves to win the Mission.
Mission #4 – Loki’s Temples: Build up an army & bring Eitri & Brokk to the stolen Battle Boar.
Achievement #4 – Ruler of Gold: Complete the Golden Gift Campaign.
Story Related. Complete all four Mission of the Golden Gift Campaign to unlock this Achievement.
Our next expansion to complete is the New Atlantis Campaign.
Prologue – The Old One Watches: This is just an intro cinematic to the Campaign…
Mission #1 – A Lost People: Find the Sky Passage hidden on the island to escape the frozen wasteland.
Mission #2 – Atlantis Reborn: Restore some ancient Temples to the Titans then defeat the Greeks by destroying four of their Military Academies & Town Center.
Mission #3 – Greetings From Greece: Raise an army & defeat General Melagius.
Mission #4 – Odin’s Tower: Dismantle the three Temples to Odin, replace them with our own, then destroy Odin’s Tower with the help of Kronos.
Mission #5 – The Ancient Relics: Collect the four Relics from the Egyptians & bring them to the Temple of Kronos; the Temple cannot be destroyed or we will fail.
Mission #6 – Mount Olympus: Infiltrate Mount Olympus & fight your way to its peak; bring Kastor to the Temple of the Gods.
Mission #7 – Betrayal At Sikyos: We must build up our base & defences to survive the Titan Prometheus’s assault. When the timer expires, you need to send 3 Roc to Kastor’s position to complete the Mission before the Titan himself comes to destroy us; he is invincible…
This is another good opportunity to get more point towards the Time to Rebuild Achievement.
Mission #8 – Cerberus: Defend your base while the Son of Osiris re-animates the Guardian; defeat the Titan Cerberus with the Guardian.
Mission #9 – Rampage: Build up a base & hold out against the Norse Titan for 25 minutes for the Nidhogg to arrive. Consider assisting Folstag’s settlements & building Walls, Guard Towers, Units, etc. to help farm the Remember the Fallen & Time to Rebuild Achievements.
If done efficiently, you can kill the Titan without the Nidhogg by amassing a large Hersir force accompanied by Folstag. Freeze the Titan, use the Flaming Weapons power, & go ham on it.
Mission #10 – Making Amends: Build at least four Town Centers to heal the land & weaken the Titan Prometheus so that he can be killed!
Mission #11 – Atlantis Betrayal: Rush to the aid of the different Atlantean villages being attacked by Krios’s Automatons; chase Krios into the Sky Passage as he escapes to evade the Tartarus Gates.
Mission #12 – War of the Titans: Build up a base & secure all of Gaia’s Pools by invoking the Seed of Gaia. Defend the four Summoning Trees for 11:00 minutes; it is easier to just destroy Kronos’s base before planting the final Seed of Gaia…
When the timer reaches 5:00 minutes, Kronos himself will escape from Tartarus & you must delay him as best as you can until Gaia arrives; at least one of the four Summoning Trees must survive.
Achievement #5 – Ruler of Atlantis: Complete the New Atlantis Campaign.
Story Related. Complete all 12 Missions in the New Atlantis Campaign to unlock the Achievement.
Sequence 4: Tale of the Dragon
2. Achievements: 6/70
DLC Breakdown – Tale of the Dragon: (7)
Story Related: (1)
Skirmish Victory/Defeat: (6)
The Tale of the Dragon is the only DLC that is sold separately (for quite a bit of money at that for what we actually get out of it)…
Prologue – The Emperor’s Decree: This simply the opening cutscene setting up the sub par story to this DLC…
Mission #1 – Rising Waters: Build up your base & repair the six broken pieces of the dam.
Mission #2 – To the West: Defeat groups of Mountain Clan to take over their Military Buildings; fight carefully & try not to lose too many Units. You get a forecast of the next group of enemies, so be sure to build Units they are weak to.
Once you have taken over the second Town Center, build up an army to destroy the Mountain Fortress; we just need to destroy the enemies Town Center.
Mission #3 – From Below: This is a trickier Mission. We must quickly build up a base/army to chase down an enemy Monk before he completes all seven Dark Rituals.
You will want to begin attacking the enemy after the are working on the fifth Dark Ritual at the latest. Fortunately, the timer to complete each Ritual will increase incrementally.
Mission #4 – Trapped: Defend Zhi for 15:00 minutes from the enemy’s forces as he completes our own Ritual to befriend the Earth Dragon, Dilong.
Mission #5 – Confrontation: We will be betrayed by Danzhu & will only have a 1:30 minutes to set up our starting army into position before he arrives with his. We need to kill 130 of his Units to force him to retreat.
It is best stashing your army in the bottom left corner & use your two Scouts to assess the area. If possible, we can use them to attack the large Boulders to drop on some of Danzhu’s Units.
When the enemy is weakened, send out your army to wipe out the rest.
Mission #6 – The Realm of the Dead: For the next Mission… we need to clear out one of the circles of Hell? Alright then… This is also a semi-tricky Mission where you really need to build up a good defence as we will be constantly getting harassed by enemies.
Defeat the two enemies to the East & West (Burgandy & Orange) before defeating the enemy to the North (Red).
Mission #7 – The Water Palace: For this Mission, we first need to re-posses three Town Centers; when we do, we will be invaded by sea & attacked three ways. We have all the time in the world prior to building the Town Centers with finite enemies on our island. Take it slow, & build up bases around each of the three Town Centers. Do not build the final Town Center until you are ready for the second phase.
Note that the Rogue Forces (Red) Faction that will be invading us by sea… will not actually spawn enemies until we build all three Town Centers. If you are proactive, you can build a navy of Siege Junks & completely annihilate them, trivializing this Mission; they are found to the far East across the sea. You can also use an army of War Salamanders instead to make Victory a certainty…
With the last Town Center built, we need to wait for 5:00 minutes, then you can sail to the enemies island; destroy their two Castles to complete the Mission.
Mission #8 – A Way Out: Free the captured Roc, then free the Vermillion Birds from the enemy; once again, you will need a strong defence but just at your Southern end. You can also create a kill window to the West of your base; enemies get caught on the Bamboo wall immediately West. You can build Guard Towers in front of it to perpetually kill them so long as you do not invoke the Forest Fire Power on it.
When the Vermillion Birds are free, destroy the enemy’s main base… their Castle to be exact.
Mission #9 – Yin & Yang: Build up your forces & destroy Denzhu’s base. We will often harassed so make sure you have strong defences.
Epilogue: Summon the big bare chested dude… & win.
Achievement #6 – Ruler of Dragons: Complete the Tale of the Dragon Campaign.
Story Related. Complete all nine Missions of the DLC Campaign to unlock the Achievement.
8% Complete
Sequence 5: Single Player Skirmish 1
2. Victories: Zeus, Hades, Poseidon
3. Defeats: Zeus, Hades, Poseidon
4. Single Player AI Victories: 60/100
5. Achievements: 16/70
Now it is time to begin the long grind of our Skirmish Achievements. These are broken down into two sets however: Online & Single Player. To start we will be earning the bulk of the Achievements in Single Player Skirmish; we need to be playing Skirmish through the Single Player tab & not the Online one. Go into Single Player in the Main Menu & select Random Map to access it.
In the Customize Opponents tab, we can alter our Major God as well as set the amount of AI enemies we will fight. These Achievements do not stack, & we must increase the amount of AI enemies in each game after we unlock the previous Achievement. As well, it is imperative we set the AI to the same Team or the higher level Achievements will not unlock; we can set their behavior to No AI though making them completely inactive.
For Map, be sure to select Random Map so we can work towards the Aimless Wanderer Achievement. We also need to complete 100 of all five different Game Types (Supremacy, Conquest, Lightning, Deathmatch, & Treaty). To start, Deathmatch is best since we start with a lot of Resources. Keep the Map Size at Normal & turn on Titans; for our first 25 games, build a Titan for the Horror Unleashed Achievement. In the Other Tab, keep the Visibility set to Revealed so we can easily find the enemy.
For 30 other Achievements, we need to win a game as all 15 different Gods & we need to defeat all 15 Gods 10 times.
Because this is Single Player, we can also Save scum our games to speed these Achievements along. It is important to know the trackers for the Achievements are extremely laggy, it may take a few minutes or beat a few games naturally for the trackers to catch up!
Our Save scum will only work for Victory based Achievements; cumulative ones such as playing 100 games of each game type will need individual plays on different Maps, but we have an exploit for this as well later…
Deathmatch is the fastest of the game types & we will start here. Quickly advance to the Titan Age & build both a Titan & a Wonder before we exterminate the AI enemies… You will however need to wait for the 4:20 minute timer to end to be granted a Titan however which is a tad annoying.
For farming Victories/Defeats, start as both you & the AI playing as Zeus & work your way down the list after every 10 points; swap to the next God after the respective Achievements are unlocked.
If you still need it, we can easily build our 100 Fortresses for the Stone & Steel Achievement during this time as well.
Achievement #7 – Defeat the Soldier: Defeat 1 AI opponent single handedly!
Load up the game, & quickly build your Titan & Wonder. Make a Save before you destroy the AI with your Titan so we can reload back to it for farming…
Achievement #8 – Commander of Zeus: Lead Zeus to victory 10 times!
Reload your Skirmish Save before you destroy the AI to farm this Achievement if you are playing as Zeus; the trackers may be glitchy!
Achievement #9 – Foe of Zeus: Defeat Zeus 10 times!
Reload your Skirmish Save before you destroy the AI to farm this Achievement if they are playing as Zeus; the trackers may be glitchy!
Achievement #10 – Master of Deathmatch: Be victorious in 10 Deathmatch games.
Reload your Skirmish Save before you destroy the AI to farm this Achievement; the trackers may be glitchy!
Because of the expedience of this game type, we will continue to play in Deathmatch for now!
Achievement #11 – Defeat the Squad: Defeat 2 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v2 AI that are on the same Team. Save before you beat the final AI & reload it for the following Achievements.
Achievement #12 – Commander of Hades: Lead Hades to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Hades.
Achievement #13 – Foe of Hades: Defeat Hades to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Hades in Skirmish games.
Achievement #14 – Defeat the Troop: Defeat 3 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v3 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #15 – Commander of Poseidon: Lead Poseidon to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Poseidon.
Achievement #16 – Foe of Poseidon: Defeat Poseidon to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Poseidon in Skirmish games.
Sequence 6: Single Player Skirmish 2
2. Victories: Ra, Isis, Set, Thor, Odin, Loki, Kronos
3. Defeats: Ra, Isis, Set, Thor, Odin, Loki, Kronos
4. Single Player AI Victories: 100/100
5. Achievements: 42/70
Achievement #17 – Defeat the Platoon: Defeat 4 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v4 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #18 – Commander of Ra: Lead Ra to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Ra.
Achievement #19 – Foe of Ra: Defeat Ra to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Ra in Skirmish games.
Achievement #20 – Eradicator of the Machine: Be victorious against 100 AI opponents.
This Achievement can be farmed as it is cumulative against all AI you defeat per Skirmish game in Single Player; after 100 are defeated, we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #21 – Defeat the Company: Defeat 5 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v5 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #22 – Commander of Isis: Lead Isis to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Isis.
Achievement #23 – Foe of Isis: Defeat Isis to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Isis in Skirmish games.
Achievement #24 – Defeat the Battalion: Defeat 6 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v6 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #25 – Commander of Set: Lead Set to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Set.
Achievement #26 – Foe of Set: Defeat Set to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Set in Skirmish games.
Achievement #27 – Defeat the Regiment: Defeat 7 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v7 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #28 – Commander of Thor: Lead Thor to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Thor.
Achievement #29 – Foe of Thor: Defeat Thor to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Thor in Skirmish games.
Achievement #30 – Defeat the Brigade: Defeat 8 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v8 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #31 – Commander of Odin: Lead Odin to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Odin.
Achievement #32 – Foe of Odin: Defeat Odin to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Odin in Skirmish games.
Achievement #33 – Defeat the Division: Defeat 9 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v9 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #34 – Commander of Loki: Lead Loki to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Loki.
Achievement #35 – Foe of Loki: Defeat Loki to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Loki in Skirmish games.
Achievement #36 – Defeat the Army: Defeat 10 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v10 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #37 – Commander of Kronos: Lead Kronos to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Kronos.
Achievement #38– Foe of Kronos: Defeat Kronos to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Kronos in Skirmish games.
Achievement #39 – Creating A Masterpiece: Complete 10 Wonders.
As we playthrough our 100 Deathmatch games, be sure to build a Wonder in our first 10 games to unlock this Achievement; it may unlock sooner if you built more during the Campaigns.
Achievement #40 – Defeat the Horde: Defeat 11 AI opponents single handedly!
Rinse & repeat the same steps as before, but this time verse 1v11 AI that are on the same Team.
Achievement #41 – Commander of Oranos: Lead Oranos to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Oranos.
Achievement #42 – Foe of Oranos: Defeat Oranos to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Oranos in Skirmish games.
Sequence 7: Single Player Skirmish 3
2. Victories: Gaia, Fu Xi, Nü Wa, Shennong
3. Defeats: Gaia, Fu Xi, Nü Wa, Shennong
4. Achievements: 55/70
With all previous Achievements unlocked, we now have four final games to play in Single Player. Play a game against a single AI enemy of each of these game types (Supremacy, Lightning, Conquest, Treaty). Once you are close to Victory, make a Save, then keep reloading that Save after Victory 10 times to unlock the following Achievements.
Achievement #43 – Master of Supremacy: Be victorious in 10 Supremacy games.
We will unlock this Achievement after winning our 10th game of Supremacy.
Achievement #44 – Commander of Gaia: Lead Gaia to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Gaia.
Achievement #45 – Foe of Gaia: Defeat Gaia to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Gaia in Skirmish games.
Achievement #46 – Master of Conquest: Be victorious in 10 Conquest games.
We will unlock this Achievement after winning our 10th game of Conquest.
Achievement #47 – Commander Fu Xi: Lead Fu Xi to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Fu Xi.
Achievement #48 – Foe of Fu Xi: Defeat Fu Xi 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Fu Xi in Skirmish games.
Achievement #49 – Master of Lightning: Be victorious in 10 Lightning games.
We will unlock this Achievement after winning our 10th game of Lightning.
Achievement #50 – Commander of Nü Wa: Lead Nü Wa to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Nü Wa.
Achievement #51 – Foe of Nü Wa: Defeat Nü Wa 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Nü Wa in Skirmish games.
Achievement #52 – Master of Treaty: Be victorious in 10 Treaty games.
We will unlock this Achievement after winning our 10th game of Treaty.
Achievement #53 – Commander of Shennong: Lead Shennong to victory 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times in Skirmish games while playing as Shennong.
Achievement #54 – Foe of Shennong: Defeat Shennong 10 times!
Defeat Players or AI 10 times while they are playing as Shennong in Skirmish games.
Achievement #55 – Horror Unleashed: Complete 25 Titans.
If you have not already unlocked this Achievement, we can now officially grind for it. Choose any God, verse at least one AI opponent, then progress through the game until you are able to start building a Titan. Before you place down the Titan Gate, make a Save!
Now go, start/finish your Titan. Once it is animated & can walk around, reload your Save; rinse & repeat building your last few Titans to unlock the Achievement.
79% Complete
Sequence 8: Online Skirmish
2. Achievements: 66/70
With the Defeat the “X” & Eradicator of the Machine Achievements unlocked, we must now switch to Online Skirmish. Fortunately, even when “Online” we can verse AI bots to grind these Achievements; all but 1 Achievement can be completed on your own.
To create Online Skirmish matches, select Online from the Main Menu & Create Game. Turn off the Public box (setting it to Private which makes us verse AI bots), make a random name, & keep the Player count set to 2. When selecting the AI, be sure to set it to No AI still.
Achievement #56 – Hour of Alpacas: Participate in Alpaca Hour.
This Achievement is very specific but can be easily earned even though we missed the particular Event this Achievement was attached to.
Exit the game & go to your system clock. In Date & Time Settings, turn off set time automatically, & select set the date & time manually. For the Alpaca Hour, we need to set our date to February 7th 2016 (the date of the final occurring Event).
With the date set, create an Online game against our AI bots. As soon as we enter the game, we will unlock this Achievement.
With how expeditious this game type is, it is definitely the easiest for grinding the Champion of the Community Achievement. Note that unlike in Single Player, we cannot “Save scum” & reload our games anymore; each game must be completed fully for this Achievement. Speed run building a Barracks & then just swarm the enemy Town Center destroying both it & all their Units to win.
Achievement #57 – Leader of the Fearless: Host 25 Multiplayer games.
Complete any 25 Online Skirmish games to complete this Achievement; we technically due not need to win the games for it to count…
Achievement #58 – Deathmatch Certified: Play 100 Deathmatch games.
If you have been playing Deathmatch this entire time, we will unlock this Achievement after beating our 100th game of Deathmatch; we technically due not need to win the games for it to count…
Achievement #59 – Aimless Wonderer: Play 100 Random Map games.
If you have not been selecting a Map this entire time & leaving it set to Random, we will unlock this Achievement as soon as we load up our 100th game; we technically due not need to win the games for it to count…
Achievement #60 – Champion of the Community: Be victorious in 100 Online games.
Complete these Victories as quickly as you can playing as your preferred God. Use our primary tactics & just chip away at this as you have the time/patience for.
With our final “Victory” Achievement unlocked, we can now speed the next few Achievements along. It is unfortunately no less grindy, but since Victory is no longer an objective, all we need to do is load up/create individual games. As soon as we are in game, we can immediately Resign & exit to the Main Menu for it to count as 1.
This process can be glitchy. If you know your progress tracker is not increasing, try waiting a few extra seconds before Resigning to let the map “set” for a bit; this seems to work. Sometimes changing other options like which Major God you are or the specific AI type (Standard, Attacker, Defender, etc.) or Game Type can also help. Alternatively, manually completing a few Skirmish games can also help reset the tracker.
Achievement #61 – Supremacy Certified: Play 100 Supremacy games.
Quickly load up 100 Supremacy games, then Resign as soon as it loads; rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #62 – Lightning Certified: Play 100 Lightning games.
Quickly load up 100 Lightning games, then Resign as soon as it loads; rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #63 – Conquest Certified: Play 100 Conquest games.
Quickly load up 100 Conquest games, then Resign as soon as it loads; rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #64 – Treaty Certified: Play 100 Treaty games.
Quickly load up 100 Treaty games, then Resign as soon as it loads; rinse & repeat to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #65 – One Among the Eager: Play 50 Quickmatch games.
This is our one & only fully Online game where we will be paired with other real Players. As the name suggest however, we only need to enter the game for it to track. For farming, we can just match with another Player then Resign immediately; do this 50 times to unlock the Achievement. Alternatively, you can play all these games out without the stress of needing to be the Victor.
Note that if you do use the Resignation tactic… you may potentially get some less than happy messages on your Profile. So be aware of that…
Achievement #66 – One Among the Flock: Play 1000 Online games.
With all other Achievements unlocked in Skirmish, we now have the final grind. This just boils down to entering/Resigning Online Skirmish games against bots. This takes quite a while; if you are a machine about it, you might be able to complete 100 games in an hour.
Like mentioned before, the tracker for the Achievement might be delayed using this method. It IS still tracking, you may just need to swap around some options or fully play the odd game for it to sync.
94% Complete
Sequence 9: Editor Mop Up
2. Achievements: 70/70
If you have not unlocked these last few Achievements throughout our many hours of Skirmish, we can fortunately cap this 100% off in under 10 minutes of quick farming.
From the Main Menu, enter Editor. This is one of the most enjoyable parts of Age of Mythology & a lacking part of the other Age of Empires titles. In Editor… we can do whatever we want. For the below Achievements specifically, we will do as follows.
Achievement #67 – Annihilation: Kill 10,000 Units in battle.
First, go to the Objects tab, & Place Object. Here we can place any Unit in the game & they will be tied to Player 1 (us); you can filter it to just show Units. Go to Titan, & place one… or many down; you can technically place any Unit combo your heart desires really…
Once you have made your army, go over to the left side of the Place Object menu & set the Place As to Player 2. Now, you will want to make a horde of weak, expendable Units (most likely human based) for our Units to kill; Militia are a good choice.
When you are finished, be sure to switch the Place As back to Player 1 so we are in control of them.
Go to the Scenario tab now & hit Playtest Scenario. Play out your little Scenario as many times as you need to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #68 – Remember the Fallen: Lose 5000 Units in battle.
Follow the exact same steps as before for this Achievement, only this time reverse the Units. Player 1 gets the weak army of Militia & Player 2 will have the Titans; be sure to play as Player 1 & Playtest the Scenario as many times as required to lose your last needed Units.
Achievement #69 – Demolition: Destroy 2000 Buildings in battle.
For this Achievement, go to Place As as Player 2, then place down as many Houses as you can on the Map; the closer they are together, the faster it will go. Now switch back to Player 1 & place a bunch of Titans near the Houses; once again, the more there are the faster it will go.
Go to Playtest Scenario, & watch your Titans blow stuff up; rinse & repeat. To save time, you can also set up the reverse of this set up on the opposite side of the Map & run both Scenarios at the exact same time…
Achievement #70 – Time to Rebuild: Lose 1000 Buildings in battle.
Reverse the above set up having Player 1’s city full of Houses with Player 2’s Titans scattered amongst them. Playtest Scenario, & let your own Buildings get destroyed to farm out this Achievement.
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
Thank you for choosing Cynic, & I will see you in the next guide!
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And that wraps up our share on Age of Mythology: Extended Edition: 100% Achievement Guide: Age of Mythology. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Cynic 0055, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!