If you’re an avid player of A Hat in Time, you may be interested in learning how to use Console Commands Plus Mod to access new animations for Hat Kid. This guide will show you how to easily switch up your gameplay with a few simple commands.
Alongside playing online party as a end game hobby of the game, I have always loved taking screenshots in this game and I really had fun using the different kinds of poses using the camera badge.
Since I craved for more poses, I tried searching in workshop and found the Animations Play Extensions Mod, where your character would do different animations, giving more opportunity of poses if paused at the right time. I noticed that not all the animations were in this mod so I decided to go deeper into the game to find more animation/poses.
So yeah I can clearly say im a enthusiastic when it comes to getting screenshots and I wanted to share to my fellow non-modders how to get access more animations/poses for their screenshots.
1ST STEP – Subscribing needed mods
2ND STEP – Downloading combo Commands file
https://www. mediafire .com /file/j9ytowf0w9kanni/ComboCommands.combos/file
(Remove the Spaces)
If you want to know what I’m letting you download, let me explain here:
One of the added console commands in the Command Console+ mod to do an animation is the “doplayertaunt”, however using this would result in your character being immobilize. I wanted
to make it as close as possible in copying the Animations Play Extensions Mod where the player would be free to move around while doing the animation. That way the character
could get into position. I created a series and list of commands, or in this term, a “combo” of commands so this would be possible. I tried to make it as user-friendly
as possible this way as well.
3RD STEP – Applying Combo Commands
so for example the file’s location should be like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\HatinTime\Binaries\Win64\ConsoleCommandsPlus\ComboCommands.combos
This would put the list of animation commands I made so that the Command Console+ mod could use it.
4TH STEP – Running the Game
5TH STEP – Enabling Developer console
If enabled, you should be able to open up a green text window during game by pressing Tilda (~) or Back Tick (`) in your keyboard (it’s usually beside your 1)
6TH STEP – Using the Animations
In the console, We can type in: cc (animation name)
Where (animation name) is.. the animation name.
Here is a full list of the animation names I created:
- argue
- atk1
- atk2
- atk3
- atkair
- atklunge1
- atklunge2
- atklunge3
- atkshoot
- atkshootin
- atkshootout
- atkspin
- badgeidle
- badgein
- badgeout
- ballidle
- ballrun
- batidle
- batin
- boop
- bump
- burndown
- burnup
- carryL
- carryS
- caught
- chargerun
- chest
- climbdownturn
- climbidleL
- climbidleR
- climbLR
- climbRL
- climbup
- cold
- cram
- crawl
- crawlaway
- crawlenter
- crawlidle
- crouchin
- crouchout
- crouchoutslow
- derp
- die
- dive
- diveold
- diveidle
- diveslide
- diveslidefull
- doorenterL
- doorenterR
- doorlookleft
- doorlookright
- drownsurface
- drownswim
- drownunder
- falldeath
- fallgetup
- fall1
- fall2
- fall3
- flop1
- flop2
- flopin
- flopout
- glide
- getitem
- handhurtjump
- handhurtrun
- hang
- hangin
- hattack
- hattackin
- hattackout
- highfive
- hookair
- hookclang
- hookfast
- hookfastorg
- hookback
- hookforward
- horn
- hurt1
- hurt2
- hurt3
- hurt4
- hurt5
- idle
- idle1
- idle2
- idle3
- idle4
- idle5
- idlehurt
- idleold
- introscene1
- introscene2
- introscene3
- introscene4
- introscene5
- introscene6
- introscenefall1
- introscenefall2
- introscenefall3
- introsceneidle
- introscenepose1
- introscenepose2
- jumpdouble
- jumpdoubleold
- jumpforward
- jumpledge
- jumpstill
- keyrun
- keyspy
- kick
- knockback
- land
- landmoving
- landmovingold
- landmovingfar
- landmovingfarold
- lookaround
- lvlintro1
- lvlintro2
- lvlintro3
- march
- metroscene1
- metroscene2
- metroscene3
- metroscene4
- metroscene5
- metroscene6
- moneyidle
- moneyin
- mudrun
- notarget
- patty
- pickupL
- pickupS
- pillowdive
- plateidle
- platejump
- platepickup
- platewallslide
- pose1
- pose2
- punch1
- punch2
- pushup
- raceidle
- racein
- repair
- riftfall1
- riftfall2
- rocket
- ropeidle1
- ropeidle2
- roperun
- run
- runscared
- salutein
- saluteidle
- sandmobileenter
- sandmobileland
- sandmobileidle
- sandmobileexitL
- sandmobileexitR
- scared
- scaredin
- scaredout
- scooterland
- scooteridle
- scooterhonk
- shakeflask
- shock
- sit
- skip
- sleep1
- sleep2
- sleep1to2
- smugdance
- spin
- sprint
- sprintidle
- sprintin
- spyidle
- spyrun
- stitch
- swamp
- swamprun
- swimforward
- swimidle
- think1
- think2
- think3
- think4
- think5
- throw1
- throw2
- ticket
- timegetair
- timegetfinale
- timegetground
- timegetquiet
- tiptoe
- titlein
- titleinlong
- titleidle
- tpose
- trip
- turn
- twirl1
- twirl2
- twirl3
- twirl4
- twirl5
- twirl6
- umbrellaidle
- umbrellain
- wallclimb
- wallslide1
- wallslide2
- walk
- walkjog
- waterdrink
- waterrefill
- wipe
Alternatively, you can see the list of animations by typing lc in the console to see it. But sometimes it wouldn’t show all since the window is too small.
So to use these, here is an example:
if we type cc patty in console
Your character should be doing the patty cake animation:
Another example:
If we type: cc waterrefill
It would do an unused animation of refilling a flask
7TH STEP – Play/Stop Animations
I made two combo console commands included in the file:
cc anim_again – This would play the chosen animation again
cc anim_stop – This would cancel the animation
8TH STEP – Animation Hotkeys
Binding a command console on a key can be done by the following example:
setbind o cc anim_again
This would issue the command cc anim_again by simply pressing the o key in the keyboard.
Now we can spam the Boop! (Sounds not included)
As I have tested this only once in online parties, my friend told me that he does see me doing the animations. So i guess it works in Online Party as well as far as I know. But if it doesn’t work, it’s out of my scope. I mainly use these for getting my screenshots.
Mod creators of Console Commands Plus and Animations Play Extensions Mod!
Enjoy making creative poses! (or GIFs)
And that wraps up our share on A Hat in Time: Animations Play using Console Commands Plus Mod. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by w.black57 and 1 collaborators, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!