This guide will show you how to customize your gameplay experience in Bejeweled 3 by modifying the gems and quests. Modding refers to changing the gems to have specific colors or adding more challenges to quests. This is my first guide, so if you encounter any problems or have suggestions, please let me know. Let’s get started!
- QuickBMS[]
- The 7× script[].
- (Optional, not required) The Popcap games framework[].
Use QuickBMS and 7×
- Firstly, unzip the folder, you can move it to a new folder if you wish.
- In the folder, there should be multiple .bat files and an .exe file. The .bat files arent important, it’s just the exe you have to use.
- Right-click an empty spot in the explorer (or shift right click) and click open in terminal (or cmd). Alternatively, you can also click the location bar and type ‘cmd’ to open it that way. The terminal should point to this path shown below:
- To actually start quickBMS, type
.\quickbms.exe -G
to run it in “GUI” mode. It’s not really a GUI but I didnt make this program so.
- An explorer window should pop up as soon as you press Enter. Find the downloaded 7× file and double click it.
- Another window should pop up, this time asking for the input folder. For this, you want to select your “main.pak” file in your Bejeweled 3 steam directory. WARNING: Make sure you make a backup of your current main.pak file! To do this, select your main.pak file, hold Ctrl, and move it somewhere safe in case you wanna go back to normal. Or, you can copy it and rename it to “main.pak.bak” if you desire. If you need a reference as to where the Bejeweled 3 folder is, here is the path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Bejeweled 3
- Once you select the main.pak file, one more explorer window will pop up, this time asking for an output folder or directory. I recommend making a new folder and moving everything later on, but if you really dont care about it, select the Bejeweled 3 folder.
- Once you click Save, you will fast text scrolling by. This is normal, just let it do its thing until it tells you to press Enter as shown in the image.
- That’s it! You’ve used quickBMS to start your quest modding mayhem! We’re almost done.
Start modding gems in quests.
Firstly, if you made a new folder for the extracted folders and files, move everything from that folder to your main Bejeweled 3 folder. If you chose the Bejeweled 3 folder for the extracted files and folders, you dont have to do anything.
To mod gem colors (“mod” in this case means only have 3, 2, even 1 type of gem on screen), first close your game. Follow the steps below:
Future note: Whenever you make a change, you will have to reboot your game. Starting a new game might work as well, but might crash.
- In the “properties” folder, there should be these files:
The one we will be working with for quests is “secret.cfg”. Open that up in notepad. - Find the quest in question you want to mod gems, then add
ColorCount = X; (X being how many gems you want, capping at 6)
to the bottom. Here’s an example in butterflies:
Save the file, then restart your game. For the changes to work, you have to start a new game in the quest.There you have it! Thats how you can mod how many gems you want on your favorite quest! If you want, there are more sections detailing what else you can adjust in the file.
(Optional) Things to mod in Butterflies.
SpawnCountMax = 2.5 (the max amount of butterflies that can be on screen)
SpawnCountPerLevel = 0.02 (how many butterflies to spawn per level)
SideSpawnChance = -0.2 (the chance that a butterfly will spawn on the left or right corners of the board)
SideSpawnChancePerLevel = 0.002667 (same as above, but per level)
SideSpawnChanceMax = 0.20 (the max chance for a butterfly to spawn on the corners)
(Optional) Things to mod in Poker.
StarBonus = 250 (same, but for star gems)
# Pair, Spectrum, 2 Pair, 3 of a Kind, Full House, 4 of a Kind, Flush
HandValues = “2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 15000, 30000, 50000” (the amount of points you can get upon reaching one of the listed combos. 2500 = Pair, 5000 = Spectrum, etc)
# Highest hand that can be consumed by a skull
SkullMax = 5; (as the comment says above, this is the max hand that a skull can be on.)
(Optional) Things to mod in Ice Storm.
MatchPushStr = 0.07
# extra strength for powerup triggered gems (includes exploded gems)
SpecialGemPushMod = 1.3
# duration of the ice crack animation
SecondsUntilLose = 12
# bonus to level progress on clearing a column, in tiles (or .. 8 tiles per column, so in 1/8’s of column)
RemoveBonusColumn = 2
# yet another multiplier to affect edge double column speeds
DoubleEdgeMult = 1.0
# doubleColumns number of double columns on board (4 will disallow singles, 2 will force edge columns to be doubles)
# columnCount target number of columns on board, including singles and doubles
# startColumnCount min number of target columns in play when level starts (won’t remove existing)
# fireSpeed base fire speed for all columns. Modified by row by RowFireSpeed and by column by ColDistribution
# columnsIceToRemove players must remove this many columns worth of ice to advance to next stage
# global adjustment for all levels
FireSpeedMult = 2.0
# point award for destroying a column (pre-multiplier)
ColDestroyBonus = 1500
# column count bonus mods
ColCountBonus = “0,0,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000,11000,12000,13000,14000,15000”
ColComboCoolDownVsCount = “b+235,300,0.01,13,#3^Y I~###S~### N#### VQb?#”
# columns worth of ice required for multiplier up
# levelProgressCv -> strength over stage duration, expressed as percent of total fire speed
# doubleCols, colCount, fireSpeed, seconds, crackSpeedMod, levelProgressCv (optional)
Level1 = “4, 2, 0.006, 20.0, 0.75, b+0.5,1,0.01,1,#### ^####I~### x~###”
Level2 = “4, 3, 0.008, 30.0, 0.8, b+0,1,0,1,#### _i0HB B~`<S”
Level3 = “2, 3, 0.010, 30.0, 0.9, b+0,1,0,1,#,qA %I.6% |~]T(”
Level4 = “2, 4, 0.011, 30.0, 1.0”
Level5 = “2, 4, 0.014, 30.0, 1.0”
Level6 = “2, 4, 0.017, 30.0, 1.1”
Level7 = “2, 5, 0.020, 30.0, 1.1”
Level8 = “0, 5, 0.023, 30.0, 1.15”
Level9 = “0, 5, 0.026, 30.0, 1.15”
Level10= “0, 6, 0.029, 30.0, 1.2”
Level11= “0, 6, 0.032, 25.0, 1.2”
Level12= “0, 6, 0.035, 25.0, 1.25”
Level13= “0, 7, 0.038, 25.0, 1.3”
Level14= “0, 7, 0.039, 25.0, 1.4”
Level15= “0, 8, 0.041, 20.0, 1.5”
# max amount of extra random deviance for a particular column from current fire speed (expressed as pct of current speed)
MaxRandFireSpeedColDelta = 0.1
# use this to balance out double row speeds, double column speeds are multiplied by this number
DoubleColSpeedMult = 1.5
# reverse freeze applies a freeze strength to ice anytime it reverses speed. Complements MatchPushStr, except that it doesn’t push down but freezes/slows any upwards velocity.
FreezeDurationPerNegStrength = 50.0
FreezeMax = 100.0
# extra push speed given at row start
FirstPushImpulse = 0.0
FirstPushDecay = 0.0
# fire speed per row, expressed as percentage (to slow the row advance towards top, etc.)
RowFireSpeed = “b+0,1,0,1,~### k~####~’|q jE#5t yE### O:Gi8”
# fire speed per column, expressed as percentage (but only over the first four rows, the last four are mirrored)
ColDistribution = “b+0.4,1,0,1,#5yy 1a33= Q~Q]:.~### 6~P##”
# push down strength per row, expressed as fireSpeed (triggered on stage up)
ReprieveStrVsRow = “b+0,0.1,0,6,)7qV %W’eM |~_Ih”;
(Optional) Things to mod in Diamond Mine.
TargetCount = 200
TimeBonus = 30
MegaTimeBonus = 90
HyperMixers = true
DigCountPerScroll = 2
HighScoreBase = 50000
HighScoreIncr = 10000
# Helping hand for first couple depths to give game a jump start
PowerGemThresholdDepth0 = “80”
PowerGemThresholdDepth20 = “40”
PowerGemThresholdDepth40 = “0”
TutorialHeader = “Match To Dig”
TutorialText = “Matching this piece will blast downward towards the gold!”
# Values below multiplied by these, for easier balancing
ArtifactBaseValue = “1500”
GoldValue = “1000”
DiamondValue = “2500”
# Treasure ranges are pairs of min/max values (chosen randomly). Gold uses gold value above, diamonds use DiamondValue above. Multiplying this times the appropriate value above gives you the total value.
# G1 G2 G3 D1 D2 D3 D4
TreasureRange = “2,2,3,4,5,6,4,4,5,6,7,8,9,10”
# Frequency of artifacts (in tile range, every min~max tiles)
ArtifactMinTiles = “10”
ArtifactMaxTiles = “26”
# Frequency of dark rock by depth, when rock encountered is strength is 4 or greater
DarkRockFrequency = “b+0.25,0.8,0.01,70,#### ‘#3{i z~bbQ”
# Skip this number of tiles for new artifact (14 dirt above line – 10 ArtifactMinTiles == 4)
ArtifactSkipTileCount = “4”
# NOTE: Changing id order could potentially break existing savegames. Make sure you name your item with an id following the last and DON’T reorder existing ones. You can safely change list item order, provided you don’t alter the ids.
# id, minDepth, value, locStr
Artifact1 = “BOWL, 0, 5, Mystic’s Bowl”
Artifact2 = “SPOON, 0, 5, Brunchy Spoon”
Artifact3 = “FORK, 0, 5, Handy Fork”
Artifact4 = “TONGS, 0, 5, Massive Tongs”
Artifact5 = “FLUTE, 0, 5, Fairest Flute”
Artifact6 = “STIRRUP, 0, 6, Flanking Stirrup”
Artifact7 = “TROWEL, 0, 6, Master Trowel”
Artifact8 = “POT, 0, 6, Feasting Pot”
Artifact9 = “BOOTS, 0, 6, Thorough Boots”
Artifact10= “DISH, 0, 6, Ornate Dish”
Artifact11= “TRIDENT, 0, 7, Sharp Trident”
Artifact12= “HORSESHOE, 0, 7, Rugged Horseshoe”
Artifact13= “CREST, 0, 7, Village Crest”
Artifact14= “ANVIL, 0, 7, Royal Anvil”
Artifact15= “GEAR, 0, 8, Intricate Gear”
Artifact16= “SCROLL, 0, 8, Sovereign Scroll”
Artifact17= “BOOK, 0, 8, Abandoned Book”
Artifact18 = “LAMP, 4, 9, Shaman’s Lamp”
Artifact19 = “KEY, 4, 9, Gifted Key”
Artifact20= “BOWARROW, 4, 10, Lordly Bow”
Artifact21 =”HAMMER, 4, 10, Smith’s Hammer”
Artifact22 =”MACE, 6, 10, Studded Mace”
Artifact23= “HELMET, 6, 11, Cryptic Helm”
Artifact24= “VASE, 6, 12, Embellished Vase”
Artifact25= “MAGNIFYINGGLASS, 6, 13, Faithful Glass”
Artifact26= “MASK, 12, 17, Capacious Mask”
Artifact27= “STAFF, 12, 17, Arcane Staff”
Artifact28= “BELL, 14, 18, Flawless Bell”
Artifact29= “GAUNTLET, 14, 19, Virtuous Gauntlet”
Artifact30= “HORSE, 14, 20, Iconic Horse”
Artifact31= “COMB, 16, 21, Ancient Comb”
Artifact32= “URN, 16, 21, Hidden Urn”
Artifact33= “HORN, 16, 22, Simple Horn”
Artifact34= “HARP, 18, 25, Lucid Harp”
Artifact35= “AXE, 18, 25, Fated Axe”
Artifact36= “DAGGER, 20, 25, Sublime Dagger”
Artifact37= “SCYTHE, 20, 25, Noble Scythe”
Artifact38= “BRUSH, 20, 30, Enchanted Brush”
Artifact39= “CLOCK, 22, 30, Timely Clock”
Artifact40= “ABICUS, 22, 30, Tenfold Abacus”
Artifact41= “TELESCOPE, 22, 35, Dubious Lens”
Artifact42= “ASTROLABE, 22, 35, Eminent Astrolabe”
Artifact43= “SEXTANT, 24, 40, Brass Sextant”
Artifact44= “BJORN, 30, 50, Regal Unicorn”
Artifact45= “FROG, 36, 60, Mysterious Frog”
Artifact46= “DMGEM, 50, 100, Legendary Gem”
# Number of artifacts in random selection range (artifacts added at each depth will bump off least valuable if total artifacts are beyond this size). Lower values trend towards higher value artifacts in the list. Spread determined by ArtifactSpread below.
# x-axis is depth
ArtifactPossRange = “b+6,15,0.01,50,~### ~#D=N”
# x axis is depth, y axis is strength (depth starts at 0 and adds 1 per tile down).
# NOTE: depth the based on total rows, not depth meter on board
MinBrickStrPerLevel = “b+0.75,2.0,0.01,50,#)G] VG`&N xa[J. P~Vyd”
MaxBrickStrPerLevel = “b+2.0,6.0,0.01,50,#### [email protected]/ [~`L`”
EdgeBrickStrPerLevel = “b+0.3,1,0.01,30,~###m{sIL 7dDCc TVyUw ITOt9”
MinMineStrPerLevel = “b+1,3,0.01,30,#### `#Q$i A~`L`”
MaxMineStrPerLevel = “b+2,8,0.01,30,#### V#|;s J~a1`”
MineProbPerLevel = “b#0,1,0.01,30,9 ~9”
# Random spread/distribution of above values for a given level. Values are picked randomly along the x-axis with even distribution, the y-axis shows the min/max percent for that draw.
BrickStrSpread = “b+0,1,0.01,1,’### $~### }’N%,”
MineStrSpread = “b+0,1,0.01,1,’### $~### }’N%,”
ArtifactSpread = “b+0,1,0.01,1,’### F~### Z3>Z?”
# 1-4 is strength of block (number of matches to destroy)
# 5 is infinite strength block (black rock)
# m is money source (strength denotes value, 1-3 is gold, 4-7 is diamond)
# h is hypercube
# s is shuffle
# r is randomized
Grids =” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 1h 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 1h 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 1h 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
1h 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 1h
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r 0r
0r 0r 0r 4 0r 0r 0r 0r
# level design ends at depth=210
Thanks for checking out my guide!
This is my first guide and I wanted to teach others the ancient ways.
And that wraps up our share on Bejeweled 3: How to mod gems and quests.. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by the.hipnotist, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!