Full walkthrough with all achievements
Number of missable achievements: multiple, difficult to assess due to bugs
Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Free-Roam After Story: No, chapter select available
Does difficulty affect achievements?: No
Most of the missed achievements can be earned using Chapter Select menu. There are exceptions with certain achievements spanning across multiple chapters.
Achievements are presented in a chronological order where possible, however discrepancies are possible due to relative flexibility of the game. My approach in each chapter was always the same: check the area for objects to inspect, usually in a clockwise matter, talk to characters, solve mind map.
Note. At the time of creating this guide there seems to be a bug related to achievements requiring multiple actions e.g. “Solve 3 mindmaps” or “Wear 3 costumes” or “Make 5 matches”. If you make some progress towards them but then quit the game their counter will be back to 0 when you launch the game again.
1. The Legend of Arsène Lupin
- Blocking the entrance – razor sharp spikes.
- Having leapt the spikes, deal with the rabid dogs, waiting to pounce.
- The dogs will be in a deep slumber – next, the guards – whose only orders are to protect the Faberge egg.
- The guards shouldn’t cause anymore bother, but stay alert to avoid the poison tipped arrows.
- Using the arrows to snap the bear traps is a better idea than using a leg.
Inspect Portrait on the wall.
Inspect Bejewelled necklace.
1. Inspect the red gem.
2. Inspect the hallmark on the other side.
Inspect Chest of jewels.
Open the chest
1. Treasure.
2. Emerald
3. Diamond
4. Ruby.
Try to open the vault.
Inspect both Chateau guards to learn the code 2809.
Match: What treasure lies on the other side of the vault door?
1. Fabergé egg
Click the vault door and enter 2809.
Enter the vault.
Inspect Diamond necklace.
Inspect Motorcar.
Inspect Stone statue.
Inspect Gaudy necklace.
Inspect the cage door.
You can rotate the camera now.
Go back to the previous room.
Inspect the T-Rex skull.
1. T-Rex Eye.
Move the camera to the right.
Click the lower jaw.
2. Golden key.
Use the Golden key on the cage door.
Inspect the Fabergé egg.
1. Faberge Egg.
2. Pressure plate.
Use the Sandbag on the pressure plate to pick up the Fabergé egg.
Inspect the Fabergé egg.
1. Locked latch.
Rotate the rings to form a face.
Open the egg and take the black pearl.
Cabinet of curiosities
Inspect all curios in The Legend of Arsène Lupin
A Robbery of fantastic proportions
Complete The Legend of Arsène Lupin
2. The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 1
Impress the passengers in The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 1
Talk to the Major.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Talk to the Porter.
Click the stairs to listen the conversation between Captain Melville and the First Mate.
Talk to Lady Jerland.
Talk to Miss Nelly Underdown.
1. What brought you onboard La Provence?
2. Tell me about yourself…
3. He has a wounded right forearm…
4. He has blonde hair.
5. He is travelling under the name R…
Match: Who could Arsène Lupin be disguised as?
1. Louis Rozaine.
Follow the tutorial and then exit the mindmap.
Inspect Rozaine’s bed.
1. Comb
2. Stained pillow.
Skilled manipulator
Master 5 mechanisms
Mindmap: Find evidence that Rozaine is Arsène Lupin
Comb + Blonde (the top one, under Rozaine) = Hair colours don’t match
Inspect the Rozaine’s chair.
1. Napkin
2. Empty bottle of pills
3. Chemical dye
Inspect the Napkin.
1. Lipstick stain.
2. Love message.
Mindmap: Find evidence that Rozaine is Arsène Lupin
Stained pillow + Chemical dye = Dye stain
Wounded arm + Empty bottle of pills = Treating a wound?
Hair colours don’t match + Dye stain = Master of Disguise
Master of Disguise + Treating a wound? = Rozaine is Lupin
Approach the door to the Ship deck to listen the conversation.
Inspect the Painting.
Put the Incriminating film roll in the Post box.
To Catch a Thief
Complete The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 1
3. The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 2
Select Rozaine’s cabin as the first.
Inspect the Note from staff.
Inspect the Loose vent grate.
Inspect Rozaine’s cabin safe.
Inspect the desk
1. Journal
2. “Morse code and me” book
Keen observer
Inspect 25 objects
Mindmap: Investigate the suspects’ cabins
Journal + Master Thief = Planning a scheme
Note from staff + Master of Disguise = Destroying evidence
Talk to captain Melville.
Match: What evidence suggests Rozaine is Arsène Lupin?
1. Journal
2. Note from staff
Inspect “Fish weekly”.
Inspect Open vent.
Inspect Rawson’s diary.
Inspect Rawson’s belongings.
Open the chest.
1. Empty medial supplies.
Move the camera to the left.
Check the top drawer.
Check the bottom drawer.
2. Used medial supplies.
Mindmap: Investigate the suspects’ cabins
Injured arm + Medical supplies = Treating injuries
Manipulative + Rawson’s diary = Manipulating the captain?
Loose vent grate + Open vent = Rooms connected?
Talk to captain Melville.
1. What do you know about the ventilation system?
2. What do you make of all this?
Match: What evidence suggests Major Rawson is Arsène Lupin?
1. Rawson’s diary
2. Medial supplies
Talk to Lady Jerland (auto).
Exit the mindmap.
Inspect Lady Jerland’s door.
Inspect Shreds of paper.
Inspect Lady Jerland’s open safe.
Inspect Smell from Lady Jerland’s vent.
Talk to Lady Jerland.
Inspect Lady Jerland.
1. Eyes (No eye contact)
2. Hands (Clutching her chest)
Mindmap: Investigate the jewel theft
Shreds of paper + Lady Jerland looks nervous = Lady Jerland is hiding something
Inspect the painting.
Talk to Miss Nelly Underdown.
Talk to Bernard d’Andrésy.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Talk to Captain Melville.
Inspect Desk.
1. Vent (Open storage room vent)
2. Missing screwdriver
3. Boot print on desk (to the right of the lamp)
Inspect Empty uniform bag.
Inspect Stained floor.
Talk to the Porter.
Mindmap: Investigate the jewel theft
Smell from Lady Jerland’s vent + Strong smell = Same smell
Same smell + Open Storage Room vent = Storage Room and Lady Jerland’s cabin are connected
Lady Jerland left her cabin for dinner + Rozaine missing during robbery = Rozaine had opportunity
Talk to the Porter again.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
1. You’ve some detailed notes in your cabin…
2. I understand you disposed of some clothes?
3. Miss Underdown says you were missing from dinner…
Talk to Captain Melville.
Inspect Key log on the wall.
Inspect Lost and found.
Inspect Pocketbook
1. Embossing (R)
2. Stain
Inspect lockers
1. Watch (left locker) – grants achievement
2. Envelope (middle locker)
3. Camera roll (right locker)
Arsène Lupin was here
Find Lupin’s calling card in The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 2
Inspect the watch.
Open the watch.
1. Engraving
Inspect Guest log.
Talk to First Mate.
1. A First Mate surely needs a decent timepiece?
2. You must be able to afford one yourself?
3. I’m conducting searches of the crew’s lockers…
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Mindmap: Investigate the jewel theft
Stained floor + Rozaine’s pocketbook = Rozaine was in the Storage Room
Vent can fit a person + Rozaine was in the Storage Room = Rozaine could have crawled through the vent
Rozaine could have crawled through the vent + Rozaine had opportunity = Rozaine stole the jewels
Expert reasoner
Solve 3 mindmaps
Talk to Rozaine.
1. After the first day Rozaine was detained by the captain.
2. Rozaine was noticeably missing from dinner.
3. Rozaine managed to find a way into the Storage Room.
4. Rozaine was able to access Jerland’s cabin using the vent system.
5. After cracking the safe, Rozaine made off with the jewels.
Talk to Captain Melville.
Talk to Bernard d’Andrésy.
Talk to First Mate.
Inspect Guest log.
Mindmap: Re-evaluate the evidence
Watch + Missing watch = Stolen watch?
Stolen watch + Found watch = Returned watch
Gave Captain the key + Never received the Master Key = Key contradiction
Key contradiction + Empty uniform bag = Lupin disguised as crew
Lupin disguised as crew + Lady Jerland’s door = Used Master Key
Lady Jerland left her cabin for dinner + Bernard’s afternoon alibi = No possible opportunity?
Bernard is a photographer + Camera roll = Bernard investigated Rozaine + Suspicious activity
No possible opportunity? + Suspicious activity = Things aren’t adding up
Things aren’t adding up + Lady Jerland is hiding something = Lady Jerland is lying
Talk to Lady Jerland.
1. After sneaking on board, Lupin found the perfect disguise to hide out on the ship.
2. Lupin took advantage of the chaos around his arrival and committed his firs crime, stealing the Captain’s watch.
3. Rozaine was mugged and left incapacitated in the Storage Room.
4. Rozaine was noticeably missing from dinner twice.
5. Under the cover of darkness, Jerland left her cabin to meet someone.
6. After cracking the safe, Lupin made off with the jewels.
Diligent timekeeper
Order 3 timelines
Mindmap: Re-evaluate the evidence
Lady Jerland only left her cabin once + Bernard had no opportunity = Bernard had opportunity
Bernard had opportunity + Used Master Key = Bernard is Lupin
Bernard d’Andrésy
Uncover a secret about Bernard d’Andrésy
Talk to the captain.
Talk to Bernard (auto).
The Inspector boards
Complete The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 2
4. The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 3
Inspect Bucket of chum next to the fishing spot.
Inspect the information board.
1. Ship layout
2. First-class cabins
3. Fish bounty
Inspect the “Emergency Procedures” poster.
Talk to First Mate.
Inspect Post box.
Inspect Tearoom vent.
Inspect Fish replica display.
Approach Lady Jerland’s cabin to listen in.
Step away and talk to Miss Underdown (auto).
Inspect Major Rawsons cabin door.
Inspect Rozaine’s vent.
Inspect Rozaine’s cabin safe (no code yet so leave).
Pick up Old coin from the table.
Inspect Desk.
1. Rozaine’s diary
2. “Morse code an me” book
Take Strange scribbles (piece of paper between suitcases, visible only from one camera angle).
Use the “Morse code an me” book in your inventory to decipher the note and receive the code: 0104.
Inspect the safe and use the code 0104 to receive Rozaine’s army knife.
Proficient toolsman
Use 10 items
Inspect the vent and post box again.
Inspect miss Underdown.
1. Miss Nelly looks tired (eyes)
2. Miss Nelly’s painting
Talk to Miss Underdown (auto).
1. I’ve enjoyed our time together.
2. Do you have any plans for tonight?
3. Would you like to dine with me tonight?
Use the newspaper and listen to the conversation.
Talk to First Mate.
Mindmap: What rooms are connected?
Major Rawson’s cabin + Rozaine’s cabin
Dining Hall + Tearoom
Lady Jerland’s cabin + Storage Room
Miss Nelly’s cabin + Crew Quarters
Inspect the vent.
Use the knife on the vent screws.
You’ll move to major Rawson’s cabin (auto).
Inspect “Fish Weekly” (clue: blue marlin has long dorsal fin and pointy mouth).
Inspect the safe (no code yet so leave).
Inspect Rawson’s belongings.
Open the top drawer.
Open the botton drawer.
1. Used medical supplies
Move the camera to the right.
Open the chest.
2. Sea sickness tablets
Inspect the fishing rod.
Talk to Miss Underdown.
Inspect the post box.
Talk to Porter.
Talk to First Mate.
Inspect Fish replica display.
Inspect all three fish: the fish itself, mouth, dorsal fin, the plate.
Use the coin on the right fish (blue marlin).
Take the fishing rod.
Combine the information from “Fish weekly” and Fish replica display to receive the code 1342.
Page 1: Major Rawson won (1st place)
Page 2: The Blue Marlin (3rd place)
Page 3: Atlantic Salmon (4th place)
Page 4: Gilt-Head Bream (2nd place)
Inspect the safe and use the code 1342.
Adept safecracker
Crack 3 safes
Inspect the fishing spot.
Use the fishing rod on the fishing spot.
Use the bluefish on the fishing rod.
Talk to First Mate.
Perfect catch
Catch a prized fish in The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 3
Approach Captain Melville and First Mate and pickpocket them.
1. Captain’s watch
Move camera to the right.
2. Storage key
The Captain
Steal from the Captain
Go upstairs and enter the Storage room.
Inspect Full post box.
Inspect White wool.
Inspect Storage vent.
Talk to First Mate.
Enter Dining hall.
Talk to Miss Underdown (auto).
Take a photo of Miss Underdown.
inspect the Reward poster.
Talk to First Mate.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Inspect the crew uniform.
Pick up the flute.
Pick up white rose.
Talk to Miss Underdown.
Nelly Underdown
Impress Nelly Underdown
Talk to First Mate.
Talk to Porter.
Take the crew uniform.
Talk to Porter.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Talk to the First Mate.
1. We can come to an arrangement…
2. 1000 Francs…
1. Find a secluded location on deck to set the trap.
2. Get the deck wet and create a slipping hazard.
3. Then, replicate the two short high-pitched blows from the emergency poster, alerting the one man looking to prove himself.
4. Watch Rozaine fall for my perfectly planned ruse.
5. Claim my reward.
Pick up the Bucket of chum.
Inspect the secluded area.
Use the Bucket of chum on the secluded area.
Use the Flute on the secluded area.
Inspect the Pocketbook.
Open it.
1. Money.
Steal from Rozaine
Talk to First Mate.
Give him the money and learn the password: SOLAS.
Talk to Porter.
Inspect the Key log.
Inspect the Lockers.
1. Boots (left locker)
2. Locker letter (middle locker)
3. Jar of honey (right locker)
Inspect the Captain’s hat (on the wall next to the desk).
Inspect the Writing desk.
Inspect the Captain’s jacket.
Use the Forged letter to Porter on the lockers.
Talk to First Mate.
Match: Describe the captain’s appearance
1. Captain’s white beard
2. Captain’s broad build
3. Captain’s hat
Versed matchmaker
Make 5 matches
Talk to First Mate again.
Inspect the lockers.
Open the right locker and take the Jar of honey.
Take the White wool.
Use the Forged letter to Jerland on the door to Lady Jerland’s cabin.
Take the Captain’s hat.
Take the Captain’s jacket.
Talk to First Mate.
The Shipmates
Trick the Shipmates
Inspect the Crew uniform to change back from the captain’s uniform.
Talk to Miss Underdown (auto).
Inspect the diary (clue: 4 days ago).
Inspect Lady Jerland’s calendar (clue 23 August).
Inspect the safe.
Enter the password 1908 gained from the previous clues.
Lady Jerland
Steal from Lady Jerland
Use the Camera on the safe.
Inspect the Camera.
Open it.
1. Camera
Talk to Miss Underdown (auto)
Arsène Lupin
Uncover a secret about Arsène Lupin
The Master Thief’s games
Complete The Arrest of Arsène Lupin – Part 3
Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 1
Inspect Front door entrance.
Inspect Kitchen door.
Inspect Newspaper clippings.
Inspect Old Well.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Inspect East facing windows.
Inspect “Chateau de Malaquis Vol 1”.
Inspect Open window.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Talk to Ganimard’s trusted colleague.
Talk to Ganimard’s right-hand man.
Talk to Cahorn’s maid.
Exit the mindmap.
Talk to Cahorn’s servant.
Inspect the open window again (Left open).
1. Left open
Move the camera to the left.
2. Unlocked
Click the window to lower it.
3. Closed and locked.
Inspect Front entrance.
1. Alarm bell
2. Padlock
Inspect Kitchen door.
Inspect Old Well.
Click the handle to raise the cover.
1. Metal rungs
Move camera to the right to exit the view.
Move camera to the left.
2. Strange markings
Talk to Cahorn’s servant.
Talk to Cahorn’s maid.
Mindmap: How secure is Chateau de Malaquis?
Faulty alarm system + Maid heard the alarm working = Bell not secure?
Inspect Alarm bell.
Match: The most likely entry point is…
1. Old well
Match: Why is the well the most likely point of entry?
1. Metal rungs
2. Maintenance routes
Impenetrable fortress
Secure the castle in Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 1
Inspect the Cake.
Inspect the Front door entrance.
Inspect the Kitchen door.
Inspect the Old Well.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Inspect the Open window (west facing window) – receive a note (R).
Inspect the Sleeping guards.
1. Sleeping guards (head)
2. Pink stain
Inspect the Wine bottle under one of the benches – receive a note (P).
1. Expensive brand label
2. Wine bottle note
3. Powdered residue (in the bottle)
Mindmap: What happened to the guards?
Empty + Pink stain = Guards drank the wine
Guards drank the wine + Sleeping guards = Guards fell asleep drunk?
Try to wake up the guards.
Mindmap: What happened to the guards?
Powdered residue + Unconscious guards = Guards were drugged?
Try to wake up the guards again.
Talk to Ganimard’s trusted colleague.
Talk to Ganimard’s right-hand man.
Go the the previously unavailable part of the gallery.
Inspect Watteau tapestry.
Inspect “Chateau de Malaquis Vol 2” – receive a note (E).
Mindmap: How did Lupin pull off the robbery?
Lupin’s heist list + Watteau Tapestry = Why is the Tapestry still here?
Go back to the previous part of the gallery.
Inspect the Window left of the fireplace.
Inspect the Expensive vase.
Inspect the Missing dinosaur.
Inspect the East facing windows.
Inspect hollow space in the wall (next to the fireplace near Baron Cahorn) – receive a note (C).
Mindmap: How did Lupin pull off the robbery?
Hollow space in the wall + “Chateau de Malaquis Vol 2” = Secret passage behind the north facing wall
Mindmap: Why did Lupin leave the tapestry?
Lupin doesn’t steal forgeries + Why is the Tapestry still here? = It’s a fake!
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Read the receipt from the auction house – receive a note (Y).
1. (P) There was once a baron who received a grave warning, who at first doubted its legitimacy.
2. (E) As his paranoia grew, he sought the services of a relaxing Inspector, the baron unable to bear the thought of losing his entire collection.
3. (R) But not everything in the baron’s collection would be a target for the Master Thief, and the baron’s walls would not be left completely… barren.
4. (C) As the Master Thief couldn’t allow his own reputation and collection to be tarnished with the addition of a forgery.
5. (Y) The impending night finally came, but who would it be to finish the job? Arsene Lupin himself, or the alias that began it all?
Mindmap: How did Lupin pull off the robbery?
Seller’s display instructions + Secret passage behind the north facing wall = The Tapestry is covering the secret passage
Mindmap: Why did Lupin leave the tapestry?
Who is Percy? + Receipt of purchase = The seller is Percy
The Seller is Percy + Y = Lupin sold the Tapestry
Mindmap: How did Lupin pull off the robbery?
Why did Lupin sell the Tapestry? + The Tapestry is covering the secret passage = Entrance hidden behind Tapestry
Explain how Lupin got in + Entrance hidden behind Tapestry
The Baron’s predicament
Complete Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 1
Inspect the Watteau Tapestry.
6. Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 2
Inspect the Kitchen door.
Inspect the Old Well.
1. One of the stones (Old well)
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Inspect The Dock (clue: number 3).
Inspect The Church (8).
Inspect The King (10).
Inspect “The Art of Chemistry Vol 1”.
Inspect The Woman (4).
Inspect “Chateau de Malaquis Vol 1”.
Inspect The Sea (6).
Inspect The Family (1).
Inspect “The Art of Chemistry Vol 3”.
Inspect The Child (7).
Inspect Canine bust.
1. Disguised opening
Leave for now.
Inspect Empty wall.
Take the Poem (book on the table).
Inspect “The Art of Chemistry Vol 2”.
Inspect the stairs (to bedroom).
Inspect The Gift (5).
Inspect The Fruit (2).
Inspect The Island (9).
The poem mentions four paintings which give code 6482.
Inspect the Hippo statue.
1. Statue
2. Engraving
Go to the entrance and then to the kitchen.
Inspect Stove.
Take the Kitchen knife.
Take the Butter.
Inspect Fermented yeast.
Inspect dumbwaiter.
Open the door.
1. Kettle
Inspect Baron’s banned list.
Inspect the Old Well.
Use the Knife on the stone.
Inspect Canine bust.
Use the Butter on disguised opening.
2. Treasure
Go to the stairs to notice a safe.
Inspect the safe, use the code 6482.
Pick up all three volumes of “The Art of Chemistry”.
Inspect the Alarm bell.
Inspect the Toolbox.
Open the toolbox.
Oen the drawer.
1. Copper piper.
2. “The Art of Chemistry Vol 4”.
Pick up Fermented yeast.
Take the Kettle.
Use the Copper pipe on the stove.
Use the Fermented yeast on the stove.
Use the Kettle on the stove.
Use ethanol on the paintings:
The Dock – real.
The Church – real.
The King – fake.
Dialogue between Inspector Ganimard and Arsène Lupin (auto).
Talk to Cahorn’s servant.
Match: Describe the baron’s personality and appearance.
1. Luscious Hair
2. Stern
Inspect “Chateau de Malaquis Vol 1”.
Inspect the Tapestry.
Inspect the stairs.
Talk to Cahorn’s maid.
Inspect Small crack next to the fireplace.
Take the Flute.
Use the Flute on the small crack.
Talk to Cahorn’s maid (clue: Baron doesn’t like chocolate).
Go upstairs.
Inspect the Diary.
Inspect locked latch on the table.
Solve the ring puzzle (same as in chapter 1).
Take Baron’s wig.
inspect the safe (no code so leave).
Inspect the closet.
Inspect the drinks cabinet (can’t open it so leave).
Inspect the dumbwaiter.
Talk to Cahorn’s servant.
Take the Allergy reminder (clue: no seafood).
Take the Menu.
Use the dumbwaiter.
Enter code 1478 learnt from the menu based on the previous clues.
Inspect the drinks cabinet.
Use the key to open it.
1. Wine bottle
Talk to Cahorn’s maid – receive the Key.
Open the closet with the Key.
Master of disguise
Wear 3 costumes
Talk to Cahorn’s servant.
1. What have I told you about using my full title!
2. There is – the combination… NOW.
3. Only by not giving me the combination…
Baron Satan
Trick the servant in Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 2
The Servants
Trick the Servants
Check both notes in your inventory to learn the code: 1885.
Inspect the safe.
Enter code 1885.
Dialogue between Inspector Ganimard and Arsène Lupin (auto).
Talk to Ganimard’s trusted colleague.
Talk to Ganimard’s right-hand man.
Talk to Ganimard’s trusted colleague again.
Inspect the statue.
Inspect the winch.
Inspect the windowsill.
Take the wrench.
Take the cushion.
Take the Jade statue.
Mindmap: How can we move the statues out of Chateau de Malaquis?
Statue + Wrench = Unbolted Base
The windowsill + Cushion = Padded protection
Balancing the Boat + Jade Statue = Boat Stabilized
Talk to Ganimard’s trusted colleague.
1. Safety first – I’ll grab a collection of soft furnishings, which should protect the items from any potential damage.
2. The heavy Jade Cat Statue should keep the boat stable before adding any larger items.
3. I’ll need to unbolt the fake base from the statue to remove any unnecessary weight to the winch.
4. To ensure the winch can handle all that weight I better ensure it’s properly reinforced.
5. With that strengthened, all I need to do is put these arms to work.
6. Let’s get this statue moving!
Place a note in the wine bottle.
Place a note in the window to the right of the fireplace.
Place a note in the small crack next to the fireplace near the stairs.
Place a note in the book under the stairs.
Place a note in the safe.
Baron Cahorn
Steal from Baron Cahorn
Dialogue between Inspector Ganimard and Arsène Lupin (auto).
Inspector Ganimard
Uncover a secret about Inspector Ganimard
A Baron, a Thief and an Inspector
Complete Arsène Lupin in Prison – Part 2
7. The Escape of Arsène Lupin
As Arsène Lupin
Inspect the cell bed.
Inspect the rat.
Inspect the meal tray – receive Bread crumbs.
Inspect the toilet.
Give Bread crumbs to the rat.
The Rat
Make friends with the Rat
Match: What was the alias you boarded La Provence under?
1. Bernard d’Andresy
Match: How much was stolen from Rozaine?
1. 10,000 Francs
Match: A list was sent to the baron, what item had you planned on taking?
1. Watteau Tapestry
As Inspector Ganimard
Exit the mindmap.
Talk to the prison guard.
Inspect Letter from supporter.
Inspect Collection of files.
Inspect the Cell door and enter the cell.
Inspect the Pile of books.
Talk to Mr Cheddar.
Inspect the blunt knife (on the bench).
Click the handle to unscrew it.
1. Hidden note from Lupin.
Inspect the desk.
1. A new candle
2. Meal tray
3. Press cuttings (in the left drawer)
4. Foreign-post newspaper (in the right drawer)
Inspect the lockbox.
Rotate the box and notice markings on one of the edges. They are partial drawings of square (4 sides), circle (1), triangle (3), hex (6).
1. Dial – enter code 4136
2. Passenger papers
3. Message from H-P
Inspect the Cell bed.
Inspect Arsène Lupin.
1. Twinkle (eye)
2. Relaxed body (chest)
Talk to Arsène Lupin (auto).
Leave the cell.
Talk to Prison guard.
Enter the cell.
Mindmap: How did Lupin escape?
Hidden note from Lupin + Lupin is friendly with guards = Lupin has an inside-man
Foreign-Post newspaper + Letter from supporter = Lupin has knowledge of the outside
Message from H-P + Lupin has knowledge of the outside = Lupin has communicated with the outside world
Lupin has an inside-man + Lupin has communicated with the outside world = Formulated plan
Passenger papers + Lupin receives gifts = Received items to escape
Received items to escape + Formulated plan = Perfect plan
Perfect plan + Lupin’s daily routine = Perfect opportunity
Talk to Arsène Lupin.
Talk to Judge Bouvier (auto).
Talk to Lady Jerland (auto)
1. You were preyed upon by Arsene Lupin?
2. He manipulated you while disguised as a guest…
3. In your opinion, what does Arsene Lupin deserve?
Enter the locked cell.
Inspect the desk.
1. A used candle
2. Empty tray
Inspect Uncomfortable bed.
Talk to Arsène Lupin.
Leave the cell.
Enter the open cell.
Talk to the Prison officer.
Inspect the list (clue: left, left, right, left).
Inspect the floor stones. Click all four corners of the biggest stone.
The Guards
Trick the Guards
Note. In the sewers rats always show you the correct way. Selecting a passage without a rat will take you back to the starting location.
Inspect the Sewer note from Lupin – receive the Map of France.
Go through the sewers following the rats and collecting notes from Lupin on the way. You can find one or two notes in each location and you need six of them.
Pick up the Sewer note from Lupin (1-6).
1. Leaving Paris I headed West to Saint-Malo.
2. As I reached Saint-Malo, it was necessary to make a full turn and head North to Caen.
3. Business took me East to Rouen.
4. You arrived in Rouen shortly after to ruin my plans, so I continued East to Reims.
5. But it wasn’t long before you were hot on my heels again, moving South to Troyes in a new disguise was my only option.
6. It was only a short trip West to return to the beautiful, dazzling city of lights – Paris.
Inspect the pipes.
Set each valve according to the clues in the timeline: West, North, East, East, South, West.
Plumbing problem
Fix the pipes in The Escape of Arsène Lupin
Go through the open passage.
Inspect the Newspaper.
Inspect Correspondence with the press.
Inspect the Equipment.
Inspect the Disguises.
Inspect the safe – code 1874.
Match: What pieces of evidence found in the hideout, will be able to break Lupin’s act?
1. Unsent letters
2. Newspaper
3. Photograph of Nelly Underdown
Talk to Judge Bouvier (auto).
Talk to Arsene Lupin (auto).
1. You lied to her from the moment you met her…
2. Too embarrassed to send your love letters?
Inspect Arsene Lupin.
1. Eyes (dull)
Désiré Baudru
Uncover a secret about Désiré Baudru
Talk to Judge Bouvier (auto).
Talk to Désiré Baudru (auto).
La Santé’s new resident
Complete The Escape of Arsène Lupin
8. Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 1
Talk to Devanne’s maid.
Talk to First Mate.
Talk to Captain Melville.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Talk to Devanne’s servant.
Click on Georges Devanne to listen the conversation.
Talk to Georges Devanne (auto).
Inspect the bookcase ladder.
Inspect the mural on the floor.
Inspect all four small holes in the central cabinet.
Go upstairs.
Inspect the telescope.
Move camera to the left.
1. Deer eye.
Go back downstairs.
Talk to Devanne’s servant.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
Talk to First Mate.
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Inspect the Unusual King piece.
Take the shoelace.
Take the knife from the table.
Take the empty glass from the table.
Inspect the Gas fireplace.
Inspect the narrow gap (near the corned of the carpet).
Talk to Devanne’s maid.
Talk to Captain Melville.
Inspect Georges Devanne.
1. Devanne’s ring
Talk to Georges Devanne (auto).
1. First, secure the shoelace across the narrow gap.
2. Once the trap is set, use the thermostat to turn up the heat!
3. Then inform the Maid that Devanne needs a cool refreshment
4. In the chaos that fallows, slip the ring off Devanne’s finger.
5. Once Devanne leaves the room, extinguish the fire, and find what’s glittering back there.
Go to Boot room.
Inspect the uniform.
Take boot polish.
Use Shoe lace on the narrow gap.
Use the thermostat to increase the temperature.
Talk to Georges Devanne.
Talk to Devanne’s maid.
Inspect Georges Devanne.
1. Devanne’s ring.
Inspect the bucket of water.
Use the empty glass on the bucket of water.
Use the glass of water on the gas fireplace – receive diamond.
Use the thermostat and set it to default temperature.
Talk to Devanne’s servant.
Use the knife on the bookcase ladder.
Talk to First Mate.
1. It was actually him that caught Arsene Lupin…
2. One of his crew stole his watch…
Talk to Louis Rozaine.
Move white bishop from C7 to E5.
Get a checkmate in Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 1
Change costume.
Talk to Baron Cahorn.
1. The host obviously, who do you think?
2. I’m not going to repeat myself old man…
3. I heard Arsene Lupin made you penniless?
Pick up the bookcase ladder.
Use the ladder on the deer eye (fireplace).
Use the diamond on the diamond hole.
Use the ring on the shield-shaped hole.
Use the deer eye on the teardrop hole.
Use the unusual king piece on the heart-shaped hole.
Take “Chronique de Thibermesnil Vol 2”.
Mindmap: How do the 3 key items connect?
Castle + King Francis II
Chapel + Duke Rollo
Library + Maiden Jane Cartier
Church + Father David Durand
Stage + Jester Laurent
King Francis II + A Crown
Duke Rollo + A Candle
Maiden Jane Cartier + A Chalice
Father David Durand + A Cross
Jester Laurent + A Bell
A Crown + Castle
A Chalice + Library
A Candle + Chapel
A Cross + Church
A Bell + Stage
Match: Who best fits the description of “beacon through the darkness” from Devanne’s riddle?
1. Duke Rollo
Match: What place described in the Chronique de Thibermesnil matches the riddle from Mr Devanne?
1. Chapel
Famous traveller
Visit all locations in the game
Inspect Written quote from Duke Rollo.
Take the candle.
Use the candle on Written quote from Duke Rollo (clue: 933-80=853)
Inspect the tomb of Duke Rollo.
Press letters: 8th (E), 5th (E), 3rd (I).
Georges Devanne
Steal from Georges Devanne
The Château’s secrets revealed
Complete Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 1
9. Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 2
Meet all characters in the game
Inspect silver armour.
Inspect bottom bookcases.
Inspect bronze armour.
Inspect iron armour.
Inspect small pile of valuables.
Inspect Chronique de Thibermesnil Volumes.
Inspect fireplace.
Inspect chess set.
Inspect gold armour.
Inspect central cabinet.
Inspect returned pile of goods.
Inspect upper bookcases.
Talk to Georges Devanne.
Select “Your belongings were returned?”
Mindmap: Why were Georges Devanne’s belongings returned?
Returned pile of goods + Small pile of valuables = Separate pile made?
Talk to Georges Devanne again.
Herlock Sholmes
Uncover a secret about Herlock Sholmes
Inspect the central cabinet again.
Mindmap: How did Lupin infiltrate Chateau de Thibermesnil?
Secret tunnel + Upper bookcase = Not possible
Bottom bookcase + Chronique de Thibermesnil Vol 2 = Familiar name connection
Riddle note + False backing? = Light source connection
Familiar name connection + Light source connection = Connected through secrets
Connected through secrets + Hidden entrance = Not connected to the secrets
Mindmap: Why were Georges Devanne’s belongings returned?
Threw a gathering to trap Lupin + Both Chronique De Thibermesnil Volumes returned = Lupin had perfect opportunity
Lupin had perfect opportunity + Announced the missing riddle = Lupin had all the info he needed
Lupin had all the info he needed + Separate pile made? = Things didn’t go to plan
Things didn’t go to plan + Announced my arrival = Lupin felt threatened by my presence
Match: Of the three possibilities, which does not lead to the secred entrance?
1. Cabinet
Exit the new mindmap.
Inspect Section on famous figures.
Inspect Section on navigation.
Inspect Section on crime.
Inspect Section on herbs.
Inspect Horror section.
Talk to Devanne’s servant.
Inspect servant bells.
Inspect the fireplace.
Talk to Devanne’s maid.
Mindmap: Is the secret entrance behind the fireplace of bookshelves?
Accident last night + Water stains = Water stains not from Lupin
Fireplace logs have been moved + Water stains = Recent activity in the fireplace?
Fireplaces were lit last night + Recent activity in the fireplace? = Activity from last night?
Fireplaces used irregularly + Activity from last night? = The irregular use explains activity
The irregular use explains activity + Nothing unusual discovered = No suspicious marks found
No suspicious marks found + Water stains not from Lupin = Lupin couldn’t have used the fireplaces
Match: Which bookcase could lead to the secret tunnel?
1. Section on navigation
Mindmap: How to access the secret tunnel behind the bookcases?
Chess set + Bishop and Pawn = Clue connection?
Servant bells + Rings in the dawn = Clue connection?
Armours + Golden helm = Clue connection?
Section on herbs + A poisoned chalice = Clue connection?
Inspect the servant bells (clue: 4)
Inspect the gold armour.
Open the helm.
1. Golden helm (clue: 2)
Inspect the chess set (clues: 4, 16)
Check the book in inventory (clue: 3).
The poem tells the order of the numbers: 2, 4, 3, 4 ,16.
Inspect the section on navigation.
Pull the books according to deciphered clue:
shelf 1: book 2
shelf 2: book 4
shelf 3: book 3
shelf 4: book 4
shelf 5: book 16
Thibermesnil’s secret
Uncover Thibermesnil’s secret in Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 2
Talk to Georges Devanne.
Enter the hidden entrance.
Inspect the unexpected present.
Open the box.
1. My watch
Talk to Georges Devanne (auto).
A new Adversary arrives
Complete Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late – Part 2
Mindmap: How did Lupin infiltrate Chateau de Thibermesnil?
My watch + Lupin felt threatened by my presence = Lupin wanted to one up me
10. A Chance Meeting
1. I must start with my disguise – a member of the staff should allow me to blend in and move around freely.
2. The grounds need to be cleared well before the goods are returned.
3. With everything in the grounds ready, I’ll need to let my men know it’s time… if they move with haste, they should be here within ten minutes.
4. The gates should be opened only as the transport approaches – to have maximum dramatic effect.
5. For the show to be effective, I’ll need an audience, and what better way to do that, than with a transport full of stolen goods pulling into the grounds.
Talk to Miss Underdown
1. I wanted to show you I’m a man of my word.
2. No.
Horace Velmont
Uncover a secret about Horace Velmont
Continue talking to Miss Underdown
3. I think you already know…
4. It’s all I’ve ever known.
5. I’m sorry
The real Lupin?
Reveal the ‘real’ Lupin in A Chance Meeting
The Final Engagement
Complete A Chance Meeting
Note. There are two different endings. If you select different answers than listed above during the final dialogue with Miss Underdown you’ll get a different ending.
And that wraps up our share on Arsene Lupin – Once a Thief: Arsene Lupin – Once a Thief – Walkthrough and Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by catnip, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!