Complete guide for completionist players.Achievements that are not detailed are story related.
This game requires only one playthrough for 100%. If you wish to enjoy your game spoiler free, you can save your game at the beginning of every chapter and finish missed achievements later.
If you are not sure about something, comment below and I will help 🙂
Miscellaneous Achievements
Legs of iron
Walk or run for 10 kilometers
Collect six books into your inventory
Notes, papers or drawings DO NOT count towards this achievement only BOOKS!
In Chapter 2 as Lothar you can find 2 books (Book 1 is located in the castle and Book 2 is inside a tent at enemy camp so explore)
In Chapter 4 as Lothar you can find 4 books located in 2nd house
Drink 30 potions with alcohol
Blood, sweat and tears
Kill 100 enemies with any weapon
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
In every chapter there are few coins to collect. See Chapter section
PS: There are more coins than 50, so if you miss one or two its okay.
Chapter I
Let the villager in Röwersdorf live
Spare the villager right at the beginning by letting him go
First blood
Kill the first enemy
Red rooster
Burn down Hennersdorf
By fire and blood
Complete the first chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
8 Coins in Chapter I
1/8 After your first combat, go WEST along the road and interact with wooden cross
2/8 Located NORTH in the center of village
3/8 Right after entering the cave
4/8 When you enter the maze in a cave, go LEFT. It is close so check with ALT key
5/8 In the dungeon after leaving the cave maze
6/8 Other side of blocked passage
7/8 At first puzzle with levers and pressure plates
8/8 Room with beds, after solving the puzzle
Chapter II
Leave to defend the city of Nysa
It’s a trap!
Get out of the trap and retreat behind the palisades of the Old Town
Everybody’s dead, Dave
There were a lot of great commanders, not you
For the glory of God
Complete the second chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
3 Coins in Chapter II
1/3In your room
2/3Head north from your room to the kitchen
3/3 Explore all of the tents for coin and also a book for Bookworm achievement
Chapter III
Find coin in mouth of the skeleton
Skeleton location is the same for coin n.3
Last cup
Poison the guard
Where is the prisoner?
Escape the castle without alerting the guards
As the description says DO NOT alert anyone and escape using rope (you can get rope where horses are)
Set fire to a hay cart to distract the guards
Castle outside throw your torch and it should pop
Evil code
Decrypt the secret message
Letter is located in a room with naked knight. Hint for decryption:(Honorable knights Hans von Czirn and Otto von Czirn)
At the bottom
Complete the third chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
10 Coins in Chapter III
1/10 Prison
2/10 Prison
3/10 Prison 2nd floor
4/10 Prison 2nd floor
5/10 Prison 2nd floor
6/10 Castle rooms
7/10 Castle rooms
8/10 Castle bottom floor
9/10 Castle Outside Workshop
10/10 Castle Outside (North-East)
Chapter IV
Get rid of all enemies on Reichenstein
Simply kill everyone including enemy outside the castle walls (3 groups outside)
Secret passageway
Go through the secret passage to the castle
Collect six books into your inventory
4 Books located in 2nd House after some fighting outside
(As Lothar this achievement is doable in this Chapter!)
Fire engulfed the palace with you inside
At the very end of this chapter, when everything starts to burn you have to wait till timer runs out so find a spot in basement and wait.
Welcome home
Complete the fourth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
5 Coins in Chapter IV
1/5 Tower
2/5 Tower
3/5 Tower
4/5 House
5/5 House (basement)
Chapter V
Find Peter’s letter
Can be found where coin n.7 is located
Shaft into the darkness
Get to the underground part of the mine
All lives matter
Save kidnapped villagers
Red mine
Get to the locked part of the Red Mine
Alarm! Alarm!
Get lost from enemies after they trigger an alarm
Ring the alarm, run away, wait for enemy to ring it and stay hidden. It popped when I went back to ring it.
Ready for the Grave
Deal with the undead enemy for the first time
Heartbreaking end
Kill Koschei
Against All
Kill Lothar in chapter five
Enemy of my enemy
Complete the fifth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
15 Coins in Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Finish the sixth chapter without the hints in the encrypted letter
Statues must be oriented the right way North, South, West, East
Dead end
Go through the wall in the crypt
Legacy of the Templars
Complete the sixth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
2 Coins in Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Try to bribe the guard
Give the guard a coin and achievement should pop 🙂
Silesian Farkle
Play a dice game
Authorization letter
Find the authorization letter
Same location as coin n.5
Ordo Fratrum Minorum
Disguise yourself as a Franciscan
Dog whisperer
Don’t hurt any of the dogs
Pork Meat Location
Drop the meat and lure dogs (do not harm them as achivement says!)
Dangerous liaisons
Defeat Lilith
It’s all her fault
Finish the seventh chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
10 Coins in Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Obediently leave the monastery grounds
Right at the beginning when talking to a priest, agree that you will leave and let him lock the door, then find another way in
Infernal tones
Play the infernal organ and open the passage
To the other side
Finish the eighth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
5 Coins in Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Talk to Joachim with a gag in your mouth
Us against us
Finish the ninth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
1 Coin in Chapter IX
Chapter X
Kill the witch
Infernal stone
Touch the infernal stone
Sword of Eternal Fire
Get the Sword of Fire
You need to decipher the secret letter to get ”Scroll with spell” and for those who are clueless like me I got it solved for you, so you don’t have to ♥
Use the ‘‘Scroll with spell” on secret door located where you found one of those obelisk stones
Family ties
Finish the tenth chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
5 Coins in Chapter X
Chapter XI
Take the Sacrament of Penance a second time
Talk to priest for second time
Get a fish for Robby
Half rooster and half snake
Kill the Basilisk
May devil seize the ancestors!
Find out the truth about Hynek’s ancestry
Finish the eleventh chapter
I don’t do it for money
Collect 50 coins
6 Coins in Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Walk invisible through the army of darkness
Let yourself be tempted to sin
Where horny demons are, there is your achievement. Just give them a visit.
Last Battle
Finish the twelfth chapter
Chapter XIII
Stand before the throne of Hell
No way back
Finish the thirteenth chapter
DLC and Missed Achievement
Tell Mary the truth
*work in progress* need to find Mary, missed her totally.
*work in progress*
And that wraps up our share on 1428: Shadows over Silesia: Achievement Guide 100% | ENG. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by HeroicApple, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!