a full walkthrough for Late Homework, including a guide to completing the game, how to unlock the costumes, and all file locations.
Author’s notes
This is the second guide i’ve made ever, so please excuse any blemishes.
In this guide I’m going to cover everything to do in the game- beating the game itself, unlocking achievements, unlocking costumes, and other extra things the game has.
I will be spoilering any answers to non-changing puzzles, meaning that if the answer is consistent through every instance of the game, it’ll be spoilered.
If you notice something that i missed, please comment below and I will add it!
Tank controls
There is no option to change this. If you’ve never played a game like this before, here’s a quick tutorial/explanation as to how it works. If you’re familiar with tank controls, feel free to move on from this section.
Tank controls are easy to understand, but hard to get used to if you’ve only been playing modern games with a more fluid movement system.
I highly recommend playing this game with a controller as the dev suggests. This is easier than trying on a keyboard.
Here’s how it works:
UP – moves the character forward
LEFT & RIGHT – turns the character to the side
DOWN – moves the character backwards
While holding UP, use your thumb to push down LEFT or RIGHT as well to turn around corners.
The character DOES NOT MOVE WITH JUST LEFT AND RIGHT. The only buttons that move the character are UP and DOWN.
Since the camera is fixed, you don’t need to worry about moving it yourself to see things. If you get stuck you can press triangle/Y to go into a first person mode; I find it easier to move around this way with tank controls when you can’t see where you’re trying to go in a small area.
That’s pretty much it! It takes some getting used to, but if you play the short opening sequence enough you can get the hang of it before the monster is active.
The monster
It doesn’t follow a set path in the hallway. At the start, it spawns in the hallway with the Guidance Counselor’s Office, then follows a counter-clockwise path. It changes it’s direction frequently, so be careful when walking around.
When the monster is near you, your screen begins to glitch out and the schlorping sound plays. If you’re spotted run to a room to hide. No matter where you are in the hallway, it will eventually spot you- even if it doesn’t have line of sight- so its best to just run and hide.
When the monster catches you it’s an instant game over- move wisely.
The only difference between normal mode monster and hard mode monster is it’s speed and its color- in normal it’s red, in hard it’s blue (get your beautiful new BLU monster).
Intro – Outside the School
When you’re in front of the school, go right towards some dumpsters- Haneko will mention how one of them is blocking the path- interact with it to move it out of the way.
In the bus parking lot, head to the bus that has the eerie red light in the back seat, go inside and grab the key on the seat.
Use the key on the padlock thats on the wooden fence.
Before proceeding, investigate the phone booths that are on the wall opposite the buses. Someone left a note about attempting to call someone, but was unable to get though. Make sure to write down the digits the person left behind: 4339
Right next to where you came in, theres a red car that’s half in a sinkhole. In the passenger’s seat there’s a newspaper. It’s optional, but there’s some lore if you’re into that.
Head through the gate, then veer right when you come up to the phone. Investigating the phone shows that its wired shut. When you get to the end of the path, head through the gate.
You’re first going to head towards the dumpster thats against the wall and push it out of the way. This reveals the men’s bathroom. Head inside and grab the storage room key on the counter. On the wall, someone wrote numbers, make sure to write these down: 945
Go back out and use the key. In the back of the storage room, there’s a car key. Ignore the knocking on the door and head back outside to the van thats parked in the alley. Unlock the back doors and grab the wire cutters.
Head back to the phone and cut the barbed wire off. Pick up the phone and dial the number that you’ve found: 945-4339
After the phone call, the phone explodes. Examine the box to pick up a magnet.
Head back around to the men’s bathroom. Inspect the drain and use the magnet to pull up a coin.
When you go back around to where the phone is, a cutscene happens. There are now more sinkholes around the map. Even though Haneko says to watch where you step, you dont have to, there are no hidden sinkholes.
The path to the bus parking lot is lost to a sinkhole. Interact with the lamp post thats right at the edge of it to knock it over.
Make your way through the parking lot, back to where the game starts. There’s a vending machine with a key. Use the coin to get it.
Head to the front door of the school, unlock it and enter.
Main Game
I’ve left a screenshot of the map further up just in case you’re shift + tab-ing to view this guide!
I will be using room names a lot here. Also, Haneko will mark what rooms you can enter and what ways are blocked off.
One thing to keep in mind is that the door to the stairwell and the door to the right of the mens bathroom (when looking at the map) are connected. If you need to make a quick escape from the monster and you happen to be near either door, book it there and it’ll lose you.
I will list where the consistent assignment spawns are in the walkthrough itself, but there are 2 that are random. They can spawn in the following locations:
- Storeroom
- Science Lab
- Locker Room
- Day Room
- Archives
- Men’s Bathroom
- Women’s Bathroom
- ISS Room
- Classroom next to ISS Room
- At either Courtyard door
You’ll stumble across them naturally as you progress through the game. There are no scripted interactions with the monster in this section, so for tips on how to deal with it, head back up to the monster section.
When the cutscene ends, head to the desk opposite the gate, grabbing the assignment papers (1/10) along the way.
Interact with the computer. Theres several different programs you can interact with, but for now, go to the bottom application on the left side, click on it to unlock the Storage Room.
When you enter the Storage Room, your perspective switches to first person- this room is a safe room. At the very back theres a small, black tv- turning it on allows you to spawn in this room if you die and keeps all of your progress. On hard mode, the tv will not be here.
After interacting with the tv, examine the computer on the table to unlock the door to enter the hallway and go through it. From now on the monster is active.
Head around to the Day Room, be sure to examine the bookshelf on the right wall. Go further into the room to find a step-ladder.
Take the step-ladder to the Science Lab. Place it in front of the cabinet and grab the acid.
If you went to the right, then I’m sure you’ve seen the flesh-covered door. Make your way there and use the acid on it.
In the Courtyard, go through the maze to get to the middle. There’s a statue with a plaque on it. Read it and press the button below it- this raises 4 different buttons in the four corners of the area. Navigate through the maze and press each of them, make sure to grab the 4 assignment pages (2-5) that are littered around when you do so. When the last button is pressed, the statue in the center will fall into the ground and the remaining gates will fall as well.
Go to the fountain and grab the Men’s Bathroom key and make your way over there- it’s easier to get there by going through the right door.
Use the key and go in. Grab the screwdriver that is stuck in the mirror and write down the code- this code changes every game.
Head to the Locker Room and use the screwdriver to get rid of the boards. When inside, make note of the hammer on the wall. One of the lockers on the left wall has some lore notes if that’s your thing, if not head to the door at the back of the room. Interact with the keypad and enter the code from the bathroom.
Go into the Special Storeroom, go to the back and grab the Women’s Bathroom key. When you do, the door will close, investigate it, then go back to the back of the room and grab the pry bar to open it.
After escaping the Storeroom, head to the Women’s Bathroom. There’s a stall that’s glowing red. Haneko will knock, then a few seconds later it will slowly open. Grab the orb from inside the toilet and head back out to the Courtyard.
When you’re in the courtyard, go to the fountain and place the orb in the slot- this will cause the statue to drop the book. Take the world history book.
Make your way to the Day Room and place the history book on the bookshelf. It will slide away to reveal another safe room. Inside the Archives, go around the shelf to find a VHS tape and another tv (if you die you’ll respawn at whichever tv you most recently turned on).
More sinkholes have appeared. The assignment paper (6/10) that was previously blocked by a gate is now available to get.
Go to the Classroom next to the ISS Room, place the VHS tape in the tv. When you walk towards the safe in the opposite corner, the map will shoot up to reveal a letter-to-number key. In order to figure out the code, you need to watch the tape (its a lot easier to see in first person).
The code: Each first letter spells HAMMER, use this to determine what numbers match with what letter, this key changes every game
After unlocking the safe, grab the emergency key and head back to the Locker Room. Unlock the case and grab the hammer.
Go to the ISS Room and smash the wall in to go into the Boiler Room. When you go through the hole in the wall, go right to find a notebook. This has a key to help get rid of the steam blocking your path to the item. Answer: middle, left, right, middle, right
Grab the prisoner’s slab and head towards the Guidance Counselor’s office. Interact with the sigil to use the slab.
Go inside and push the shelves out of the way, after doing so pull the lever to reveal a long staircase. Head down and go around to where you see a red light.
(for those who are not looking for lore, this body is a missing student who is a victim of the school’s counselor’s experiments.)
Go around the body into the side room and grab the assignment paper (7/10). When you go to leave a cutscene will show another monster being birthed.
When you go to leave, theres a new door in your way thats locked, turn around and in place of the body there is now a key of salvaiton. grab it and unlock the door.
Move forward and grab the assignment paper (8/10 – this is the last consistent one), then grab the ID badge off the chair. Make note of the word “FAILED” on the wall.
If you do not have all 10 assignment papers, you will not be able to leave. You can still find them even though the school has changed.
Go back to the entrance and use the computer to raise the exit gate. The code to do so was written on the wall in the Counselor’s office, FAILED
You did it! You’ve made it out! See the achievements and costumes you can unlock below, as well as any notes pertaining to the lore you might have missed/ignored in your playthough.
enter the school
die once
travel 8,000m
travel 15,000m
beat the game
get a “C” grade
beat the game in over an hour
get a “B” grade
beat the game in under an hour, but over 30
get a “A” grade
beat the game in under 30 minutes, but over 15
get a “S” grade
beat the game in under 15 minutes
beat the game without dying once
beat the game without collecting the map
beat the game in 15 minutes or less
beat the game on hard mode
call the wrong number
(see the mushroom costume to see how to unlock)
unlock the cute pics folder on the computer in the entrance
(see the mushroom costume to see how to unlock)
use a cheat code
(see cheats section on how to unlock)
unlock all of the costumes
already unlocked at the start of the game
unlocked when you die once
unlocked after beating the game for the first time
unlocked after beating the game without collecting the map on the entrance’s bulletin board
unlocked after dialing the wrong number on the phone in the intro
Hint: It’s creator Vinesauce’s birthday
Answer: 512-1985
unlocked after opening the cute pics folder on the computer in the entrance
Answer: watch the video directly above the folder, the icon that is separated from the group in each instance is the correct one for the code
beat the game without dying
beat the game in under 15 minutes
beat the game on hard mode
walk/run 8,000m
walk/run 15,000m
get a “S” rank
After leaving the office, go out to the courtyard. On one of the benches against the wall theres a clipboard with a police report. Read it- on the last text box theres a note about the code to the locked file.
Code: 971989
Go to the computer in the entrance and input the code. You now have access to the codes.txt doc.
Here are all the codes! I used the friendly monster and infinite stamina to unlock a lot of the achievements because I wanted to get them done (aka im a big baby and didnt want to deal with the monster anymore).
Using cheats doesn’t block your ability to unlock achievements at all! Go crazy.
DIARY ENTRY #1 – Science Lab
DIARY ENTRY #2 – Classroom next to ISS Room
DIARY ENTRY #4 – Courtyard
DIARY ENTRY #5 – Day Room
DIARY ENTRY #7 – Experiment Room attached to Guidance Counselor’s office
DIARY ENTRY #—- – on desk next to corpse
Notes – typed out
First day back from spring break and the subject I hate the most just had to be on my schedule. It’s bad enough Mr. Momoru has a monotonous teaching style, but I just find chemistry very boring. I might talk again with the admin to try to have my classes moved around this semester.
It’s dated May 12.
Diary Entry #2
The admin just got back from vacation, so I managed to talk with him about changing schedules. He recommended I go talk with the counselor, Dr. Tomo. Said I needed to focus more in my current classes. It’s complete nonsense. My parents won’t even call them to help straighten things out. I’m on my own I guess.
it’s dates May 29.
Diary Entry #3
Feeling like a complete zombie today. I don’t feel like I got any sleep last night. Mrs. Suzu wouldn’t stop rambling during calculus today, so I had to get out and take a break. These classes are draining the life out of me. I wish my parents hadn’t transferred me here.
It’s dated June 10.
Diary Entry #4
Have been having constant migraines all week. It’s becoming impossible to keep up with my classes. They sent me to the counselor again today. He wrote me a prescription for some sort of medicine. It feels like everyone is against me. I hate it here. Going to flush that stupid fountain orb later.
It’s dated June 18.
Diary Entry #5
Been taking those pills every day now. I’ve been feeling strange, but they say I need to keep taking them. For some reason I haven’t felt like leaving the school lately. Dr. Tomo said it’s best I stay until I’m better. I have homework for history I need to do, but I don’t even care. The beds in the day room are so comfortable…
It’s dated July 28.
Diary Entry #6
Dr. Tomo upped my dosage yesterday. Been feeling the worst I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Everything is always spinning and I can’t sit still. I’ve been in the day room for so long now. All my classwork is behind and I haven’t heard from my parents at all. Do they even care anymore?
It’s dated August 12
Diary Entry #7
The admin came to remove me from the day room today. Said I won’t have anymore classes for a while. He wants me to stay in Dr. Tomo’s office from now on. When I arrived, all the teachers were waiting for me. I told them all I wanted to go home, but they insisted I needd to stay and upped my dosage again.
It’s dated August 13.
Diary Entry #8
I don’t know where I am right now. Why am I here? Head feels so heavy. It feels like a furnace. My body is writhing, as if something is trying to tear its way out. I hear squirming everywhere. I can’t take much of this anymore. Everyone had abandoned me. I’m all alone now.
There’s no date written.
Diary Entry —-
Red. Tomo.
Meat. Pulse.
Belong. Here.
Won’t take me…
And that wraps up our share on Late Homework | 遅れた宿題: Late Homework 100% walkthrough & guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by velaralilas ♡ ttv, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!