A text-only guide to help you get through the main story, and attain all achievements (as of the January 2nd 2025 patch). This does not contain a bestiary, nor a full walkthrough of the postgame.
This guide will not have locations for every Dokimon or item, but will make call-outs for anything helpful, interesting, achievement-relevant, or something that otherwise might be at risk of loss to glitches.
This was first written when the January 2nd 2025 build was current. Dokimon remains in active development as of the time of first posting. If you’re referencing this in the future, some things may be inaccurate or missing. Consult the Revision History section if you’re uncertain.
As there are no achievements past an early part of the postgame in the current version, this guide’s walkthrough will stop at that point. This is also because the postgame area’s development is incomplete at the time of writing.
Spoilers are being respected for the main story’s endgame and the postgame area.
Revision History
The formatting is bare-bones and rough. Should there be later revisions, I will work to better consolidate, organize, and present the information.
Type Match-Up Chart
1x = Normal damage
2x = Double damage
Half = Half damage
Null = No damage
* NOTE: There are no Dokimon that are just Flyng type alone as of the January 2nd 2025 build, so the Flyng vs. Flyng entry is a guess.
Some Useful Tips
– Don’t sweat your choice of Dokimon too much. Your very first Dokimon, Whispurr, is highly capable with a broad move pool should you invest in them. I’ve run through the main story twice, with Whispurr and the elemental starter (Grass and Fire in my playthroughs) taking the lead in both runs. Sprinkle in whatever looks cool or fun along the way! This is a bite-sized adventure, and it’s not hard to pivot to new Dokimon.
– Get into the habit of checking your status screens. You can change up a Dokimon’s movelist at any time (from a pool, dependent on individual Dokimon) and assign (also freely re-assign) EP gained from level-ups to stat bonuses.
– Status moves for the most part aren’t worth bothering with, aside from anything that drains health or causes flinching. You are going to want to go all-in on offense as much as you can. The Dark-type Low Blow is a personal favorite for reliable flinching.
– Takoyaki alone is fine as a healing item. I’m not sure what anything else does that’s better, or differently, as the descriptions of the healing items don’t say what they do mechanically. Just use that for between-fight healing while exploring, and go back to a healer to deal with status effects or KO’d Dokimon. This may change in later patches, but I’ve been able to go through the game twice with just that.
– After grabbing an early game item called a Yuujyou Orb, every Dokimon on your team automatically receives a tiny amount of EXP from every fight. This portion will grow over time with the acquisition of more Yuujyou Orbs, seemingly capping at around 30% as of January 2nd 2025. However, they cannot transform into new forms unless they are actively fighting at time of level-up.
– You can re-challenge most Rangers to grind up EXP (for levels), AP (Dokimon usage loyalty reward for more stat boosts), and Dosh (money). As you keep defeating them, their team slowly becomes stronger. In turn, they drop more EXP. This can make it very useful, though still repetitive, to bring a Dokimon up to speed. By and large, a Dokimon is ready for the main story’s endgame when they approach level 40 with high AP (max 50 in every stat).
– Dosh prizes from Ranger battles don’t go any higher as the game progresses. If you’re grinding that specifically, finding a favorite single-Dokimon Ranger to bully is the fastest way to do it. (Make sure you are always using a Dokimon strong against the ones they use, as again, they get gradually stronger from every defeat.) You’re still building fast EXP in the process!
– Bright green bushes with berries on them can be interacted with in order to obtain Berries. They stick out like a sore thumb at night. Each one gives a small amount of bonus AP if your Dokimon likes it (type-dependant). They don’t give that much, but every little bit can help. A town in the late game, somewhat out of the way, does sell some if it interests. Generally, repeat-fighting Rangers is the best way to raise (or re-raise) AP rather than Berries.
– A later expensive item, Void Berries, lets you gain several levels at once at cost of AP. AP does cap off at a bonus of 50 for every stat, so you might as well ‘spend’ them, as it were. These are very useful for power leveling, and the lost AP can be refilled easily with continued fighting for more Dosh in which to acquire even more Void Berries. (Also note: Dokimon who transform into new forms will still only do it if the level-up happens while they’re actively fighting.)
– Orb Shards are finite and only add one level at a time, but have no drawbacks. I believe there’s about 15 of them total, so save them until you need to bump up some Dokimon to endgame viability. These cannot trigger transformations, as once again, the Dokimon in question needs to be actively battling for that to happen when the appropriate level is reached.
– Save often! (Again.)
These tips shared, on with the game.
Part 01: Lillywood + Twindle Forest
Talk to Rei (the professor from the intro) to advance the plot, then head directly west into Twindle Forest. You don’t have to worry about any random encounters here, just for this part of the game. Follow the path west, then south past bushes and down the ledge. Follow the winding path towards the southwest, then talk to the green girl there (Ai).
In the next segment, follow the same path as before. After the scene ends, head south twice to leave the house. Head back north to Professor Rei’s place and speak to her. Leave, and go north to speak to her again. Return to your home (directly south of you) to speak to your mother.
She gives you the Momma Radar, which lets you teleport back home at almost any time, and some sundries. Now, head north to leave Lillywood.
Part 02: Route 01 + Route 02
By default, the setting to check and see your attack’s effectiveness against the enemy is active, and you’ll see that two of your moves will inflict 2x damage. Cut is more reliable, but it doesn’t matter over much.
After that fight, you get to pick your elemental starter. For reference: the last form of the fire one is Fire/Fight, the last of the grass one is Grass/Flyng, and the last of the water one is Water/Elect. Pick what you like.
You’ll also now have wild Dokimon attack you at random in the grass, going forward. Whispurr and your chosen starter will make short work of them in this stage of the game.
Keep going north.
Ishikawa, the red guy in glasses, is the first enemy Ranger you can fight over and over. You, the player, get to opt challenges rather than be pounced by NPCs. So, walk up to him, select ‘yes,’ and away you go. (This is the same for any other Ranger.)
He only has a Carrotti (Grass). Beating him (specifically!) ten times gives you an achievement. Ranger battles are the primary source of money outside of precious few item drops found on the overworld, so you should get in the habit of fighting them multiple times.
You have other options than Ishikawa here. There are two purple twin girls – Brixlet (Fairy/Elect) on the left and Spooklet (Ghost/Elect) on the right, respectively – that are easier to train Whispurr with, as both are weak to the Grass-type Twig Blade. Be warned that Spooklet can potentially hit Whispurr back with their Ghost-type weakness. At the furthest north is a green guy with a Pheonix (Fire/Flyng) that will be useful for training your Water-type starter if you picked them.
If you need to heal, head back to either your house’s futon (bed), or to the blue guy in the northeast corner of Rei’s lab. You can also return to Twindle Forest and find some wild Dokimon now, but this is optional. Any Dokimon you catch in this part of the game will be of very low level, and all of them reappear on later routes with better starting levels. It’s your call.
That said, Casper (Ghost) is an excellent catch if you decide to, who later becomes the Dark/Ghost-type Deathscye and one of the better special attackers of the game. You’ll have plenty of chances to catch one with a better starting level later, though.
Keep moving on northwest towards the snowy area. (Northeast is a dead-end at present, and will be for a while.)
Watch the girl in green yammer on, and move west into the snowy path of Route 02. Head directly north from the very start of Route 02 to the glowing blue box. Inside is a Katana, which lets you cut apart certain bushes.
Follow the path west and a bit south to find your next objective behind a bush – a suspicious building with two people outside.
You can try to keep going west, but you’ll be blocked off by a police officer. So, no sense doing anything other than going into that building.
Head on inside, and go down the ladder. (It’s a little finicky, just keep walking over it.)
Part 03: Xer’s Base
The path here is linear. You’ll be blocked by someone using two Flounders (Water/Flyng). They’re weak, it’s no big.
Next one down the staircase has Jespurr (Light) and Moisen (Flyng/Poisn). Whispurr’s Twig Blade clears the first no problem.
The next floor has multiple re-fightable Rangers. The one in our way is not, using Yomeshi (Ghost) and Shinigam (Ghost). Whispurr is weak to Ghost-type attacks, so be careful.
Luckily, the character standing above the blue ‘+’ mark will give free heals, and his close proximity makes the four(!) nearby re-fightable Rangers appealing for grinding purposes.
The one due south of the entrance has two Shinigam (Ghost) and one Emboa (Fire). The one just west of the healer has a sole Moisen (Flyng/Poisn). The one south of the cardboard boxes has a three instances of Toppa (Water). The one right by the stairs down has two instances of Misma (Elect) and one Umbral (Elect/Ghost). That last set is weak to Whispurr’s Twig Blade, so they’re perfect for raising them up.
Head down one more time to a cavern level. You’ll fight a Level 12 Mag (Fire). Whispurr, a Fairy-type, resists Fire-type in Dokimon, so this is easy even if you lack anything else. Head due east after the cutscene for some Orb Shards, which raises a Dokimon’s level up on use – something I’d hold onto until the endgame.
Head back the way you came. All the enemy Rangers are still here, uncaring of story events, so you can grind and heal to your heart’s content. When you get to B1, instead of leaving, go down and to the right, following the path to a newly open door. The prize here is the Midnight Captal, which will instantly capture any wild Dokimon. It’s not unique, as you can buy more much later in the game. I’d still hold onto it.
Leave the way you came in.
Part 04: Route 02 + Route 03 + Coralwood
Route 03 doesn’t have much here other than a few trifling items, but I feel this is a good route to make some new Dokimon friends, as they start at better levels than what came before. The first obtainable Elect-type Dokimon, Patches (Elect) and Wattlet (Elect/Flyng), can be found here if you want them.
Just keep following the winding path through the grass, and you’ll make it out up north to Coralwood.
Speak to the girl inside the Inn (due north) if you need heals. Also, remember the lab to the west – it’s very important for later. (You can also speak to the blue person in the center of that lab for heals.)
Speak to the yellow-colored woman in the northwest of the lab, Prof. Rena. She gives some plot exposition: you need to head East, but your movement is restricted until you can defeat a local Elite Ranger.
To the northeast of the lab, next to street lights, is a store where you can stock up on items. Super Captals and Takoyaki are good to pack.
You can go inside the Dokimon Ranch, out west, and further west through some trees to find more Orb Shards north and south through a narrow vertical passage of trees.
You can go north to Route 05 if you want, but it’s a dead end aside from any wild Dokimon.
Some notables: Haracker, whose line is the only pure Fight-type in the game, is present – they show up in a few other places but this is the earliest.
Also notable, if less so, is Nimbis (Light). There are many Light-types in the game, but Nimbis’ final transformation, Lloudious, is the only one in the game that stays as just a Light-type.
Head due east when ready.
Part 05: West Side of Route 04 + Haru’s Heaven
You can fight some more wild Dokimon in the grass to the south if you want, but it’s not needed. Sometimes you can find a Tignis (Fire), if you want one.
Just head inside any building in Coralwood (back to the west) and come back out. He’ll have gone inside. Enter the building.
Don’t let the horde of Flounder and Mudslip (both Water/Flyng, for reference) intimidate you, they’re just there to form walls. As Haru himself says, he doesn’t use them in battle.
The game doesn’t say this out loud, but the Rangers here (except for one) all use Light-types. Light-types are weak to Grass- and Fight-type attacks in this game. Whispurr’s Twig Blade is enough if you’re decently leveled, but they still may get sucker-punched by Clobber or (especially) Surprise Attack, as Fairy-types are weak to Light-type attacks. If you have a Grass-type or Fight-type Dokimon of a decent level, bring them instead.
The exception is an optional one to the west past Haru, who will use two Flounders. Beating them gives you access to the Fishing Rod, which lets you pull wild Dokimon out from bodies of water. They’re of very low level for the most part, but you may still catch Dokimon you haven’t found yet if it interests. (Atlas, a Dragn-type, is a stand-out possible but infrequent catch.)
Once Haru is beaten, you’ll be allowed to journey east to Which-Way Caves. Follow the mountain path to the southeast, with two entrances. Go into the one on the right, surrounded by grass with a sign.
Part 06: Which-Way Caves + East Side of Route 04
Open the box for an item your player character has no idea about. You’re going to want to take this back to Prof. Rena in Coralwood, but you don’t have to do it right now. (In fact, right now she doesn’t acknowledge or take it.)
There are some items you can get if you explore and experiment with the cave routes, but the above is the fastest way through with minimal trouble.
You may want to stick around for new Dokimon, if you’re in the mood. Jespurr (Light) turns into a Light/Fairy later and is all-around solid, for example.
You’ll come back out into the eastern part Route 04!
Go towards the east and leave, to come back out into open air. The Ranger to the south has Casper (Ghost) and Mudslip (Water/Flyng). If you follow the path south and to the west of her, you can run into a Ranger with only Dustle (Dark), who is a useful farming/training point for any Dokimon that wield Light- or Fight-type attacks.
If you want to return to Coralwood, keep going north and west – ignoring the cave – to find a ledge you can jump down.
However, if you’re ready to move on with the story, head east into Tinywood Town.
Part 07: Tinywood Town + Route 06
Here on Route 06, we’ll be reuniting with our friends from home. Koi will want to fight with their Quackfil (Dark/Flyng) and the starter they picked, which will vary (Grass, Water, or Fire). Deal with them appropriately.
Ai will follow you for a short while. While she’s with you, talking to her will heal your Dokimon, so this is a good opportunity to train up your lower roster members if you want. She won’t be with you for very long, so make the most of it if it interests.
There’s not much of interest north, aside from some Rangers. The purple girl has a Juskitten (Fairy/Light) and Tigris (Fire). The green woman towards the end of the path has an Atlas (Dragn) and Lantis (Dragn), which will fold to Fairy-type attacks easily. Train with them if you’d like, but there’s nothing more for you right now.
Kaze Mori Shrine – or Aki Jinja Shrine, as the game calls it, will be to the west past the flowering tree from where Ai joined you. She’ll leave you soon after.
Part 08: Aki Jinja Shrine
You’ll be going back and forth between gates, speaking with various Rangers. The first one packs Soul (Dark) and Yorox (Dark). The Ranger on the opened right path also has Soul (Dark), Lunapet (Ghost/Poisn), and Mudslip (Water/Flyng). Head up to the right to meet another Ranger with two instances of Lunapet (Ghost/Poisn) and Gumba (Water/Poisn).
Make your way up fully north and you’ll meet with Aki, the second Elite Ranger. She has Mudslip (Water/Flyng), Toxihop (Water/Poisn), Umbral (Elect/Ghost), and Jistery (Dark). Jistery may try to stunlock you with Low Blow, so be careful.
After that, sit through the dialogue. Aki will tell you to head out to sea, though you don’t actually have that ability yet.
Now, don’t leave yet! Head inside Aki’s shrine. Go all the way back to make a new Dokimon friend. They’re a secondary starter of sorts, their type (between Fire, Grass, or Water) depending on what you picked at the beginning. Due to a potential glitch, you’ll want to get this as soon as possible (if only for completion’s sake).
Now you’re done here! Head back through Route 06, heal at Tinywood’s Inn, and make your way back to Coralwood through Route 04.
Part 09: Return to Coralwood + Route 05 + Surfboard
If you haven’t been to Route 05 from your prior visit to Coralwood, consider grabbing a Haracker (Fight-type) if you can. It’s a rare type, and they’re the only Dokimon line to be pure Fight-types at that. They’re only weak to Flyng-types, though they can be walled out somewhat by Fairy-, Flyng-, and Poisn-types. Ghost-types and Fight-types are mutually immune to one another, which can be useful in some fights. Once again, your call.
Now there’s something to do here! Go all the way north to find a ship parked at the beach. You’ll get a surfboard, which will let you travel on water after running off a pier. As the dealer indicates, the one most relevant to you right now is in your hometown of Lillywood.
Use the Momma Radar to teleport back instantly, or just walk there.
Part 10: Lillywood + Route 11 (optional) + Route 12
First things first, random whirlpools will trigger wild Dokimon fights. There’ll be plenty of those. Aoimon, an Ice/Dark-type, might be the earliest possible Ice-type you can find. Ice-type itself is defensively very strong in Dokimon, with resistance to at least six types (and one of them an outright immunity, to Poisn). They’re is a solid friend to make. Though Aoimon has a 4x Fight weakness, they are also a reliable Low Blow stunlocker.
While there’s a town to the west (Koi Harbor), it’s optional. There’s nothing vital to the game’s progression there, but the route between it and Route 02 will finally be open. You can buy a Great Rod here if you want, though.
*NOTE: As of the January 2nd 2025 build, the Great Rod is bugged and doesn’t work. I don’t imagine it’ll be placed anywhere else in the future, though, so I’m leaving the note there.
Disregard any dialogue about the Elite Ranger of Koi Harbor you might overhear, they won’t be relevant for a long while. Don’t waste time looking for them right now, as they’re simply not present.
This aside… where you want to go to progress the story is east! There remains a bunch of Rangers that may interest over in the west anyway, so I’ll list them west-to-east, starting from south of Koi Harbor.
The blue male sailor directly south of Koi Harbor has a Kitsu (Light) and Glaceia (Ice), perfect for raising a Fight-type. To his southeast, the female sailor has Creselidite (Grass/Fight, not a Dragn) and is a viable solo farm choice to train a Flyng-type due to a 4x weakness – in fact, off the top of my head they might be the only ‘solo Dokimon repeatable fight’ Ranger to have a 4x weakness. Around the island to the south end is another male sailor with Loomleak (Water) and Marillo (Water/Fight) for an Elect-type to farm. Between the islands going to the east is another male sailor with two instances of Snek (Grass) which is also easy pickings by the appropriate Dokimon types.
Going south and east from Lillywood’s pier will take you towards Route 12, which is where you want to go to progress the story.
Along the way, you may see a ship docked at a tiny sandy patch with two blue people there. Remember this for later. Go up north and around said ship.
You can find a female sailor near a gathering of purple people with a Lantis (Dragn) and a Frossla (Grass/Ice). Right before the pier to Sora Island is a guy with Corsarc (Elect), Boxbi (Dark/Fight), and Punchbox (Ghost/Fight).
Your destination awaits east.
Part 11: Sora Island + Route 12 Pirate Ship
There’s nothing else to do yet. So, back out into Route 12, this time going back west towards the ship you found with the two blue people on it.
After a brief scene, you’ll be welcomed aboard.
*WARNING: As far as I know, this is a one-time only area, so make the most of it. You can’t leave, but fortunately the blue guy near the table will heal your team. The treasures you find on the ground are just basic Captals, but as you can’t leave to buy more things, you may appreciate having them if you’re running low.
There’s a few Rangers too, of course. The first one has Gumba (Water/Poisn), who disappears after. The next one in the middle of the hallway is optional, renewable, and has two instances of Bloomtad (Water/Grass). The next one just has a Milli (Water/Fairy) and is a good solo farm. The guy by the boat has two instances of Toppa (Water) and Gumba (Water/Poisn). The one blocking you down the hallway has Atlas (Dragn) and Voltistrike (Ghost).
That’s it for Rangers. Don’t go right yet.
If you go up the left and follow the hallway, you can find grass to fight wild Dokimon. None are too hard to find elsewhere with possible exception of Atlas (Dragn), so grab one here now if you want. It may take a little while.
When you’re ready, head up the stairs to the right to get what you’re here for. After that, you’re done! Head on back to Sora Island.
Part 12: Sora Island + Xer Central
Now we can move the plot forward. Check with Aki and the Black Belt Bro, then head to the left-most building.
If you came in here before, a Dokimon blocked the stairs down. They’re gone now, so go downstairs to get the second Yuujyou Orb and Orb Shards. Go back up and talk to the guy by the door, and you’ll enter the password and enter the next dungeon.
*WARNING: You won’t be able to leave until you’re done here. However, you can return back to this part of the game without any issue, if you want to search for Dokimon you may have missed.
Fortunately, useful services are to your right! The first door has a healer, the second door has an item shop (get some more Super Captals if you haven’t).
The third door has optional Ranger fights. The bunny girl at the upper right has a solo Miso (Dragn/Light), who is noticeably sturdy even with the use of weakness hits. The left-side bunnygirl has Lantis (Dragn), Shroolia (Grass/Poisn), and Minx (Dark). The guy in the southwest has Gumba (Water/Poisn) and Toxihop (Water/Poisn).
The fourth door is being blocked by a detective with Shinigam (Ghost), who goes away and reveals trivial loot.
To advance, go back to the start and head up. Don’t mind the dead end with some cash, the real thing of interest is the big 4-by-4 ‘X’ panel. Walk over all spaces of it in rapid sequence and you’ll teleport somewhere else. The north is blocked off, so head due west and go inside. Don’t mind the fire/water/grass panels just yet.
Inside this cave are three distinct ecosystems for wild Dokimon. Northeast has Grass-types, center-north has Fire-types, and northwest has Water-types. There are some new Dokimon to catch, but you’ll want to make sure you have at least one of each element on hand.
Use your D-Tech to adjust your party as needed. You might not even need to catch any new Dokimon at all in order to satisfy the following puzzle, if you just want to zoom through.
When you’re done catching or training, head back out of the cave to the three element tiles just in front of where you came from. Place a Fire-type on the left-most tile, a Grass-type on the center tile, and a Water-type on the right-most tile. To do so, move them to the front of the party, and place them when prompted. (As a note, I’m not sure what Mimi-to, a Grass/Water-type you can find here, counts as to the puzzle. So, I wouldn’t use them for it.)
You won’t be able to use who you put down in battle for a little while, but this is hardly going to be an issue in the near future.
After that, go right and then north past the teleporter tile. The way ahead is open. Watch how things play out, move north, and do it again. Once again, watch how things play out, and move north one last time.
Part 13: Gad’riel Mountain
*NOTE: You may have an achievement, “Bewitching!”, trigger here like it did for me. This is a bug regarding something you can do later to return here as of the January 2nd 2025 version, but hey, free achievement.
Watch the cutscene, and from there… there’s plenty to do! If you head east past the house and due south, you can find some Rangers to fight around an Inn. This is a wonderful catch-up opportunity you should take, as the game’s difficulty will start to spike soon.
In addition, you may notice multiple colors of grass if you roam around there. The familiar green, a gloomier purple color, and a small amount of pink grass around a pink tree. The first two have unique wild Dokimon pools each, with plenty to catch between both. The pink grass won’t have any wild Dokimon in it, but keep it in mind.
East of the orange kid is a martial artist with Boxbi (Dark/Fight), who is an excellent solo farm. North of him is a maroon girl with two instances of Toppa (Water) and a Fungalina (Fairy/Poisn), east to her has a purple ice enthusiast with Frostby (Ice) and Frostla (Ice/Flyng). East of him is a purple girl with Patches (Elect) and Rattler (Fire) as a good Dark-type farm. South of the Boxbi guy is a martial artist with Pheonix (Fire/Flyng), Tigris (Fire), and Rattler (Fire).
Once you’re done, rejoin the main path to the west. Head north past the dark purple armored figures into the town ahead, Gad’riel Peak.
Part 14: Gad’riel Peak
There’s a few things to do here. First things first, do not go northwest just yet. (Also, there’s a dead end to the northeast that goes nowhere at all, feel free to ignore it. Heed the officers’ warning, there’s nothing there as of January 2nd 2025.)
Instead, from the inn, just keep going northeast past the armored guy staring at a rock. Head inside the house to the other armored guy’s right. Speak to the master if you want, but what you need is the box in the upper right. Inside are a pair of Nunchucks!
From there, you can now break rocks! This is very useful for something important you should get now, instead of later. Go back down to Gad’riel Mountain’s path.
Part 15: Gad’riel Mountain (for things you’ll want)
You’ll be in a thick set of tall grass and frequently under attack, but you want to be here. Wind your way down south past a rock, and keep going until you find a flickering flame near a lake. (You may see a ladder going down to the west. Ignore it for now.)
Here is an important pick-up: the Fairy Stone. Rather than the vague advice it gives, I’ll say outright: it lets you encounter special Dokimon in pink grass that you may have already seen. In fact, quite a few achievement-tied Dokimon come from these grass patches, so I’ll point them out along the way.
Right now, you may rarely run into Kitsu (Light) here. You get an achievement for obtaining one. However, if you’re interested, there’s an easier way.
Head back the way you came, but this time go left. You will see a pink/purple swirl behind the ladder. Ignore it, go down the ladder (which you couldn’t do until you got the Fairy Stone). Keep going south until you come out to a clearing with… a Kitsu.
Approach it, and it’ll decide to come with you. If it doesn’t, roam around the area until it does. You’ll not only get a Kitsu, the achievement for it will pop. Jump into the portal to leave, and you should get another achievement for it on top.
If you want to just move on with the story, head on back to Gad’riel Peak. Otherwise, return to the road and head southeast, back to the area with a pink tree and grass (roughly east, then north). The one relevant to an achievement is Leea (Grass/Fairy). Training them to their third form (Sindela) will give you the achievement, but it takes a long time (Lv40). Grab them if you want that achievement down the line, though almost everyone you encounter there should be new and appealing catch opportunities.
Let’s head back north.
Part 16: Gad’riel Peak (now advancing the plot)
If you’re interested in achievements, run around in the pink grass near the northwest shrine until a Gloombud (Dark/Fairy) shows up. Catch them, and when you’re up for it later in the game, train them up to the relevant level to trigger their third form (Duskalina) and that’ll be an achievement. There’ll be a good opportunity for this much later, but they’re a solid Dokimon in their own right (mind their 4x Light weakness).
So, third Elite Ranger – Faye. She is a Fairy-type specialist, so you’ll want to bring good sources of Light- or Ghost-type damage, and have your Dokimon hover around level 20 or better. She fields Ariel (Light/Fairy), Noxy (Dark/Fairy), Linna (Grass/Fairy), and Hana (Light/Fairy).
Go on inside, walk into the water, and let the scenes play out. If you speak to Faye, she’ll tell you where you’ll be going next.
Let’s take the long way, so you know how to come back here – and to also pick up something important. Head all the way south.
Part 17: Fallenridge + Scarlet Sea + Return to Coralwood
There’s a spiral path above that has some items, but they’re nothing special. Keep heading due south until you reach land again… to Route 05!
We’re back here! Now, this part is important, and the game doesn’t do a great job of pointing you this way.
Head due south, and visit Prof. Rena in Coralwood with the Fairy Stone in tow to receive a new item: a Fire Fairy. Rather than act as a Dokimon for battle, it lets you torch small piles of wood. This is necessary to keep going through the game.
If she doesn’t give you this, you forgot to find the fiery stone in Which-Way Caves. Go back to that section to see how to get that.
From here, I’d use the Momma Radar to go back to Lillywood.
Part 18: Lillywood + Route 01 + Passaway Caves
This is a very brief jaunt to the next stage of the story.
If you want some goodies, head due north. Smash the rocks and go northwest for Orb Shards. Go northeast and investigate the log piles to let your Fire Fairy burn them, for three more Orb Shards. Now, head back south, and southeast to leave the cave. (Pick up the Captal if you want, it’s a normal one.)
The Dokimon here are, surprisingly, of very low level compared to what you’ve been through up to this point. It is a chance for a much weaker Dokimon friend to start to build up strength if you’d like, though it’s more efficient to bully any of the early-game Rangers not far from the cave.
Things are going to become more complex going forward – expect longer, more in-depth sections.
Part 19: Xelos City + Surrounding Areas (getting bearings)
You’ll want to visit someone here, but getting there is a little strange. Take the third door from the left, then the left door. Head to the right, and watch the scene play out. You’ll be given a task to find this city’s Elite Ranger, which is going to be quite the process. For now, take your leave, as there’s nothing else in the hospital.
If you want to get on with your task, jump to the next section, Xelos City + Surrounding Areas (four keys). Otherwise, some useful things to know.
To the northeast, near the laboratory, is a building you can enter (look for BLU-RAY DVD COLLECTIBLE). Go all the way to the top floor. To the bottom right, the monitor will show you the black market goods. The stand-outs here are the $8,000 Midnight Captal (lets you instantly capture any Dokimon) and the $5,000 Void Berries (raise a Dokimon several levels per use at cost of some AP). Keep these in mind, especially the latter, as this will ease some of the endgame grind.
Illegal Parts ($3,500) don’t do anything yet, as of January 2nd 2025.
Of other items of interest… the Black Contract there is relevant to another mechanic, which gives a Dokimon greater potential strength but the inability to transform further (this aspect is useful for some Dokimon, like for a favorite Kitsu form, or Duskalina who loses a lot of power when transforming futher). They’ll have a distinct ‘evil’ black-purple palette with purple eyes.
This is referred to as being “Bound,” and you’ll be seeing a lot of Xer enemies use them going forward. Theft Captals can be used to outright take a Bound Dokimon from an enemy Ranger, at cost of them never fighting you again. There are achievements tied to getting a Black Contract, Theft Captal, and obtaining a Bound Dokimon, but you don’t need to go to this length right now. (In fact, using Bound Dokimon will be a hindrance going into the end of the game.)
If you go south of town, you’ll be near Tenshou Tower. You can’t enter as of January 2nd 2025, but the pink grass holds more rare Dokimon. If you are achievement hunting, the one you want to grab is Embud (Fire/Fairy). When you level her to their final transformation at around level 40 (Kthuune), that’s another achievement. It can wait until the endgame, of course, where you can find one at a higher level. If you want to use a Fire/Fairy-type on your team now, though, this is the earliest opportunity.
Just out of town to the east – Route 07 – is Lilith’s House. There are warnings given by others, but if you head to the back and take her up on her offer for $2,000, she can teleport you back to Gad’riel Mountain. This will take you to the far northwest, which is well away from where we want to be right now. Doing this gives you an achievement, though, and you can use the Momma Radar to get back closer to Xelos City.
Finally, the game is now going to start throwing battles at you that are two-on-two, with the first repeatable one being all the way south of town before the entrance to the cave. I’ll share his team in the ‘four keys’ section when it comes up.
One quirk as of the January 2nd 2025 version is that your Dokimon can sometimes end up targeting a different Dokimon than you intended, which tends to happen when you knock out one Dokimon and another takes their place. It can also glitch out the move type effectiveness checker, too. Be aware of this!
Now, let’s get on with the tasks at hand.
Part 20: Xelos City + Surrounding Areas (four keys)
When you head to the Flight School building towards the southeast (optional), you’ll find some Xers bragging about having kidnapped Ranger Tobi. That’s no good. So, what exactly are you supposed to do?
This is where the game falters in being clear. To put it out there, you need to find four keys that will open a door that is also not heavily pointed out without extensive exploration. Let’s start where the game likely intended for you to figure this out.
Your first stop will be at the arcade towards the north, the one with two bunnygirls that are speaking Japanese outside. Head on in, and you’ll see that this is a front for the Xers. There’s a guy guarding the ‘X’ door who will want two Lucky Coupons.
It’s possible you’ve already been picking up bags that you see along the way, and further east out in Route 07. Most are Unlucky Coupons. One of the Lucky Coupons is in the BLU-RAY DVD COLLECTIBLE building in the northeast (top floor, upper left corner). The other is in the south-east corner of Route 07 inside an enclosed garden area, south of a blockade of Dokimon that won’t let you journey any further through Route 07. When you show the door guard at the Xer arcade both of the Lucky Coupons, he leaves. If you go inside, you’ll see an area blocked off by two Xers and another door behind them.
*NOTE: It may be possible – I haven’t verified – the locations are randomized between playthroughs. If so, check every part of Xelos City and the part of Route 07 discussed, and you should find every Lucky Coupon *and* Unlucky Coupon out there anyway.
Of immediate interest is fighting the first one, which may or may not be your first doubles battle. This one uses Bound Dokimon, as explained earlier. They use Whispurr (Fairy), Carrotti (Grass), Jespurr (Light), and Nimbis (Light). Now, collect the bag you can reach and you’ll receive Strange Key “4” – your first Strange Key, but also revealing there’s four of them.
While you’re here, you can fight the next Xer, who uses the exact same team as the previous but only does one-on-one battles. Even if you beat them here, you can’t enter the door behind them just yet. The fight with them is nonetheless inevitable for plot progression. Go back out the formerly guarded door, but don’t leave the arcade yet.
The next key you can get is close by. Go east down the stairs, and follow the path southwest to go down the stairs again. The bunnygirl directly north of the stairs talks about colored keys, which is what we’re after! Head to the left end and talk to the guy in the way of the item bag. One trivial Mudslip (Water/Flyng) later, he goes away and you can claim Strange Key “3”. That’s two of them already!
Now, go back out and head northeast towards the laboratory. A detective is spying outside the lab of one Professor C. Rook, and an Xer tries to be dismissive of your presecne. This is the giveaway that your next destination is here, so head inside. Heal at the guy in the lower right of the first floor if needed.
Go upstairs. Talk to the southeast guy to receive Orb Fragments (and some lore), and more importantly get him out of the way. There’s a trapdoor southeast that’ll take you to an Xers secret area. Your first opponent will be one of your first two-on-two (Doubles) battles, against Quackfil (Dark/Flyng) and Moisen (Flyng/Poisn). After that is another doubles, with two instances of Scorlo (Poisn), followed by two of Winzzle (Poisn). Collect your prize for that yellow Strange Key “1”, leaving you with only one more to find.
The last one is the most difficult, as it’s a dungeon unto itself – arguably the game’s longest, even. It goes so long that your primary risk is of your favorite Dokimon running out of energy to use moves, so this is the wake-up call to have at least two or three capable level 20-something fighters in your line-up. Luckily, one of the game’s better training partners is just ahead.
Head south out of Xelos City, and past Tenshou Tower. You can’t enter it (at least, as of January 2nd 2025), but what you want is to the southwest anyway. There’s an Xer in the way you need to fight, who is a Doubles opponent that only uses Toxorb (Ghost) and Umbral (Elect/Ghost).
Interestingly, he doesn’t fully disappear, but will instead stand somewhere else so you can optionally re-challenge him as much as you want.
As a further curiosity unique to him, he runs an expanded doubles team when you challenge him again – Toxorb (Ghost), Fungalina (Fairy/Poisn), Umbralancer (Ghost/Light), and Umbral (Elect/Ghost). This new team is the first repeatable doubles battle, which can be helpful for grinding EXP and AP,so long as you’re strong enough to withstand all of them (Ghost-type attacks help clear all of them quickly – if you have Casper/Deathscye, they’re a great training partner for this).
Now, head inside the cave – ‘Xer’s Hideout 2’ according to the sign, or ‘Yugo Caves’ by the game’s UI.
Head due west, up the stairs, and south through the breakable rock for a Yuujyou Orb. Go due west, hugging the bottom wall, and use your Fire Fairy to burn some logs to go through a portal. You’ll meet a rare monster here (whether they’re fire, grass, or water again depends on what starter you took), which you’ll want to pick up now – there’s a possible glitch involved with the postgame if you don’t. Despite what the text says, they’re yours to keep. Now, let’s get back to the key, from the beginning.
Weave around west-to-northwest along the tunnels and you should come out to where some Xers have set up camp. First up, a Doubles against Snowla (Ice/Flyng), Aoimon (Ice/Dark), Polar (Ice/Fight), and the deceptively named Hellfire (Dragn/Ice). Head up north to fight a (single) Xer using two instances of Frossla (Grass/Ice) and Hellfire (Dragn/Ice). Fire- or Fight-types are most reliable for both fights, taking care to deal with the ones whose secondary typing can weakness hit back (Dark against Fire, Flyng against Fight).
Still not done! Keep going north through the cave, until you meet an Xer in the way. This one is one of the possible introductions of the Black Contract mechanic (“Bound” going forward) if you came here before exploring the arcade. Their Casper (Ghost), Excalifurr (Fairy) and Leeksword (Light/Dark) have distinctive evil coloration that indicates their being Bound, giving them extra strength relative to level. Beat him and you’ll find a Theft Captal and Black Contract in item boxes, and accompanying achievements. They’re explained in the previous section, and (for sake of quicker game completion) I’d advise not using them.
Hop down and head right for a doubles battle against other Bound Dokimon – Haracker (Fight) and their transformation Hareate (Fight). Go southeast first to deal with an Xer using two instances of Bound Bloomtad (Water/Grass) and Mimi-To (Water/Grass) for a convenient Void Berry. Go north to fight a bunnygirl Xer with a Bound Moisen (Flyng/Poisn), Pheonix (Flyng/Fire), Birazhaven (Flyng/Poisn), and Lucifeather (Flyng/Fire), whom all can be mopped up with a Water-type. A quiet bunnygirl Xer not at all in the way fields another Bound Moisen and Pheonix. One final doubles set ahead fields Bound Mudslip (Water/Poisn), Punchbox (Ghost/Fight), Miso (Dragn/Light), Toxorb (Ghost), Coalbra (Fire/Dragn), and Umbral (Elect/Ghost).
Finally, you get Strange Key “2”, which will be the last of the Strange Keys if you’ve followed this guide. (Also, free Void Berry. You want these.)
You’re done with the cave! Head southeast after leaving the room with the Strange Key to smash some rocks for goodies if you want, then take your leave south. Let’s return to the arcade the Xers are hiding in…
But first, heal up and save, and make sure you have a few Dokimon in the mid-high 20s at the lowest. You’re about to be in for some tough fights. I’d suggest having decent Fairy-type and Ghost-type attacks some
Part 21: Xelos City (after obtaining the four keys)
When you do, watch the following cutscenes and you’ll be fighting the Xer Boss (Xe) and their General friend in doubles. (Despite what Rei says, you’re still using your team.) Xe wields a Bound Lucifeather (Fire/Flyng), Hellfire (Ice/Dragn), Creselidite (Grass/Fight), Harleqitty (Light/Fairy), Kthuune (Fire/Fairy), and Sindela (Grass/Fairy).
You’ll be ushered forward after, with your team getting a full heal.
Look to the left, let things play out as they do, and then prepare to fight against your first Mythical Dokimon – a powerful Level 40 Magma (Fire/Dragn).
If you have the Midnight Captal from very early in the game, here’s a good place for it, though you can get lucky with early Super Captal tosses. You will want them, as they are completely viable for the endgame ahead and already start at a strong level far ahead of your entire team (unless you’ve been power-leveling them excessively). If you fail to capture then, reload your save and try again.
Once that battle resolves, head south. You’ll be tasked with returning to visit your friend in the hospital, so go do that. Third from right door, then left door, like last time. A cutscene will play, and after that, you’ll be whisked off to another new locale.
Also, yes, this means we never found Elite Ranger Tobi. Don’t worry, you couldn’t have in the course of the story to this point. Things have taken a different turn.
Part 22: Misty Hollow + Route 14
The game opens up from here in a way that may have drawn you to this walkthrough to begin with, if the Xelos City part of the game didn’t.
So, the deal is that you need to find and defeat all remaining Elite Rangers so that you can reach the game’s final area and resolve the plot. You do not get much direction. Fortunately, everyone involved is located east of Xelos City, so this narrows it down a lot.
Aki gives a useful tip in that there’s a town south worth visiting. Let’s do that! You will quickly notice there’s been a blockade put up by a woman in green, with matching Dokimon. This is the fourth Elite Ranger, the Grass-type specialist Tsuki, and you’ll need to defeat her to leave.
*NOTE: Yes, you can use the Momma Radar to go back home, but it’s not a good idea. It’s a long walk back!
If you’re not confident, or have forgotten you (likely) have a level 40 Fire/Dragn Mythical Dokimon poised to steamroll what’s directly ahead of you, there’s a few Rangers here. (One caveat: they have a 4x Fairy weakness to watch out for, but they’re still immensely powerful.)
The blue female officer fights in doubles with Quackfil (Dark/Flyng) and Flurox (Grass). The male officer to the lower right fields three instances of Kakaratt (Grass/Dark) in doubles. Finally, the reporter/cameraman duo also do a doubles set with Luminite (Elect/Fire), Umbral (Elect/Ghost), Zappy (Elect/Flyng), and Punchbox (Ghost/Elect). The EXP payouts in these fights are the highest seen so far, and you’ll want to hit the 30s with at least a few Dokimon before long.
Talk to Tsuki when you’re ready. Her fight is doubles, with Quackfil (Dark/Flyng), Flurox (Grass), Mimi-to (Grass/Water), Frossla (Grass/Ice), Sylvaguard (Grass), and Creselidite (Grass/Fight). After that, she spells out the flow of the adventure from here in a concise and useful fashion, but we still need to find the remaining Elite Rangers on our own.
Well, you would, but there’s this walkthrough here.
The next part is open-ended. Only two specific ones, Azula and Choi, block forward progress towards the last two towns (with Azula blocking access to Choi to begin with). Aoi and Tobi, the remaining two, can be fought at any time you find them. Note that all of them use doubles battles as their format.
Doing Azula and Choi first gives you an opportunity to make things easier against the other two, as Aoi might have the best put-together team in the game to this point, and Tobi has some irritatingly powerful roadblocks in front of him. It’s your call. I’ll split them into two sections – Azula + Choi, then Aoi + Tobi.
Part 23: Azula + Choi
It has a few new shops, including a Berry specialist shop towards the west, a store with some novel new Captals (you want Premium and Lightning, Premium has the best basic catch-rate with Lightning being best as a first round toss), and healing services to the east. Head southeast inside the lab for your next Elite Ranger, Azula, when ready. She specializes in Fire-type Dokimon.
All of the final Elite Rangers are a notable step in difficulty regardless of order. Azula is generally the easiest of the remaining four even with her levels going up to the high 30s, as most can be swept with a strong Water-, Dark-, or Fairy-type Dokimon with only a few possible hiccups. Anyway, her team: Tigris (Fire), Emberox (Fire), Lucifeather (Fire/Flyng), Knyfagon (Fire), Coalbra (Fire/Dragn), and Kthuune (Fire/Fairy).
Defeating her gives you the right to access the town at the east end of Route 14, Stoneshire. There’s not much here other than the inn to the northeast, and the dojo to the southeast. The dojo is, predictably, where you may find and Elite Ranger Choi.
Choi is a Fight-type specialist, but she also has herself a quartet of Ranger students who can be fought as much as you like. You don’t even need to fight them to fight Choi, but for late game grinding they can be an attractive prospect. You may want to pack a Dokimon with a strong Flyng-type attack, as it’s the only consistent ‘super effective’ weakness across all but a select few. A Ghost-type can wall some of them out, but will need a non-Ghost-type offense back-up as they are immune to it in turn.
All their levels start in the 30s. Southwest runs doubles with two instances of Hareate (Fight), and is the fastest farm option (especially if you have strong Flyng-type attacks). Northwest is another doubles with Hareate, Boxbi (Dark/Fight), Hareate, and Boxbi in that order. Northeast is yet another doubles with Polar (Ice/Fight), Boxbi, and Punchbox (Ghost/Fight). Southeast mixes it up in doubles with three instances of Dustle (Dark) and Boxbi, who can be farmed with Light-type or Fight-type attackers easily.
Now for Choi herself, when you’re ready. Her team’s levels go to 40 at highest, and she runs Hareate, Boxbi, Creselidite (Grass/Fight), Polar, Punchbox, and a new sight in Yan-Yaa Lii (Fire/Fight). Polar can potentially snipe a Flyng-type weakness to Ice-type, and Punchbox a Ghost-type one (also problematic for Fairy-type), but for the most part this can be a straightforward fight as long as you are consistently hitting someone’s weakness all the time.
When you defeat her, you will be free to travel north to the Wicked Woods. There are some very powerful Dokimon you can get now, before defeating Aoi or Tobi. If you want to, jump to the Wicked Woods section. You’ll have to double back to deal with Aoi and Tobi to continue past that part regardless. Otherwise, let’s move on to the last two.
Get back to Route 14, and head west.
Part 24: Aoi + Tobi
Aoi is very easy to find (now, anyway), just keep going due west from Route 14. You may find a meteorite along the way (the flaming thing inside a lowered area), for whatever it does. The building south of that currently serves no purpose as of January 2nd 2025. Moving on.
Once you run off the pier and get on the surfboard, go due south to find Aoi right there. You may have been told about her Water-type usage by an NPC way back when, but this is only half-true – she mixes it up with Ice-types. Because of that, you can’t brute force her with just a Grass-, Elect-, or Fire-type, as one or the other half of her specialty will get you. This is what makes her way more difficult than Azula despite having one less Dokimon, even when otherwise being in the same level range (up to high 30s). Fight-types are a bit less tripped up on average, so consider one.
Aoi runs with Marillo (Water/Fight), Aoimon (Dark/Ice), Polar (Ice/Fight), Hellfire (Ice/Dragn), and Millian (Water/Fairy). Aoimon should always be the first one to go if it can be helped, to prevent Low Blow staggering your offense. They all cover each others’ weaknesses well, so your best bet is to come with a stable of decently leveled (30+) Dokimon in turn, using Void Berries to help cover the level differences where you can. If you grabbed certain Dokimon from north of Stoneshire, their sheer level difference might overcome some of their typing issues against the team alone.
She’s easily the hardest fight up to this point, so if you clear it, you should feel more confident about going into the end of the game. But first, we have to locate and defeat Tobi at last.
He’s further west, back on land. There’s a little more to do here overall. To the north end of the beach is a useful post going back over the ins and outs of Theft Captals. If you’ve been north of Stoneshire, consider removing the red log you might be seeing ahead and getting your free Dokimon friend now – it’s advised to do so before the end of the game, due to a glitch.
Head west into Yor City, a megacity completely overrun by Xers (despite you having foiled their plan in their headquarters). Immediately to the southwest is an onsen, where you can heal your Dokimon. A building southwest from there is the ‘Xe fan club,’ and your target.
You may want to stroll around a bit first. The item drops are just captals, but there are also some (completely optional) enemy Rangers you can repeat fights with. They’re all Xers, and are using decently leveled Bound Dokimon in the mid-30s.
The Xer in front of the Flight School does singles with Bound Kilnwyrm (Dragn/Dark) and Lantis (Dragn). The female Xer in front of the BLU-RAY DVD COLLECTIBLE is also a singles battle with Bound Tigris (Fire) and Tignispyre (Fire/Fairy). Due south of her with the two bunnygirl Xers – both lead to the same fight – is a doubles with Bound Kilnwyrm and Lantis, wich is easily farmable with strong Dragn-, Fairy-, or Ice-type attacks. They are a great choice for any last late game grinding when you can consistently one-shot them.
If you decide to get cute and steal a Bound Dokimon with a Theft Captal, they won’t fight you any more. So, don’t.
You can head out west to visit the parts of Route 07 you couldn’t the first time, but this too can wait until after you visited north of Stoneshire. (If you have, take out the red log for a one-time chance to catch a Corsarc (Elect).) The rest is just ‘whatever’ item drops.
Enough of that, let’s wrap up Tobi. Enter the ‘Xe fan club’ southwest of the onsen, and prepare for three brutal fights you must push through. All of the Xer duos are using Bound Dokimon at high levels (in doubles at that), which means higher bonus stats. Now, on to reaching and defeating that bright green guy.
First up is a doubles with Bound Toxorb (Ghost), Kugwyrm (Dragn/Light), Skrappler (Poisn), Okami (Dark). The next doubles set has Bound Woollec (Elect/Poisn), Corsarc (Elect), Kamiokami (Dark), and Dartarget (Dark/Ghost), the last two of whom who can be nasty with Low Blow flinch chaining. The final set in the way is a doubles again with Bound Jistery (Dark), Skrappler, T-Kobom (Fire/Elect), Hellfire (Dragn/Ice).
There is no shame in running back to the onsen between fights. You’ll have the easiest time with the Elite Ranger ahead if you have at least one strong Ice-type attack available.
Tobi, the Flyng-type specialist, is a lot easier than those in front of him in general. It is of further great fortune that his team is not Bound, at that. He uses Moisen (Flyng/Poisn), Wattlet (Elect/Flyng), Birzhaven (Flyng/Poisn), Sparkstride (Flyng/Elect), Frostla (Flyng/Ice), and Sylvaguard (Grass). Aside from avoiding the use of Dokimon weak to Flyng-types (Grass and Fight), he’s about the same as Azula despite greater type diversity. Steamroll him, and that’ll be your last Elite Ranger.
Unfortunately, as of January 2nd 2025, he does not grant you any sort of fast travel ability. This means you still have to hoof it everywhere, until a later version of the game adds it.
Head east, and keep going east, to go to Stoneshire. It’s time to go north into Wicked Woods, and all the way through.
Part 25: Wicked Woods
Make your way through the path, taking note of the red logs. You’ll eventually come to a dead end with a box. Open it up for an Oni Katana, which will clear them away! There’s a few things you may want to backtrack for in a bit (if you haven’t already), but let’s get through this place first. Go south to test out your new Oni Katana for the final Yuujyou Orb, maxing out your passive shared party EXP.
Keep working your way north. There are two special detours you will want to take, off to the upper-left and upper-right. Both of them are portals that lead to powerful level 50 Dokimon that you’ll want to capture. Both grant an achievement for doing so, and also have the ‘bonus’ of coming Bound so you can get the achievenet for obtaining one that way. The upper left takes you to a snowy area with Midnight (Dragn/Dark), the upper right to a grassy area with Draeking (Dragn/Ghost).
As you leave, there’s an optional Ranger to fight here, Marcus. He fights with singles, and his gimmick is he does most of the (thankfully, not-Bound) Kitsu line. The team uses Kitsu (Light), Emberox (Fire), Glaceia (Ice), Boltrex (Elect), Yorox (Dark), and the outlier Corsarc (Elect).
If you haven’t beaten all eight Elite Rangers yet – which is possible if you only beat Azula and Choi at minimum – you’ll need to head back and do that. Try to take those level 50 Dokimon with you if so, and do a little extra exploring around Yor City (to its immediate east and west) to make the most of the Oni Katana.
If all your affairs are sorted, head west from Marcus for a cutscene. When you go north, you’ll see the way blocked off by Dokimon and two Rangers. You might be somewhat battered by the trip up here, and their numbers are intimidating.
As long as you’re packing a solid set of Fairy-type, Light-type, and optionally Grass- or Ice-type attacks, you should be okay – check your Dokimon movesets, and try to have levels in the mid-30s or up. Any of the Mythical Dokimon might make the going far easier too, if only because of sheer level advantage, just be mindful of their Fairy-type weaknesses (though Draeking can hit a Fairy-type back with their Hades Fist or Soul Drain).
Before you are the final Elite Rangers, and the toughest yet – the Tenshi Twins, who all use Bound Dokimon with Fairy- or Dragn-types. Like the others before, it’s a doubles battle.
They field Dragn- and Fairy-types, with Miso (Dragn/Light), Coalbra (Fire/Dragn), Duskalina (Dark/Fairy), Hexabelle (Ghost/Fairy), Ohm (Elect/Fairy), and Hellfire (Ice/Dragn). This sounds dire, but I had way less issue with them compared to Aoi – in both playthroughts I got through them without much trouble. Miso remains a durable opponent. Duskalina is one of the heaviest hitters of the game, so you want to have a Light-type attack ready to hit their 4x weakness before they start steamrolling. Hexabelle and Ohm, who are their later transformations, are much more manageable. Coalbra, similarly, has a 4x Fairy weakness to exploit.
After your victory and the resultant exposition, head on north to Darkshawl Peak – the final town before the end of the story.
Part 26: Darkshawl Peak + Last Backtracking
Going northeast and up the stairs will take you to a store. The most noteworthy is that you can buy more Soul Fetches for $7500 each. If you caught the two Mythical Dokimon at the end of Wicked Woods, which you should, you need to use these on them if you want to have them participate in the upcoming final battles.
Keep going northeast to reach a field of pink grass, leading to one of the Tenshi sisters standing before the onsen (the healing place). Now, if you are interested in achievements, the last of the relevant fairies can be found here. They’re named Blu, and will reach their final form, Millian, by roughly their mid-30s for that achievement. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a Blu already at that level range!
In addition, if you didn’t grab Embud south of Xelos City, they show up here at a higher level. That’s less of a grind for them to transform into Kthuune (for the related achievement).
Now, for anyone interested in fully completing their bestiary, I’ll once again call for the last time to backtrack a bit now, and not later, due to potential glitches that can change one specific Dokimon on the field to a kind you already have. If it happens, it’ll lock you out of a full collection on that save. If you’re not interested, jump on ahead to the ENDGAME AREA section.
Use the Momma Radar, and head to Xelos City. Then go east through Route 07, and move up – you’ll be able to visit a section you couldn’t before, now that the Dokimon blockade dispersed. There’s not really that much interesting up north beyond a ho-hum item, so stay south. You’ll see a Corsarc behind a red log. This is a special one-chance encounter, so save ahead of time before trying to catch them!
Keep heading east to Yor City, and just at the outskirts you should see another red log with a trapped Dokimon. That’s the last of your ‘secondary’ elemental starters, which you should pick up before beating the game in order to avoid a possible glitch.
(This above been repeated enough times.)
Aside from any training at specific re-fightable Rangers you want to do, head to the next section. I’ll repeat this there word-for-word, but I strongly recommend having Dokimon at level 40 and above with the capacity to deal with Dark-types (Light- and Fight-types) and Dragn-types (Fairy- and Ice-types, as well as fellow Dragn-types). The three Mythical Dokimon (Magma, Midnight, Draeking) can do much of the heavy lifting on raw power alone, but adding something capable of the above will help a lot. High/maxed (all 50s) AP can help overcome level difference, at that.
Part 27: Endgame
The path ahead is linear and full of wild (surprisingly, non-Bound) Dokimon, in the mid-30s. They might not be bad ‘last minute’ pick-ups since they don’t need many more levels to hang with your team on paper, especially with Noxy (Dark/Fairy) who can become Duskalina (Dark/Fairy) for the achievement, if you didn’t catch a Gloombud earlier at Gad’riel Peak. It’s your call. The point of no return is by the Tenshi twin and her Dokimon, which should be visibly obvious. Catch and train as you feel the need to beforehand.
You may have heard a NPC talk about how only the “pure of heart” can pass. This means you cannot have any Bound Dokimon in your active party when you go in, so this is why I suggested against using them. Buy Soul Fetches in Darkshawl Peak ($7,500 each) if you’re set on using a currently Bound Dokimon for the final battle (which you must, if you want to use Draeking and Midnight).
Once again, repeating from the previous section!
I strongly recommend having Dokimon at level 40 and above with the capacity to deal with Dark-types (Light- and Fight-types), Ghost-types (…Ghost-type itself) and Dragn-types (Fairy- and Ice-types, as well as fellow Dragn-types). The three Mythical Dokimon (Magma, Midnight, Draeking) can do much of the heavy lifting on raw power alone, but adding something capable of the above will help a lot. High/maxed (all 50s) AP can help overcome level difference, at that.
When you’re ready for it, go north, see the cutscene, and let loose the Dokimon of war.
Your final opponent fields Bound Dokimon, as you can expect. This is a singles set with two isntances of level 42 Dartly (Dark), who should be trivial. Following them is two isntances of level 45 Dartarget (Dark/Ghost), who are somewhat sturdier and cannot be taken down with Fight-type attacks but in turn cannot use Ghost-type attacks against them. Level 50 Draeking (Dragn/Ghost) and Midnight (Dragn/Dark) bring up the rear and need to be dealt with as swiftly as you can with your best. If you brought any Mythical Dokimon, all of them can hit a Dragn-type weakness with their own attacks, but they’re vulnerable to it in turn, so be careful.
That’s not all! You’ll have one last fight against a single Bound level 70 opponent (Fire/Dragn), with your side fielding two at once to make up for the immense level differences. The one stipulation is that you’re not getting a full heal between these fights, so whoever was left from the first set of six is who you have to fight this final battle.
They have a 4x weakness to Fairy to exploit, but any Dragn-, Dark-, and Water-type attacks will help make up the level differences too. When in doubt, Low Blow stunlocks are good, as you’ll have a second Dokimon helping pile on actual damage. If you’ve been using Whispurr (or rather, Excalipurr) the entire game, a Sweet Song can delete roughly half their life right then and there.
After that, you’ve won! Let the scenes play out.
Congratulations on 98% story completion!
Part 28: Starting Postgame
First things first, if you have less than $30,000, grind that Dosh up somewhere. This is necessary for the final achievement, so go pick on your favorite single-opponent Ranger (Route 01 has four of them) until you have it.
The place of interest is north of Tinywood. If you’ve forgotten how to get there, go north through Route 01, north again through Routes 02 + 03 into Coralwood. Go east through Route 04 into Which-Way Caves. Go southeast, then back the way you came, then east. As you exit the cave, go straight southeast to reach Tinywood. Go north into Route 06, into the mountain path that once led to a dead end.
From here, go all the way to the end. Smash the rocks, burn the logs, and go north.
As of the Jan. 2nd 2025 patch, and by admission of the NPC, there isn’t much here. This is not completely true. Keep going north until you see a bridge to the east. Go all the way, cut the red log, and hit the waves. You’ll see a portal to the east, which you should enter.
There’ll be an achievement, and then… more.
Part 29: Postgame Area – To “Filthy Rich” Achievement
Progression at this point is even more straightforward – find a specific Elite “Battler,” defeat them, and you get to see more of the place. Each section is very small and quickly traversed.
The nearest healing area is the house to the northwest. Head upstairs, and go to the bottom-left corner for both a gift and access to a bed. (Important note: this gift, as a bug, appears to reset the flag on who you took as a starter, which affects the rare elemental Dokimon you can pick up at three points in the game prior. This is why it’s urged you to get all of them before coming here.)
To the east is who you need to defeat in order to lift the blockade up north, Yasaka, whose team starts at level 40. Their singles team is Glaceia (Ice), Mudslip (Water/Flyng), Hunch (Dragn/Poisn), Hellfire (Dragn/Ice), and Krakanchor (Water/Elect). When you beat them, they head inside their home. They can be re-challenged there, if desired.
Head north into Route 01. The sign’s warning is accurate, but if you were able to win the fight to get out here, you’re good for the final mandatory battle between here and the last achievement. It’s a short walk from here to the next town, just go northeast through the grass and straight up.
The Battler to the immediate northeast upon entering Route 01 is noteworthy: they field a single Level 80(!) Kakaratt (Grass/Dark). If you can beat them consistently, they’re the single best source of EXP and Dosh in the game right now. There isn’t really a need to do this in the current version, however. To the northwest at the end of Route 01 is a doubles battle with Mudslip (Water/Flyng), Gumba (Water/Poisn), Spring-Lee (Grass/Dark), and Toola (Water).
Booby Blossom awaits next. The house to the immediate northeast will heal your Dokimon, and west from there is a shop that only has basic starting items. What you want here is at the northwest corner of town, the next Elite Battler named Will. To the very northeast corner is a blockade in the way of another gift that you can get after beating three Elite Battlers, but this guide won’t be going that far.
The regal-looking Elite Battler fights in doubles, and the team tops out in the mid-40s. Hemling (Fire), Sylfi (Grass), Knyfagon (Fire), and Sylvaguard (Grass) is their line-up. Once you beat them, heal up and move on into Route 02.
As there’s no more mandatory fights between here and the final achievement (as of January 2nd 2025), this guide is skipping the remaining NPC Battlers for the rest.
Keep going north into Rocky Ridge, head east, and down past the grass. You can head up a narrow path to a cave that’ll give you a chance to catch a unique Dokimon, so save beforehand if you want it now. Otherwise, get back down to the main path and follow it into Route 03. Still ignoring the NPC Battlers, move along the path up through the grass, jump down the ledge, and head east to your final destination – Peachy Plateau.
For the final achievement, head up into the north part of town with the ‘AR’ building. Heal up your Dokimon if you want at the right counter, but the PC at the left counter is what you want.
Purchase the “Fancy Pickaxe” for $30,000, and that’s it! You should have every achievement as of the January 2nd 2025 patch.
You can also buy the Master Rod here for $20,000, but it doesn’t work right now (much like the Great Rod before it). If you want to keep going, the pickaxe can break a rock at the east side of town underneath the building you can’t enter.
After that, you’re beyond the scope of this walkthrough.
Final Achievement Checklist
Almost all of them will be obtained through the course of the story and discovery of the postgame area. To go back over the ones that require more than just story progression…
– Carrot Expert: Defeat Ishikiawa 10 times. He’s the red guy at the start of Route 01 who fields a single low-level Carrotti (Grass), can’t miss him. Just keep talking to him to re-initiate battles, if you somehow got to this point unaware that you can do that.
– Dark Arts: Obtain a Black Contract. Doable at the black market in Xelos City (northeast building next to laboratory), finding one deep in Yugo Caves past an Xer, or the shop at Darkshawl Peak.
– That Tasted Purple: Enter a purple and orange swirling vortex, which you will be able to do with the Fairy Stone. The easiest one to use is in the area southwest of Gad’riel Peak, past the three rocks you need to smash to get in. There’s more than one around the area you can use, though.
– Kitsune: Obtain Kitsu. This is doable at Gad’riel Mountain, in an area blocked off by rocks just southwest of Gad’riel Peak. Look for the ladder after you have the Fairy Stone. (You may get lucky and catch one in the grass like any other wild Dokimon, but this method is much easier.)
– Under Contract: Obtain a Bound Dokimon. You can use a Black Contract, use a Theft Captal on a (non-boss) Ranger Dokimon that already is Bound, catch one at Wicked Woods, or have this go off automatically when doing one of “King of the Earth” or “Dusk to Dawn.”
– Thief!: Obtain a Theft Captal. Can be bought at the black market in Xelos City, found deep in Yugo Caves, or on the ground around Yor City.
– Bewitching!: I believe the intent of this is for it to pop if you pay $2,000 in the house just east of Xelos City (the very start of Route 07) to be teleported to Gad’riel Mountain. I had it pop up randomly after leaving a house at Gad’riel Mountain earlier in the story. This is a bug that will probably be fixed, so… prepare to pony up $2,000 in the future.
– Duskabellohmalina: This one’s description is misleading, as there’s no Dokimon by the name listed. Level a Gloombud until it becomes a Noxy, then into a Duskalina. Noxy does show up in the main story’s final area to expedite things, though you can get a Gloombud as early as the pink grass inside the town of Gad’riel Peak (once you have the Fairy Stone).
– Kthuune Kthuuge Kthuuko: Level an Embud until it becomes an Embellia, then a Kthuune. The earliest you can get an Embud is south of Xelos City in the pink grass, but a higher level Embud can be found in Darkshawl’s pink grass if you want the head start.
– Sincerely!: Level a Leea until it becomes a Linna, then a Sindela. The earliest you can find one is in Gad’riel Mountain’s small pink grass patch around a pink tree (with the Fairy Stone).
– Millian a Million: Level a Blu until it becomes a Milli, then a Millian. You can first find them right at the end of the main story in Darkshawl’s pink grass, so they won’t have too many levels to grind to achieve this.
– King of the Earth: Obtain Draeking. They’re in one of the portals just south of Darkshawl, at the end of Wicked Woods. You need to capture them, not defeat them, so save in advance. Will automatically unlock “Under Contract” if you haven’t already.
– Dusk to Dawn: Obtain Midnight. They’re in one of the portals just south of Darkshawl, at the end of Wicked Woods. You need to capture them, not defeat them, so save in advance. Will automatically unlock “Under Contract” if you haven’t already.
– Filthy Rich: Buy the pickaxe in the postgame area Peachy Plateau for $30,000.
And that wraps up our share on Dokimon: Dokimon – General Walkthrough. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by (M3) spd12, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!